Fillable Printable Contract for Purchase of a Kitten or Cat
Fillable Printable Contract for Purchase of a Kitten or Cat

Contract for Purchase of a Kitten or Cat

Contract for Purchase of
Kitten or Cat
Description of Kitten or Cat
Date of Birth:
Date of Sale:
Purchase Amount:
Personal Information
Name of Purchaser (print):
Phone: E-mail:
Name of Seller (print):
Phone: E-mail:
Purchaser certifies that this information is true and accurate. Initial
The purpose of this contract is to protect all parties: the purchaser, the seller, and the cat
or kitten. If there are any problems, questions, concerns, or issues that you need help
with, ______________ is always here. We want the adoptive parent(s) and/or family to
be completely happy with the new kitten and his or her transition to the new home.
Transitioning is easy for some kittens but more difficult for others, and kittens/cats
handle stress in various ways. If there are ANY issues please call , who will
provide you with all the help she can to make this time easier for the new parents and the
Terms of Contract
A non-refundable deposit of $ is required for purchase of the cat/kitten. Should
the purchaser, after having paid the deposit, decide against purchasing the kitten, he or
she forfeits the deposit. The kitten or cat will be temporarily reserved for seven days
once the seller is given notice that the purchaser is sending the deposit. If the deposit is
not received within seven days the temporary reservation will cease. The deposit is
separate from the price of the kitten/cat.

Method of Payment
The purchaser shall make the deposit called for under this contract via PayPal or in the
form of a check, money order, or cashier’s check. The payment shall be made in U.S.
currency. Payments made via PayPal shall be sent to the email address .
An additional 3% of the payment amount must be added to
payments made via PayPal; this serves to cover the fee that the seller is charged by
PayPal for the transfer of funds. A deposit made in the form of check, money order, or
cashier’s check shall be made payable to and mailed to:
By paying the deposit the seller indicates that he or she understands and agrees to abide
by the terms stated in this contract.
Purchase of Cat
Payment for the cat must be provided in the form of cash, cashier’s check, or money
order. The payment shall be made in U.S. currency. The purchaser will pay all travel and
shipping expenses. Should the seller agree to help transfer the cat in person, any mileage
will be at the expense of the purchaser.
Health Guarantee
The seller will provide purchaser with documenting vaccinations, dewormings, and blood
tests. All adult cat and kitten care is provided by:
Veterinary Practice:
The seller guarantees the kitten to be in good health at the time of purchase for a period
of 48 hours. It will be the responsibility of the purchaser to have the kitten examined by a
veterinarian within 48 hours. Within that 48 hour period, if found to be seriously
medically deficient, the seller will take the kitten back and refund payment, less the
deposit and any shipping charges, under the following conditions: the seller is provided
with proper documentation, from a licensed veterinarian, stating the medical issue and
that the cat is seriously medically deficient; a second examination by a veterinarian of the
seller’s choice corroborates these claims. This cat/kitten is not guaranteed against
respiratory disease, fleas, ringworms or any nuisance disease. After the 48 hour period,
the seller can no longer guarantee the cat’s health, except for birth defects.

