Fillable Printable Competitive Analysis
Fillable Printable Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis

Understanding your competition

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Competitor A Competitor B Competitor C
Directory Information
Name of company
Domain name (URL)
Mission statement or
purpose (either listed at the
Web site or in your own
Company's physical location
(this can usually be found
on the "about us" page)
Principal owner or manager
For-profit or non-profit?
Accepts private insurance?
Products and Services
Principal product or service
Indication of pricing?
How similar is principal
product or service to yours?
List as many additional
products and services as
Customer Service
Toll-free telephone number?
"Contact Us" page easily
Guaranteed response time
FAQ page on website?
Privacy policy posted?

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Credit/financing policy?
Phones answered by staff
after hours and on
Transportation available?
Customers and Marketing
Primary target market
(either listed at the Web site
or surmised from their
product offerings and
Secondary target market
Tertiary target market (if
Reputation and image
projected by the company
or Web site (in your own
Advertising effectiveness (in
your own words)
Data about sales or
revenues or customers
(most likely to be in media
reports or industry trade
Sources of Competitive
In what ways does the
company exhibit
competitive advantage in
terms of:
Cost leadership
(distinguishing itself
in the marketplace)
Innovation (creates a
new way of doing

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Growth (selling into
new markets,
introducing new
Alliance (partners
with others)
Time (offers express
customer service or
convenient hours)
(credentials and
Quality (performance
measures available)
Other Information
Size in terms of annual
revenues? (non-profits often
have annual reports online)
Size in terms of number of

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Every business has competition and
prospective business owners ignore
competitors at their peril. Unless a business
has an absolute monopoly on a life-essential
product, there will be competitors offering
alternative and substitute products and
services. That level of competition is revealed
in the competitor analysis section of your
business plan.
A competitor analysis is an important
requirement in any business plan because it
(a) reveals the organization’s competitive
position in the "market-space", (b) assists you
to develop strategies to be competitive, and
(c) partners and other readers of the business
plan will expect it.
If you ignore or minimize the impact
competition will have on your business
prospects, then you have an unrealistic
business plan.
After giving some background about the type
of competitors your business will face, this
exercise helps you identify and analyze your
major competitors -- those most likely to
impact on the success of your business. The
analysis uses a variation of SWOT, a popular
strategic planning tool, to help you identify
strengths and weaknesses of competitors,
and then opportunities and threats for your
business. The exercise concludes with a
statement of your agency’s sources of
competitive advantage in the health care
The exercise outline is:
Who is Your Competition?
--Identifying your competitors
--Finding your competitors
Analyzing Your Competition
--Creating a competitor analysis grid
--Writing up the results of your analysis
--Web site critiques
Defining Your Competitive Position
Who is Your Competition?
Identifying your competitors: The first step in
conducting a competitor analysis is to identify
your competitors. Begin this process by
considering the range of competition in your
market-space because not all competition is
the same, there are different types of
competitors your organization will face.
Direct competitors are businesses that are
offering identical or similar products or
services as your business. These are
organizations that customers can easily buy
from instead of from you, so these companies
represent your most intense competition.
Additionally, they have some degree of first-
mover advantage that you will have to
Indirect competitors are businesses that are
offering products and services that are close
substitutes. These competitors are probably
targeting your markets with a same or similar
value proposition, but delivering a different
product. A classic example is a survey General
Motors conducted of new Corvette car buyers.
When asked what products the buyers
considered instead of a Corvette, the usual
sports cars were on the list, but so was the

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Sea Ray, a sleek, fast boat. The Sea Ray was
fulfilling the same basic need as a Corvette --
a sporty vehicle that made the buyer feel
young and would impress friends, especially of
the opposite sex. Similarly, television and the
Internet itself are's indirect
competitors because each product competes
for attention in a consumer's leisure time.
Future competitors are existing companies
that are not yet in the marketplace that you
intend to occupy, but could move there at any
time. One obvious source of future
competition is an indirect competitor. As soon
as an indirect competitor sees you having
success in their area with a different product,
they may try to duplicate your offerings and so
they become a direct, perhaps formidable,
competitor. Federally-Qualified Health Centers
or FQHCs may be a good example of this kind
of future competition in your area.
Identifying all existing and potential sources of
competition is an impossible task, indirect and
future competitors can number in the tens,
hundreds, or even thousands. Instead, you will
have to draw the line somewhere when it
comes to identifying major competitors -- the
ones that are going to have a real impact on
your business over time.
While the nature of competition in your
industry will determine the number of major
competitors you must consider in the
competitor analysis, identify 7-10 direct
competitors (if you can) and 3-5 indirect and
future competitors. From this list, 2-3 direct
competitors and 1 indirect and 1 future
competitor should be analyzed in depth. The
number of competitors you analyze is not as
important as their competitive positioning and
the depth of your analysis. A comprehensive
analysis will convince a potential partner that
your strategy is soundly based.
Finding your competitors: Who are your
competitors? How do you find them? Not only
are there advanced search tools available to
assist you in finding competitors, but their
motivation to have a high profile on the
Internet makes it impossible for competitors
to hide from your searching efforts. So, the
most logical and best place to start looking for
As each competitor is identified, visit their
Web site and form some initial impressions
about how much of a major competitor they
are. Your focus here is on same or similar
target markets, products, and value
propositions; don't let a flashy Web site
convince you that this is a major competitor
when the value proposition is all wrong.
Sort competitors into three groups -- direct,
indirect, or future. Within each group, develop
a "quick and dirty" ranking scheme (e.g., rate
on a scale of 1-10, how similar are their target
markets, products and services, and value
proposition to yours). Your goal in this first
step is to produce a ranked short list of major
Practical exercise: Find, list, and rank 7-10
direct competitors, or fewer if less than seven
major competitors can be found. Find, list, and
rank 3-5 indirect competitors and 3-5 future
competitors for your agency.
Analyzing Your Competition
Creating a competitor analysis grid (or use the
one provided above): With a list of competitors
in hand, the next step is to conduct a
methodical analysis of their strengths and
weaknesses. Why is this important? It is a

