Fillable Printable Construction Contract Form - California
Fillable Printable Construction Contract Form - California

Construction Contract Form - California

Construction Contract
This agreement is made on the date written above our signatures between
Contractor Name: _________________________________________________________ (Contractor) and
Owner Name: ____________________________________________________________ (Owner).
Contractor Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________________, State: __________ Zip: _________
Work Phone Number: ___________________________________________________________________
Fax Number: __________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________________________________________________
License Number: _______________________________________________________________________
Contractor Name: __________________________________ is licensed as a corporation in the state of
State: _________________________.
Contractor Name: ___________________________________ will be referred to as C ontractor throughout
this agreement.
Owner Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________________, State: __________ Zip: _________
Day Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________________
Fax Number: __________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________________________________________________
Owner Name: _____________________________________ is organized as a corporation in the state of
State: ____________________________________.
Owner Name: ______________________________________ will be referred to as Owner throughout this
Owner's Representative
Owner will be represented by Name of representative
_______________________________________________ (Owner's Representative) as described in this
Name of representative: __________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________________, State: __________ Zip: _________
Day Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________________
Fax Number: __________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________________________________________________
Name of representative _______________________________________________ will be referred to as
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Owner's Representative throughout this agreement.
The Construction Site
Legal description: ______________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________________, California Zip: _____________
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I. Project Description
A. For a price identified below, Contractor agrees to com plete a new commercial or industrial building
(identified as the Project in this agreement) for Owner.
II. Contract Price
A. In addition to any other charges specified in this agreement, Owner agrees to pay Contractor
$________________ for completing the Work described as the Project.
III. Alternative Pricing Options
A. At the option of Owner, the following adjustments may be made to the Project:
1. Add $_______________ for
2. Subtract $________________ for
IV. Allowances
A. This Contract Price includes allowances for item s to be selected later by Owner.
1. $_____________ for _______________________________________________________________.
Installation will be by Contractor at a cost included in the Contract Price
The allowance price covers the cost of:
2. $________________ for ____________________________________________________________.
Installation will be by others at a cost included in the allowance price
V. Payment Per Unit of Work
A. In addition to other charges specified in this agreem ent, Owner agrees to pay Contractor
$_____________ per____________ of _____________________________________________________.
1. If the actual quantity of _____________________________________
is more or less than _______,
the Contract Price will be increased or reduced by $_________________ per _____________________ of
________________________________________________________________ more or less than ______.
VI. Scheduled Start of Construction
A. Work under this agreement will begin within 1 Calendar Days after the following contingencies
have been met.
1. Complete Plans and Specifications have been approved and initialed by both Owner and Contractor.
2. Owner has obtained a construction loan or other financing acceptable to Contractor.
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3. Owner has obtained all architectural approvals from subdivision or neighborhood authorities.
4. Owner has furnished Contractor with evidence of ownership of the property satisfactory to
5. All appropriate building permits have been issued.
6. Contractor has received written notice from the lien holder or the title company insuring lien holder' s
security inte rest in the property that all documents required to be recorded prior to the commencement of
construction have been properly recorded.
7. The contract has been signed by Owner and Contractor.
VII. Scheduled Completion of Construction
A. Work under this agreement will be Substantially Completed within ________ Calendar Days after
the date construction begins.
VIII. Documents Incorporated
A. The Glossary of Terms which follows our signatures is incorporated into this contract as though
included in full as p art of this agreement.
B. This agreement incorporates by reference certain documents which define and describe the Work to
be done. The following documents are incorporated as t hough included in full as part of this agreement.
1. Plans
Plans dated ____/____/____
Consisting of _______ sheet(s)
Prepared by ___________________________________________________________________________
Last changed on ____/____/____
And further identified as _________________________________________________________________
2. Specifications
Specifications dated ____/____/____
Consisting of _______ sheet(s)
Prepared by ___________________________________________________________________________
Last changed on ____/____/____
And further identified as _________________________________________________________________
3. Detailed Drawings
Detailed Drawings dated ____/____/____
Consisting of _______ sheet(s)
Prepared by ___________________________________________________________________________
Entitled _______________________________________________________________________________
And further identified as _________________________________________________________________
4. Shop Drawings
Shop Drawings dated ____/____/____
Consisting of _______ sheet(s)
Prepared by ___________________________________________________________________________
Entitled _______________________________________________________________________________
And further identified as _________________________________________________________________
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5. Schedule
Schedule dated ____/____/____
Consisting of _______ sheet(s)
And further identified as _________________________________________________________________
IX. Ownership of Plans
A. All Plans, Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by or for Owner for use under
this agreement are the property of Owner and remain the property of Owner. Plans, Drawings and
Specifications, whether in paper or electronic form, prepared for use in construction under this agreement
shall not be modified or used on any other project without written consent of Owner. Contractor shall hold
harmless and Indemnify Owner from and against any and all Claims, actions, suits, costs, damages, losses,
expenses and attorney's fees arising out of use of the Project Plans, Drawings, or Specifications for any
purpose other than construction to be completed under this agreement. Contractor and Subcontractors are
granted a limited license to use and reproduce applicable portions of the Plan s, Specifications and
Drawings as required for construction under this agreement. All copies made under this license shall bear a
notice showing Owner as copyright holder. All Plans, Drawings, Specifications and other documents
prepared for use in construction under this agreement are to be returned to Owner at completion of the
Work or termination of the contract. Contractor may retain one record set of the Plans, Drawings and
Specifications. All other sets shall be accounted for by Contractor and retu rned to Owner. Submittal or
distribution of Project Plans, Drawings or Specifications to meet Official Regulatory Requirements is not
to be construed as publication in derogation of the rights of Owner.
X. Plans on Site
A. Contractor will keep a full set of Project Plans available on-site to authorized personnel during the
period of construction.
XI. Documents Supplied to Contractor
A. Owner will furnish to Contractor at no cost:
1. A full set of Plans and Specifications for all trades in electronic format.
2. Contractor will distribute Contract Documents as required by Subcontractors.
XII. Scope of Work
A. Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work and accepts responsibility for construction means,
methods, techniques, sequences and procedures required to com plete the Project in compliance with the
Contract Documents.
B. Contractor is responsible for coordination of the various trades and deliveries of equipment,
materials and supplies to minimize interference which could delay the Work or pose a hazard to life or
property. Contractor shall be responsible for allocation of tasks between trades and will be the final
authority on location and routing of equipment and storage of materials on the Job Site.
C. Contractor will ensure that Subcontractors, their agents, and employees adhere to these Contract
Documents. Contractor accepts responsibility for all Work performed under this contract, including Work
performed by employees of Subcontractors. Contractor will settle disputes among Subcontractors and
between Contractor and Subcontractors so that disagreements do not delay completion of the Work or
affect quality of the Work.
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D. Contractor shall make a best effort to adopt and implement policies and practices designed to
minimize Work stoppages, slowdowns, disputes or strikes. Except as may be specifically provided
elsewhere in this or a separate agreement, Contractor is not liable to Owner for damages suffered by
Owner as a result of Work stoppages, slowdowns, disputes or strikes. Contractor shall allocate labor tasks
among the various trades in accordance with local custom, rules, jurisdictional awards, regulations, and
decisions, regardless of any classification by the Contract Documents.
E. Contractor shall provide on the Job Site during the period of construction a temporary chemical
toilet or water closet which shall be serviced no less than weekly. Upon completion of the Project,
Contractor will remove temporary toilet facilities from the site.
F. Contractor shall provide temporary elevators and lifts as may be required by construction personnel,
including Subcontractors, Material Suppliers, Inspectors, and Representatives of Owner. Elevators and
lifts will comply with all federal, state and local Laws and ordinances in effect at the Job Site. Upon
completion of the Project, Contractor will dismantle and remove temporary elevators and lifts.
