
Fillable Printable Child Developmental Milestones Checklist Chart

Fillable Printable Child Developmental Milestones Checklist Chart

Child Developmental Milestones Checklist Chart

Child Developmental Milestones Checklist Chart

Developmental Milestones Checklist *
Child’s Name ______________________________________ DOB ______________________
2 - 4 Weeks
Responds to sounds by startling, blinking, crying, quieting, Flexed posture
or breathing Can sleep for three or four hours at a time
Looks at face and follows with eyes Can stay awake for one hour or longer
Responds to parent’s face and voice When crying, can be consoled most of the time, by
Moves arms, legs, and head being spoken to or held
On stomach, lifts head momentarily
2 Months
Coos and vocalizes reciprocally Lifts head, neck, and upper chest with support of
Pays attention to voices, other sounds, sights forearms while on stomach
Smiles responsively Has some control in upright position
Shows pleasure with parents
4 Months
Babbles and coos Opens hands, holds own hands, grasps rattle
Smiles, laughs, and squeals Good head control
On stomach, holds head erect and raises body on hands Reaches for and bats objects
Rolls over from stomach to back Recognizes parent’s voice and touch
6 Months
Babbles reciprocally Transfers cubes from hand to hand
Says “dada” or “baba” Rakes in small objects
When pulled to sit, has no head lag Self-comforts
Sits with support Smiles, laughs, squeals, imitates razzing noise
Stands when placed Turns to sound
Grasps and mouths objects May have first tooth
Shows differential recognition of parents
9 Months
Responds to own name Poles with fingers, shakes, bangs, throws, drops obje c ts
Understands a few words Plays peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake
Babbles Feeds self with fingers
Crawls, creeps, or scoots May show anxiety with strangers
Sits unsupported
Reference: Bright Futures
*Note: This resource is not a standardized, validated screening tool.
Developmental Milestones Checklist *
Child’s Name ______________________________________ DOB ______________________
12 Months
Pulls to stand, cruises, and may take a few steps alone Drinks from cup
Plays pat-a-cake, peek-a-boo, or so-big Looks for dropped or hidden objects
Points Waves “ye-bye”
Bangs blocks together Feeds self
Says 2-4 words, imitates vocalizations
15 Months
Says 3-6 words Stacks two blocks
Can point to a body part Feeds self with fingers
Understands simple commands Drinks from cup
Walks well Listens to story
Stoops Tells what he/she wants by pulling, pointing, or grunting
Climbs stairs
18 Months
Walks backward Listens to a story, looking at pictures and naming objects
Throws ball Shows affection, kisses
Says 15 – 20 words Follows simple directions
Imitates words Points to some body parts
Uses two-word phrases Scribbles
Stacks three blocks Pulls a toy along the ground
Uses a spoon and cup
24 Months
Goes up and down stairs one step at a time Uses at least 20 words, two-word phrases
Kicks ball Follows two-step commands
Stacks five blocks Imitates adults
3 Years
Kicks ball
Rides tricycle
Knows name, age, and sex
Copies circle, cross
Reference: Bright Futures
*Note: This resource is not a standardized, validated screening tool.
Developmental Milestones Checklist *
Child’s Name ______________________________________ DOB ______________________
4 Years
Sings a song Builds 10 block tower
Draws person with three parts Hops on one foot
Distinguishes fantasy and reality Throws overhand ball
Gives first and last name
5 Years
Dresses self without help Draws person with head, arms and legs
Learns address and phone number Recognizes most letters and can print some
Can count on fingers Plays make-believe
Copies triangle or square
6 Years
Ties his/her own shoes Can tell age correctly
Dresses self completely without help Repeats at least four numbers in a proper sequence
Catches a small bouncing ball, such Skips on both feet
as a tennis ball, with only one hand
7-10 Years
School adjustment Friends
School performance Activities outside of school
11-21 Years
Sexual development and behaviors Emotional (Depression, Anxiety)
(abstinence, STD prevention, BC) School/Work problems
Tobacco/Alcohol/Substance/Anabolic steroid use/avoidance Peer relationships
Body image and dieting patterns Family relationships
Emotional, physical and sexual abuse
Reference: Bright Futures
*Note: This resource is not a standardized, validated screening tool.
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