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widely-accepted fact that a company achieves
success through the assets, skills, and
competitive advantages that it brings into the
marketplace. An analysis of successful
competitors should reveal these sources of
success and assist you in structuring your own
business strategy. Searching for weaknesses
not only provides insight into what others may
be doing wrong, but reveals where
opportunities for success may lie.
A competitor analysis grid template has been
prepared for your use in this analysis. You
should add, delete, and change the items in
this grid as necessary to fit the requirements
of your competitor. To use this grid, fill in each
cell in the grid as completely and accurately
as possible, even if you have to make a
conjecture because the answer isn't obvious.
How many competitors should you analyze?
This is a difficult question to answer because
so much depends on your services and the
competitive market-space in which your
business will operate. As a general rule of
thumb, attempt to complete the analysis for 2-
3 direct competitors,1 indirect competitor,
and 1 future competitor.
Where do you get the data to complete the
grid? The principal source of this information
is the competitor's Web site. Other sources of
information include:
Annual report: Health care
organizations generally have issued an
annual report that may be available
for download from the organization’s
Web site, or provided to you by the
company upon request.
GuideStar: GuideStar is a for non-
profit organizations to share
information. Several helpful resources
can be found on the website including
annual reports, IRS Form 990s,
descriptions etc. Visit
The Internet: In addition to the
company's Web site, you should also
use Google or another search engine
to find media articles, product reviews,
or other sources of information that
reveal insight into your competitors.
Assignment: From the lists you complied in
the previous assignment, complete the
competitor analysis grid for 2-3 direct
competitors, 1 indirect competitor, and 1
future competitor for your services and
Writing up the results of your analysis: Should
these analyses appear in the main text of your
marketing or strategic plan? The answer to
this question is "probably not". The grid tables
will fill more than a few pages and the
business plan readers are unlikely to be
interested in all of the results. Instead:
Save the full grid tables for future
reference or include them in the plan
as an appendix.
Write up, in text format, the most
important information in the grid table.
Remember, the definition of what is
"most important" should be from the
perspective of the business plan
reader. An effective way to present key
points from your analysis is to include
a "mini-grid" table that analyzes the
top 1-2 direct competitors and your
agency on a few of the most important

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Do more than report the grid-based
results, provide some insight for the
reader about what this means. For
example, if there are large numbers of
competitors, acknowledge that the
market is crowded and suggest how
your business intends to establish and
grow market share in line with your
competitive positioning statement
(see below). As another example, if
there are few competitors, is it
because you have discovered an
untapped niche market (great news!)
or because others have tried and not
been successful (not-so-great news!).
Include a list or brief table of the major
competitors you have already
identified in previous practical
exercises. This shows the reader that
you have done a comprehensive
competitor search and adds credibility
to this section.
Practical exercise: Write up the results of your
competitor search and analysis for inclusion in
your marketing plan.
Web site critiques: Another form of competitor
analysis that is both informative and fun is to
critique a competitor's Web site. The
competitive analysis grid offers more
substantial information for determining your
own position vis-a-vis competitors, but
critiquing a competitor's Web site reveals
strengths and weaknesses in the way a
competitor presents itself to customers and
can give an agency a baseline for developing
their own Web site.
Which sites are you going to critique? At first
thought, the Web sites of your most significant
direct competitors seem like a logical choice.
However another option is to critique sites
that have the most popular appeal to your
target markets, even if this includes an
indirect competitor. Why? If your primary
objective is to learn what site features and
design appeal to your target market, it makes
sense to critique the sites that have been the
most successful at this.
How do you determine which sites are most
popular with your target markets? Direct
evidence such as surveys or clickstream data
is best. Otherwise indirect evidence is the
ranking of the Web sites in the Google search
engine. This is because Google ranks sites
according to link popularity (e.g., the more
pages that link to the site, the higher the
ranking). To the extent that link popularity
correlates with target market popularity, this is
a criterion to consider in site selection.
In completing this task you are interested in:
What is good, bad, and ugly about the
Web site? Evaluate each site by using
one of many Web site evaluation tools,
such as Sixty Ticks for a Good Website
or the Web Site Scorecard.
Look at the information architecture
too. Are the sites laid out on a
hierarchical basis, or linear, or
circular? How are Web pages grouped
together? What Web pages are
included? Site mapping tools such as
PowerMapper and nSite are useful
aids in conducting this analysis of the
information architecture.
Use this critique to begin to plan the
architecture, content, and features of
your Web site. If you find a site with a
particularly useful feature, a well-
written privacy policy, a useful keyword

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searchable archive, or a great looking
site map, note this for future
reference. You won't be able to copy
this content exactly because of
copyright provisions, but these can be
good idea-starters for your Web site.
Especially, look for good ideas that you
can do better!
A critique of competitors' Web sites is a good
exercise for analyzing your competition but is
not necessarily included in your marketing
Practical Exercise: Identify 1-3 competitors
who are popular with your target markets.
Conduct a critique of their Web sites using
resources such as those listed above. Follow
the guidance provided.
Defining Your Competitive Position
The competitor analysis is necessary
background research for what the business
plan reader regards as the most important
outcome of the competitor analysis section --
a description of your sources of endurable
competitive advantage. In this final portion of
the competitor analysis your focus turns away
from competitors to your business.
Specifically, what factors will set your product
or service apart from your competitors?
By the time you reach this part of the exercise
many of the potential sources of competitive
advantage have been highlighted previously
Your primary task here is to examine this
material closely, formalize the sources of
competitive advantage, and write the position
statement in a convincing and easily
understood manner.
There are at least two approaches available
for you to explain your sources of competitive
Opportunities and threats: The competitor
analysis grid reveals the strengths and
weaknesses of your competitors. The other
half of a SWOT analysis is to look for
opportunities and threats that your agency
can use. For example, a weakness-opportunity
strategy would create an opportunity for your
business based on a weakness found in
competitors. Or a strength-threat strategy
focuses on risk avoidance by initiating a
strategy that minimizes a threat caused by a
competitor's strength. More information about
this SWOT analysis approach can be found in
most strategic management textbooks.
Tell the reader specifically what will give your
business a competitive edge in contrast to
other competitors. For example, your business
will provide a full range of behavioral health
care services, including medication assisted
treatment and detoxification, competitors A
and C don't. Or your agency will provide
adolescent outpatient services, something
only competitor C does. Or your electronic
health records system is “meaningful use”
certified, something no other competitor has.
Or competitors B and C provide services to
veterans, but your agency is certified through
TriCare, something agency C is not.
Competitive strategies: A classic approach to
thinking about and writing this section is to
use the competitive strategies found in the
strategic management literature. For example,
look at your product, pricing, promotion,
distribution, and service and ask the following
questions (adapted from the competitor
analysis grid):

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Cost leadership: Can you be a low-cost
producer and provide equivalent or
better services in the marketplace for
Differentiation: How can you
distinguish your product in the
Innovation: Is there opportunity to
create a new way of doing business,
perhaps one that changes the nature
of the industry?
Growth: Are there opportunities to
expand services, sell into new
markets? Introduce new services?
Alliance: Can current or prospective
production, promotion, and
distribution be improved through
partnerships with hospitals, primary
care clinics, FQHCs, and others?
Time: Can your agency eliminate wait
times? Offer on-time access to
services? Use time in other ways that
your competitors are not doing?
The answers to these questions might reveal
sources of competitive advantage such as
technology, branding, innovative product sales
techniques, more entrepreneurial
management, and superior customer
relationship management strategies.
Whether you use the opportunities-and-threats
approach, competitive strategies approach, or
a combination, you will find that an agency’s
competitive positioning strategy is affected by
a variety of factors that are related to the
motivations and requirements of the
consumers in the target market, as well as the
offerings and positioning strategies of
The resulting positioning statement does not
have to be lengthy or pretentious, as long as it
points out exactly how your product or service
will be perceived by customers as different,
and better, than what is offered by your
competitors. State this in a way the reader
understands not only what your competitive
strategy is, but also why your strategy will
Practical exercise: Use one or both of the
approaches described above to identify at
least one (hopefully more) source of
competitive advantage for your organization.
Write this up so a reader of your marketing
plan will understand how you expect to use
these to achieve success.