Fillable Printable American Blood Pressure Chart
Fillable Printable American Blood Pressure Chart

American Blood Pressure Chart

Name:______________________________ Goal Blood Pressure:120’s/70’s

10 Tips for Optimizing your Blood pressure.
Optimal blood pressure ranges should be, a systolic reading of 120 (mm Hg) or less and a diastolic
reading of 80 (mm Hg) or less. Lifestyle changes such as your diet, exercise and weight reduction can
have a significant positive change on your readings as well as improving your long term health.
1. If you are overweight then lose weight! Through diet and exercise a loss of a couple of
pounds can reduce your systolic and diastolic readings by 1 (mm Hg). Maintain a lower
carbohydrate diet, and eat foods with a low glycemic index.
2. Reduce your sodium intake. Try to limit yourself to 1,500 to 2,400 milligrams each day. This
can possibly reduce your systolic readings by 2 to 8 (mm Hg).
3. Get your daily servings of fruits and vegetables. These foods are heart healthy and help
reduce your fat intake. This can possibly reduce your systolic readings by 8 to 14 (mm Hg).
4. Eat fish, and/or take 2-4 grams of high quality fish oil (omega-3) daily.
5. Exercise regularly! Increasing your heart and breathing rates for at least 30 minutes per day
can possibly reduce your systolic readings by 4 to 9 (mm Hg).
6. If you smoke, Stop smoking! Also, limit your alcohol intake to one drink per day. A reduction
in your systolic readings by 2 to 4 (mm Hg) is possible.
7. Consider natural supplements such as Co-Q10, L-Arginine(Perfussia), and Omega-3. These
can all help lower mildly elevated blood pressure or work in combination with prescription
medications for blood pressure. We carry high quality supplements of this type by Thorne and
others in office.
8. Prescription medications can help lower blood pressure that is particularly high (Stage 1-2), or
borderline (pre-hypertension) blood pressures that don’t respond to conservative measures of
diet, exercise, lifestyle and supplements.
9. Keep a home blood pressure log, and review it with your doctor if you are not meeting goals.
10. Consider screening for heart disease if you haven’t done so yet. This can include simple
things such as a cholesterol check or more advanced screens such as hsCRP blood test,
VAP cholesterol panel, heart scan with calcium score, or a treadmill. A family history or risk
factors such as diabetes, known high cholesterol, bad teeth, smoking should always be
discussed with your doctor.
What is
Pre-hypertension is a blood pressure of 120-139 / 80-89
It can usually be treated well with lifestyle modifications, diet, exercise, supplements. If not improving
within several months, or if you have risk factors such as diabetes, I recommend treating with
prescription medication.
What is
Hypertension is a blood pressure of >140/90
Stage 1: 140-159 / 90-99 (JNC 7 Report)- Medication recommended.
Stage 2: >160/100 (JNC 7 Report) - 2 medications recommended.
A good reference for lowering your blood pressure naturally is:
The Blood Pressure Cure: 8 Weeks to Lower Blood Pressure without Prescription Drugs
by Robert E. Kowalski (Author)