Fillable Printable Bullying Incident Reporting Form Sample
Fillable Printable Bullying Incident Reporting Form Sample

Bullying Incident Reporting Form Sample
Date of Incident: ________________ T i me of Incident: ____________ Re peat infraction? YES NO
Location of Incident (circ l e all that apply):
Hallway Restroom Classroom Gym Lunch Room Playground Locker Room Bus Stop On Bus Parking Lot
To/From School After School Program School Sponsored Event Text/Phone/Internet/Social Media Other: ______________
Name of victim(s): Name of student(s) bullying: Name(s) of witnesses/bysta nders:
__________________________ __________________________ ________ __________________
__________________________ __________________________ ________ __________________
__________________________ __________________________ ___________________ _______
Type of Bullying:
□ Verbal
□ Physical: Result in inj ury? YES NO Reported to School Nurse? YES NO Repor ted to Police? YES NO
□ Relational
Bullying Behaviors (circle all that apply):
Shoved/Pushed Hit, Kicked, Punched Threatened Stole/Damaged Possessions
Excluded Taunting/ridiculing Writing/Graffiti Told Lies or False Rumors
Staring/Leering Intimidation/Extortion Demeaning Comments Inappropriate touching
Cyber-bullying using: Text messages Website Email Other: _____________________________________
Racial, Sexual, Religious or Disability Circle one and describe: ______________________________________________________
Reported to school by (circle all that apply):
Teacher Student Bystander Victim/Target Parent Bus Driver Anonymous Other: _______________________________
Describe the incident:
Physical Evidence? Notes Email Graffiti Video/audio Website Other:_______________________________
Actions Taken (see Protocol for Guidelines):
Consequences: ______________________ ____ _________ ____ _________ ____ _________ ____ _________ ____ _________ ____ _
Remediation: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Referral for additional support services: _________________________________________________________________________
Parent Contact: Date ____________ Time ____________ Person making contact: _____________________________________
Result: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Tod ay’s Date: ______ ___ Reported by: ______ _______________ ___ Signatu re: ___________________________

Bullying Incident Follow-Up
Follow-up Conference Date: Time:
Conducted by:
People present:
Administrator______________ Social Worker___________ Counselor___________ Teacher_________________
Student __________________ Parent _______________ Parent ______________ Witnesses ______________
School Psychologist Other ________________________________________________________________
According to student, situation is: Better Worse No difference
Parent Contact: Date: Time: Person making contact:
Additional Actions / Notes:
Follow-up Conference Date: Time:
Conducted by:
People present:
Administrator______________ Social Worker___________ Counselor___________ Teacher_________________
Student __________________ Parent _______________ Parent ______________ Witnesses ______________
School Psychologist Other ________________________________________________________________
According to student, situation is: Better Worse No difference
Parent Contact: Date: Time: Person making contact:
Additional Actions / Notes: