Fillable Printable Child Care Medication Form - Massachusetts
Fillable Printable Child Care Medication Form - Massachusetts

Child Care Medication Form - Massachusetts

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Family Child Care Medical Form
Dear Physician/Health Care Professional:
The Department of Early Education and Care requires that all persons who will be caring for children
in their homes or working as an assistant in a licensed family child care home be examined by a
physician/health care professional. EEC allows a licensee or a certified assistant to care for up to
eight children under the age of fourteen without any assistance provided two of the children are
school age.
Your patient, _____________________________________________________________, is required
to submit this medical form as part of his/her licensing or certification requirement. Please fill out the
form in its entirety and return it to your patient.
Name of patient: __________________________________________Date of birth: _____________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
Date of Examination:_________________________________________
In your professional opinion what is the status of your patient’s general physical and mental health?
In your professional opinion does your patient have any limitations (for example side effects of
medication, inability to lift, etc.) that would affect his/her ability to work with young children? If yes,
please provide details of any of these limitations.
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Are you the patient’s treating physician/health care professional? _________ If so, how long have you
been treating this patient? ____________________________________________________________
If not, how many times have you seen this patient? ________________________________________
Has this person been immunized in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Public
Health (Mumps, Measles and Rubella)?
________ Yes ________ No
Family child care educators may be granted a medical exemption if they are able to provide
documentation signed by a physician stating the specific medical exemption. Please indicate whether
your patient should be medically exempted from proving immunity to these diseases based on the fact
that re-vaccination may be medically contraindicated.
_______________________________________ __________________________________
Signature of Physician/Health Care Professional Please print your name, address,
telephone number, and license number
_______________________________________ __________________________________