G. Contractor shall develop and present to Owner for approval (which shall not be withheld
unreasonably), a site logistics plan drawn to scale, showing proposed secure and fenced areas, locations
and types of temporary barricades, material storage and staging areas, property entrances used for
material deliveries, and special material or equipment storage Requirements. This plan will includ e a
description and proposed location for any temporary office, storage trailer, sanitary facilities, and parking
for construction personnel.
XIII. Submittals
A. Shop Drawings will indicate in detail all parts of the building components, Inst allation details, and
coordination with Work of other trades or other Contractors. Shop Drawings for structural steel, timbers
and pre-cast concrete will include engineering calculations, fabrication details and erection Drawings that
show physical characteristics, dimensions, shapes, inserts, attaching points and methods, and other
information required for manufacture, assem bly and erection, in com p liance with the Contract
B. Approval by Owner's Representative does not relieve C ontractor of responsibility for compliance
with the Contract Documents except as follows: If a Submittal does not comply with Contract
Documents, Contractor will attach to the Submittal, prior to approval, a written request for var iation
showing the change in Contract Price and Contract Time, if any, that will result from the variation. If
Owner's Representative approves a Subm ittal which includes a written request for a variation and which
requires a change in the Contract Price or Contract Time, Owner's Representative will issue a contract
Modification confirming the change. If Owner's Representative approves a Submittal with a written
request for a minor variation which does not require a change in the Contract Price or Contract Time, no
contract Modification is needed. A minor variation is anything which does not materially alter the quality
or performance of the Work. Approved variations are subject to all terms of this agreement and without
prejudice to any rights granted to Owner's Representative under a Surety Bond.
C. Contractor is entitled to expect that corrections to Submittals by Owner's Representative be clearly
noted and easily understood so that prompt resubmission is possible without further instructions from
Owner's Representative.
D. Owner's Representative will review Submittals and notif y Contractor of approval or rejection
within _______ Calendar Days of receipt.
E. Owner's Representative will re view Submittals of Contractor for conformance with Requirements
of the Contract Documents and will approve or take other appropriate action upon those Submittals.
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Owner's Representative will adv ise Contractor of any errors or omissions which Owner's Representative
may detect during this review. Submittals approved by Owner's Representative become additions to the
Contract Documents and can be relied on by Contractor in completing the Work. Nothing in any
approved Submittal shall be interpreted to limit Contractor in selection of the means, method, technique,
sequence or procedure of construction.
XIV. Record Documents
A. Contractor will note on a record set of Project Drawings any Work done that is not shown on the
original Plans and not described in other Contract Documents. The record set of Project documents will
be delivered to Owner at the same time as final payment is requested.
XV. Job Site Safety
A. Contractor will at all times take all reasonable precautions for the safety of employees and the
public at the Job Site and will comply with all applicable safety Laws and regulations of federal, state,
and local authorities (including building codes) and safety Requirements of Owner.
XVI. Hazardous Materials Used in Construction
A. Except as provided elsewhere in the Contract Documents, Contractor is responsible for all
Hazardous Materials brought to the Job Site by Contractor or Subcontractors.
XVII. Hazardous Materials Discovered on Site
A. Except as provided elsewhere in the Contract Documents, Owner is responsible for all Hazardous
Materials discovered on the Job Site so long as those materials were not brought on the Job Site by
Contractor, Subcontractors, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them. Nothing in this paragraph
shall relieve Contractor from liability for negligence in handling or removing Hazardous Materials as
required under the terms of this agreement.
B. Except as provided in the Contract Documents or as agreed by mutual consent, Contractor shall not
be required to perform Work relating to asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), radioactive material,
toxic mold or any other Hazardous Material.
C. Owner shall defend, Indemnify and hold harmless Contractor from and against all loss, liability,
claims, costs, damage and economic detriment of any kind whatsoever, or expense (including attorney's
fees) that arises out of or results from the discovery or existence of Hazardous Material on the Job Site,
whether or not identified in the Contract Documents, provided such loss, liability, costs, damage and
economic detriment is not the result of any negligent act or omissions of Contractor, Subcontractors or
anyone directly or indirectly employed by them. Indemnification by Owner under this paragraph shall
apply even if Owner is in no way responsible for the loss to Contractor.
