Fillable Printable Certificate of Occupancy -Residential :Form and Format Requirements
Fillable Printable Certificate of Occupancy -Residential :Form and Format Requirements
Certificate of Occupancy -Residential :Form and Format Requirements
Building Codes Division
April 1, 2008
Certificate of Occupancy – Residential:
Form and Format Requirements
The purpose of this communication is to provide all jurisdictions with a list of requirements for a
residential certificate of occupancy form, a sample form and OAR 918-480-0140. This form is required
for all new residential structures when the structural permit is applied for on or after April 1, 2008.
The 2007 legislature passed House Bill 2478, authorizing the division to adopt rules establishing
uniform certificate of occupancy requirements. A committee reviewed the proposed rule and a notice of
permanent rulemaking was filed with the secretary of state. The rules will be effective April 1, 2008.
Form and Format Requireme nts:
A local building department may use the sample fo
list below.
1. Building permit number
2. Address of the structure
3. Name and address of the owner of t
4. Description of the work
5. Statement that the residence has bee
Residential Specialty Code.
6. Name of the building official
7. Any special conditions of the buildi
8. License and contact information for
is available at the building departme
If you have questions or need further information p
or by phone at 503-373-1354.
rm or create their own by including all items on the
he structure
n inspected and to which edition of the Oregon
ng permit
the contractors listed or a statement this information
lease email [email protected]
1. Copy of the proposed OAR 918-480-0140;
2. Sample Form;
3. Minimum form standards.
The sample form can also be downloaded at
OAR 918-480-0140
Certificates of Occupancy- Residential
(1) Prior to occupancy of a new residential dwelling or townhouse the building official must
issue a certificate of occupancy in the form and format established by the division, unless a
temporary certificate of occupancy is issued by the building official.
(2) This rule applies to a new residential dwelling or townhouse, if the structural permit for
construction of the residential dwelling or to wnhouse was applied for on or after April 1, 2008.
(3)For purposes of this rule, the t erms “residential dwelling” and “townhouse” have the same
meaning as in section R202 of the 2008 Oregon Residential Specialty Code.
(4) Before the certificate of occupancy is issued, the general contractor or owner who was
issued the structural p ermit for construction must provide to the building official the contact
information and relevant license information for the general contractor, as well as any electrical
contractor, H-VAC contractor and plumbing contractor that performed work on the residential
dwelling or townhouse.
(5) A building official may revoke a certificate of occupancy or a temporary certificate of
occupancy when the residential dwelling or townhouse is in violation o f app licab le law that pos es a
threat to health and safety. The revocation must be in writing and state the basis for the revocation
of the certificate of occupancy.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 455.055
Stat. Implemented: ORS 455.055
Hist.: Cert. ef. 4-1-08
ssued by:
Project Street Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Structural Permit No:____________________________ Mechanical Permit No:_______________________
Contractor: ___________________________________ Contractor:_________________________________
License #: ____________________________________ License #: _________________________________
Plumbing Permit No:___________________________ Electrical Permit No: _________________________
Contractor: __________________________________ Contractor: _________________________________
License #: ___________________________________ License #: __________________________________
Structural Permit Holder (or Owner):___________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: Street______________________________________________________________________
City:___________________________ State:______ Zip Code:________
Owner of Structure (if other than structural permit holder): __________________________________________
Mailing Address: Street: _____________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: ________
Description of Project: ___ New Single Family Dwelling
___ New Duplex
___ New Townhouse
This permit was issued and the residence was inspected based on the _______ Edition of the Oregon Residential Specialty
Special Conditions affecting the approval of this certificate
____ Structures at this site are located in a Wildfire Hazard Zone requiring rated roof coverings.
____ Structure is located in a Flood Zone requiring elevation of the building and equipment.
____ Home contains an Automatic Fire Sprinkler System that is required to be maintained.
____ Other required conditions applying to this site.
This structure has been inspected and complies with the applicable codes, regulations, and laws that were in effect at the time
the permit was issued. All final inspections have been completed and this dwelling is approved for occupancy.
Signed this ____________ day of ___________________, ___________
By: __________( Name )______________ Building Official, ________ (Jurisdiction ) _________
Note: The availability of plans, specifications, or drawings dealing with permits may be limited after two years.
(Jurisdiction Contact Information)
A local building department may use the certificate of occupancy form provided by
the Building Codes Division or create their own by including all items on the list
1. Building permit number
2. Address of the structure
3. Name and address of the owner of the structure
4. Description of the work
5. Statement that the residence has been inspected and to which edition of
the Oregon Residential Specialty Code.
6. Name of the building official
7. Any special conditions of the building permit
8. License and contact information for the contractors listed or a
statement that this information is available at the building department.
General Contractor
Electrical Contractor
H-VAC Contractor
Plumbing Contractor