Fillable Printable Claire's Sales Assistants Application Form
Fillable Printable Claire's Sales Assistants Application Form

Claire's Sales Assistants Application Form

Preferred Store Location
Date of Application

Thanks for your interest in joining the Claire’s team.
As you’ve probably shopped with us, we’re guessing you’re already
aware of our array of products and now you want to join us.
In a role that’s fundamental to our success, our Sales Assistants are a
vital part of Claire’s success story, so before you put pen to paper,
we wanted to let you know what could be in store for you.
Delivering outstanding customer service is our mantra, which means
smiling, meeting and greeting customers, recommending and selling
products and after training, piercing ears.
Each day is busy, busy, busy. As well as offering fantastic customer
service you’ll be putting out stock, serving and selling at the till and
generally keeping the store so clean it sparkles. In return for your
hard work and commitment we’ll give you tailored training and
development that’s second to none, and support you on every step of
the career ladder at Claire’s, whichever direction you take.
So are you still interested? If you are, throw on your thinking cap and
grab a pen. Whilst form filling isn’t a big part of life at Claire’s, it’s
important for us to get a feel for you and what kind of things you’ve
been up to. So make yourself a cup of tea (or coffee) and take your
time whilst filling in this form. Then pop it in to your
nearest Claire’s store and we’ll be in touch soon.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Title, Forename(s), Surname
Permanent address
Contact telephone|Home
Email address
(Please note, to protect our environment, all written correspondence will be sent via email.
If you do not have access to email, please leave this section blank).
National Insurance Number
Are you authorised to work in the UK? Yes No
Do you need a work permit? Yes No
Your availability
Please complete the boxes below showing when you’re available to work.
If you’re applying for part-time work, could you work more hours if required?
Yes No
Refer a friend or relative
Has a member of Claire’s recommended you for this role? Yes No
If yes, please tell us their name, position and store/department
How do you know them?
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
From-To From-To From-To From-To From-To From-To From-To
Your details
Your availability
Refer a friend or relative

Your work experience
Current employment
Company name and address
What are your responsibilities?
Why are you thinking of leaving?
How much notice do you have to give?
What’s your current salary/hourly pay rate?
And what benefits do you currently receive?
Previous employment
Company name and address
What are your responsibilities?
Reason for leaving?

A bit about what you think
At Claire’s customer service is everything. Please describe an example of when you’ve
received great customer service
Please give an example of when you have been given responsibility for something important
Tell us a bit about yourself, what do you like to do in your spare time?
Why would you like to come and work at Claire’s?

Additional information
Have you ever worked for us before? Yes No
If yes, please tell us where, when and what you did
Do you have any relatives currently working for Claire’s? Yes No
If yes, where do they work and what do they do?
Do you have any convictions which are not spent under the Rehabilitation of
Offenders Act? Yes No
If yes, please give details:
Do you have any civil or criminal proceedings pending? Yes No
If yes, please give details:
How did you hear of this opportunity?
These may be your past two employers or teachers from School/College.
Name of referee/position
Name of referee/position
We only approach current employers after a formal offer of employment has been made. In addition to references given above,
we reserve the right to approach other previous employers for references.
Claire’s website In-store advertising Retail Choice In Retail
National Press Local Press Through friends

If we invite you for an interview or any other assessment, are there any reasonable
adjustments that you would like us to make because you think you suffer from a disability?
If yes, please detail what you would like us to do.
I confirm that the information I have given on this form is correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I understand that if I was employed by Claire’s, I could be
dismissed if any wrong information is knowingly given.
Your signature
Data Protection For your information personal data supplied on this form may be held on a computer and will be used in accordance
with the Data Protection Act and treated as confidential. This data may be verified by reference to information held by others.
Lastly, thanks for applying to work at Claire’s. If you’d like to know a little more about us and
what it’s like to work with us then why not visit our website at

Equal opportunities form
Please complete this information, which
will be detached from your application
form on receipt and reviewed only for
monitoring purposes.

Equal opportunities
This section does not form part of the selection process.
We have a policy of Equal Opportunities in employment.
To enable us to monitor our performance effectively, and for
that purpose only, please tick the appropriate box that relates
to you. (Please choose ONE selection from A to F, and then
tick the appropriate box to indicate your background).
A. Asian – Including Asian British, Asian Irish
Bangladeshi Indian Pakistani
Any other Asian background
Please state
B. Black – Including Black British, Black Irish
African Caribbean
Any other Black background
Please state
C. Chinese – Including Chinese British, Chinese Irish
Chinese Other
Please state
D. Mixed
White and Asian White and Black African
White and Black Caribbean
White and other Mixed background
Please state
E. White
British Irish Other
Please state
F. Other
Please state
Male Female
If you are applying for a position in Northern Ireland, which
religious community do you consider you belong to:
Protestant Catholic None determined