Fillable Printable Continuation Sheet of Application for Employment
Fillable Printable Continuation Sheet of Application for Employment

Continuation Sheet of Application for Employment

PD 107 A
Rev 04/2006
Continuation Sheet -- Application for Emplo
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
Last 4 digits of Social Security No.
Last Name
Job Title:
Supervisor’s Name
Telephone Number
No. Supervised by you:
Date Employed (mo/yr)
Starting Salary
$ per
Ending Salary
$ per
Reason for Leaving
Date Separated (mo/yr)
Full Time Years Months
Part Time Years Months
If part time, number of hours
worked per week:
List major duties that demonstrate your competencies related to the position for which you are applying in order of their
importance in the job:
Job Title:
Supervisor’s Name
Telephone Number
No. Supervised by you:
Date Employed (mo/yr)
Starting Salary
$ per
Ending or Current Salary
$ per
Reason for Leaving
Date Separated (mo/yr)
Full Time Years Months
Part Time Years Months
If part time, number of hours
worked per week:
List major duties that demonstrate your competencies related to the position for which you are applying in order of their
importance in the job:
Job Title:
Supervisor’s Name
Telephone Number
No. Supervised by you:
Date Employed (mo/yr)
Starting Salary
$ per
Ending or Current Salary
$ per
Reason for Leaving
Date Separated (mo/yr)
Full Time Years Months
Part Time Years Months
If part time, number of hours
worked per week:
List major duties that demonstrate your competencies related to the position for which you are applying in order of their
importance in the job:
I certify that I have given true, accurate and complete information on this form to the best of my knowledge. In the event confirmation is needed in connection with my
work, I authorize educational institutions, associations, registration and licensing boards, and others to furnish whatever detail is available concerning my qualifications. I
authorize investigation of all statements made in this application and understand that false information or documentation, or a failure to disclose relevant information may
be grounds for reje ction of my application, disciplinary action or dismissal if I am employed, and (or) criminal a ction . I further understan d that dismissal up on employment
shall be mandatory if fraudulent disclosures are given to meet position qualifications ( Authority : G.S. 126-30, G.S . 14-122.1.)
Signature of Applicant (unsigned applications will not be processed)