XVIII. Compliance with Law
A. Contractor and Owner mutually commit to use reasonable care to meet the Requirements of state,
federal and local Law when discharging their responsibilities under this agreement.
B. If Contractor observes that Drawings, Specifications, or other Contract Documents do not comply
with applicable Law, Contractor shall promptly notify Owner or Owner's Representative of the variance.
Any changes made to the Contract Documents as a result of this notice shall be handled in the form of a
Change Order under this agreement.
C. Contractor shall bear none of the cost of correcting Work completed according to Contract
Documents but not in compliance with Law if Contractor did not know that Contract Docum ents or
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instructions from Owner or Owner's Representative did not comply with the Law.
D. If Law enacted after the Contract Date changes the Scope of Work under this agreement, Contractor
and Owner will execute a Change Order adjusting the Contract Price and Contract Time to accommodate
the change in the Scope of Work.
XIX. Survey
A. Owner will employ an engineer or licensed land surveyor to establish lines, points and levels
adequate to lay out alignment and elevations for the Project. Owner is responsible for accuracy of the
survey marks and other site information supplied to Contractor. Contractor shall promptly notify Owner
of any discrepancies found in survey markers or other site information supplied by Owner.
B. If Contractor suffers any loss or delay due to inaccuracy of the Job Site survey supplied by Owner,
Contractor shall be entitled to an adjustment in the Contract Price and Contract Time, including damages
for delay, shutdown and startup expense, lost profits and consequential damages.
C. Contractor shall maintain and preserve all survey monuments, markers, hubs and stakes on the Job
Site until authorized or required to remove them. If such marks are lost, moved or destroyed while still
needed to complete the Work, Contractor will have the marker reset by a licensed land surveyor or
engineer at no cost to Ow ner.
D. Owner will provide Contractor with all relevant site information available to Owner, such as
information about soil conditions, easements, utility lines (whether on or adjacent to the site), floodplain
maps, fault maps, and existing improvements. These are not Contract Documents and Owner makes no
warrant on the accuracy of information provided to Contractor under the terms of this paragraph.
XX. Layout
A. Contractor shall be responsible for alignment and elevation of the Work and will set grade stakes,
batter boards, and other working points, lines and elevations required to complete the Project as described
in the Contract Documents.
XXI. Permits and Fees
A. Contractor shall secure all permits, licenses and renewals required by government authority to
complete construction of the Project. If permits are required for Subcontracted Work, Subcontractors will
secure those permits. Owner shall assist Contractor in responding to requests for information from the
permit-issuing authority. Contractor shall provide Owner a copy of each permit, license and renewal
issued by government authority for the Project.
B. Owner will pay the building permit fee, Plan check fee, and charges levied by government for
testing, Inspection and Re-Inspection of the Project.
C. Except as provided elsewhere in this agreement, Owner will pay all fees and application charges
imposed by government authority, including, but not limited to, grading permit fees, drainage permit fees,
traffic control charges, thoroughfare charges, impact fees, special district fees, sewer fees, water fees,
planning fees, school fees, elevator permit fees, charges for temporary access or use of the public right of
way, and charges for document processing, hearings, and certifications. Owner will also pay all fees and
application charges imposed by any association of property owners having authority over the Job Site.
D. Except as provided elsewhere in this agreement, Owner will pay all application fees and connection
charges imposed by utility companies or government agencies for bringing service to the Job Site, and
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for connecting gas, water, electricity, phone, cable, sewer, and drainage lines.
E. Except as provide d elsewhere in this agreement, Owner will secure all approvals for the Project that
are required by government authority, including planning, easements, remediation, environmental, and
zoning approvals.
XXII. Taxes
A. If any federal, state or local tax rate increases or if any n ew federal, state or loc al tax is imposed,
whether by Law, regulation, or interpretation, between the Contract Date and Substantial Completion, the
Contract Price shall be increased by the addition al tax levied on Contractor, but only to the extent that the
change in rate or new tax could not have been reasonably foreseen on the Contract Date.
XXIII. Temporary Utilities
A. Contractor shall pay all costs associated w ith use of tem porary utilities on the Job Site during
construction, including application fees, perm its, engineering, and metered service for water, electric
power, heating and cooling. Temporary utility systems provided by Contractor shall be designed and
installed to protect the public and construction personnel and conform with applicable Laws and
B. Utility services shall be re-listed in the name of Owner on the Calendar Day following Substantial
Completion, and Owner shall pay for utility services after that date.
XXIV. Permanent Utilities
A. Owner shall secure and pay for Installation, connection, and modification of permanent electric,
water, phone, cable, sewer and gas service as required for the completed Project.
XXV. Job Cleanup
A. Contractor shall regularly remove from the Job Site and storage areas all surplus material, waste
and debris resulting from the Work. Construction debris shall be removed to a legal refuse collection site
with disposal or recycling fees paid by Contractor. At completion of the Work, Contractor shall, in
addition, remove from the Job Site all tools, equipment and scaffolding brought to the Job Site by
Contractor or Subcontractors. At Substantial Completion, exposed finishes of windows, doors, floors,
walls, ceilings, fixtures and trim shall be cleaned and free of grime, stains, over spray, dirt and dust.
B. Contractor shall provide a trash disposal facility on the Job Site for use by construction personnel.
The on-site trash facility provided by Contractor shall be of an appropriate size for the Project and placed
in a location approved by Owner. All construction debris shall either be placed in the trash facility
provided by Contractor or hauled to a legal disposal site, at the discretion of Contractor. When any trash
container provided by Contractor is full, contents shall be removed to a legal disposal facility at the
expense of Contractor.
XXVI. Project Sign
A. Contractor shall fabricate and erect a Project sign designed by Owner's Representative and bearing
the name of the Project, Prime Contractor, principal Subcontractors, designers, consultants, lead lender, a
short Project description, and expected Completion Date. Location of the Project sign will be designated
by Owner or Owner's Representative. Contractor may erect directional signs at the Job Site with approval
of Owner with respect to size, style and location. Directional signs may bear the name of Contractor and a
directional symbol. No other signs will be permitted except by permission of Owner.
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XXVII. Project Superintendent
A. Contractor shall employ a competent Superintendent and any necessary assistants or alternates, all
approved by Owner or Owner's Representative. The Superintendent shall not be changed except with the
consent of Owner or Owner's Representative, unless the Superintendent is discharged by Contractor. The
Superintendent shall have authority to represent Contractor in all matters relating to the Project.
Communications with the Superintendent shall have the same force and effect as direct communication
with Contractor.
B. The Project Superintendent shall be ab le to read, write, and communicate in the English language.
XXVIII. Emergency Response
A. In any Emergency threatening the health, safety or life of persons or serious and immediate damage
to property, Contractor shall use best efforts and full discretion without special instruction or
authorization from Owner to prevent the threatened damage, injury or loss. When directed by any
authority, Contractor shall provide Emergency assistance without special instruction or authorization from
Owner. However, Contractor shall notify Owner promptly if Contractor believes any significant changes
in the Work or variations from Contract Documents have been caused by the Emergency response.
B. Provided Contractor is not responsible for the Emergency condition and provided the additional
cost to Contractor for the Emergency response is not covered by insurance or recoverable from others,
Contractor shall be granted a Change Order to compensate for the Emergency response.
XXIX. Owner's Responsibilities
A. Owner affirms that Owner has the right to enter into this agreement and has the right to contract for
construction of the Project on the Job Site. Owner shall pay all taxes and assessments due on the Job Site
during the period of construction and shall take all reasonabl e actions required to protect marketab le title
to the Job Site.
B. Owner will ensure that Owner's Representative responds in writing and with reasonable promptness
to written requests from Contractor for (1) interpretation of the Plans or Specifications, or (2) other
information relevant to completion of the Work. Contractor is authorized to rely on written responses
from Owner's Representative.
C. Owner shall have sole responsibility to secure financing for the Project and shall pay all fees,
charges, or other costs of such financing, including Inspection fees charged by any lender. The
nonperformance of any lender shall not affect the obligation of Owner to Contractor. Owner hereby
authorizes and directs any lender on the Project to furnish Contractor with full information on undisbursed
loan proceeds when requested by Contractor.
D. Owner will not interfere with or permit others to interfere with, stop, hinder, or delay completion of
the Work by Contractor or Subcontractors except as prov ided under this agreement.
XXX. Construction by Others
A. Owner shall neither hire nor retain Separate Contractors, Subcontractors, employees or agents of
Owner to perform Work on the Job Site while Work is being done under this agreement by Contractor.
XXXI. Authority of Owner's Representative
A. Owner's Representative has authority to administer the contract, ma ke construction decisions on
behalf of Owner, and is the primary authority on issues of compliance with the Drawings and
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Specifications, quality of workmanship, materials used, manner of performance, and rate of progress on
the Project.
B. After the Contract Date, Owner shall make no change in the responsibilities or authority of Owner's
Representative without consent of Contractor.
C. Owner's Representative shall have the right to visit the Project and view Work in progress at any
time. Any Defective Work found or suspected, either as the result of a site visit or otherwise, shall be
reported promptly to Contractor. No actions taken or statements made during site visits shall relieve
Contractor of obligations described in the Contract Documents.
D. Communication between Contractor and Owner shall be initiated through Owner's Representative
unless direct communication is required by Law or Contract Documents. Unless otherwise authorized by
Contractor, communications between Owner's Representative and Subcontractors or Material Suppliers
shall be through Contractor. Communications by Contractor and Subcontractors with Separate
Contractors shall be through Owner's Representative. Communications between Contractor and
consultants to Owner's Representative shall be through Owner's Representative.
E. Owner's Representative shall have the authority to reject and order removed any portion of the
Work which does not conform to the Contract Documents.
F. Owner's Representative shall have authority to conduct Inspections in connection with Beneficial
Occupancy and to determine the dates of Substantial Completion and Final Completion.
XXXII. Representations by Contractor
A. Contractor shall use skill and attention to com plete the W ork in a timely manner consistent with the
Contract Documents.
B. Owner has reported to Contractor all conditions known to Owner which may not be apparent to
Contractor and which might significantly increase cost of the Work or delay completion. These concealed
conditions include, but are not limited to, hazards on the Job Site, unsu i table soil co nditions, prior
Defective Work of others, latent Defects in the Plans or Specifications, ea rlier attempts to do Similar or
related Work, and obligations imposed by government.
XXXIII. Disclaimer by Owner, Reliance by Contractor
A. Owner has provided Contractor with information on subsurface or concealed conditions at the Job
Site. Except to the extent that Contractor knows this information to be false, Contractor is entitled to rely
on the accuracy of this information.
XXXIV. Discrepancy Between Plans and Field Conditions
A. Contractor is not a Design Professional and has no obligation to find discrepancies between Job Site
conditions and representations or Requirements in the Contract Documents.
B. Contractor shall not be liable for discrepancies between representations or Requirements in the
Contract Documents and conditions at the Job Site unless Contractor knowingly fails to report a
discrepancy, in which case Contractor shall be liable for additional costs incurred as a result of failure to
give prompt notification.
C. If any concealed structure, water, power, waste, drain or gas line is uncovered or revealed d uring
construction which is not as ind icated in the Contract Documents or is inconsistent with information
provided by Owner, Contractor shall promptly, and before any such structure or line is disturbed or
damaged (except in an Emergency), notify Owner or Owner's Representative. Contractor shall submit a
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