The seller guarantees the cat against lethal genetic or congenital defects for 6 months
following the date of purchase. If, during these 6 months, the cat should die or have to be
destroyed due to a genetic or congenital defect, the seller will replace the cat/kitten with a
cat/kitten at the seller’s earliest convenience, should the following conditions be met: the
purchaser provides the seller with a necropsy by a licensed impartial Veterinary
Pathologist, at the purchaser’s expense, stating that the cause of death is unquestionably a
genetic or congenital defect; a second examination by a veterinarian of the seller’s choice
corroborates these claims.
Seller assumes no liability or responsibility for any veterinary care for this cat after the
purchaser takes possession of said cat. Under no circumstances will the seller be
responsible for any veterinary bills incurred by the purchaser.
Spay/Neuter Agreement
This cat is being sold with no breeding rights and on a spay/neuter agreement.
The buyer agrees that the kitten will be spayed/neutered by the time the kitten reaches
five lbs. or six months of age, whichever comes first, at buyer’s expense. Within three
months of receiving the kitten, purchaser will provide the seller with either
documentation of the spay/neuter appointment or the veterinarian’s guarantee that the
appointment exists and will be carried out. Proof (e.g., veterinary bill, phone call from
veterinarian) that the cat has been sterilized must be provided before the cat reaches six
months of age. If the cat is not spayed/neutered by five lbs. or six months of age and/or
proof of sterilization is not provided, seller will enforce breach of contract for the
maximum dollar amount.
Purchaser’s Veterinary Information
The purchaser must provide the name and contact information of the cat/kitten’s new
veterinarian before transfer of ownership will take place. Should the purchaser refuse to
complete the section below, he or she will forfeit both the ownership of the kitten as well
as the deposit. If, after purchase of and transfer of ownership of the kitten has taken
place, it should surface that the information provided below was or is fraudulent, breech
of contract will be enforced. In the event that a new veterinarian or veterinary practice
takes over the kitten/cat’s veterinary care, at any point during the kitten/cat’s life, the
purchaser agrees to provide the seller with the updated information. The Seller reserves
the right to contact the purchaser’s veterinarian at any time during the kitten/cat’s life.

The Seller agrees that the purchaser will be able to discuss freely the kitten/cat’s health
information, sterilization status, and well being with the purchaser’s veterinarian; due to
privacy matters, the purchaser agrees to notify his or her veterinarian as to this
Name of Veterinarian:
Name of Veterinary Practice:
Address of Practice/Veterinarian:
Phone number of Practice/Veterinarian:
Date or Tentative Date of Appointment for Spay/Neuter:
Purchaser certifies that this information is true and accurate.
Treatment of Cat
Under NO circumstances shall this kitten be de-clawed. Declawing is amputation and is
often the cause of litter box problems (“inappropriate elimination”). This can lead to
abuse or abandonment of the cat/kitten, a risk that the seller is not willing take. The
purchaser agrees to, under no circumstances, allow the cat to be declawed.
Under NO circumstances shall this kitten/cat be permitted to live outdoors.
Under NO circumstances shall this kitten/cat be tattooed, pierced, or undergo any
unnecessary "fashionable" body modification.
The new cat should be confined to a private room with toys, food, the kitten’s litter box,
and plenty of human contact until accustomed to his/her new surroundings.
Seller will provide a list of the foods and supplements the cat has been eating. Please be
careful that his or her diet is not changed drastically. The seller will make her best effort
to send home a sample of what the cat is eating, as well as a bag of litter and a bottle of
the litter box cleaning solution the seller uses to help purchaser through the first few days.
Breed Considerations
It is understood that, with the _______ breed, hairlessness will vary from cat to cat due
to hormones, climate, and genetics. It is impossible to guarantee complete hairlessness
for the life of the cat. It is possible for the cat to develop some hair, especially after
being spayed/neutered, or as it grows older. This hair is specific to the tail, feet and ears.
It is understood that the Sphynx breed requires care and maintenance that surpasses that

of other breeds. Some ______ require weekly baths; their ears should be cleaned weekly
to protect their health; toes and claws must be carefully cleaned in order to avoid yeast
infections. The purchaser agrees to maintain the health and cleanliness of cat.
Relinquishment of Ownership of Cat or Permanent Transfer of Cat by Purchaser
The purchaser agrees that under NO circumstances will the kitten/cat EVER be sold or
given to a pet shop, animal shelter, research laboratory, or similar facility. Should the
purchaser, for any reason, including death, not be able to keep the above kitten, the seller
will be given the first option of rescuing the cat.
If the buyer has a living trust, the previous clause must be made note of in the trust; if the
seller deems another interested party (e.g., family member of buyer; close friend of
buyer) a desirable and willing owner, the seller will seriously consider transferring
ownership of aforementioned cat.
If the buyer decides that he or she no longer wants the cat, regardless how many years
have passed since purchase of the cat/kitten, the seller will be given the first option of
rescuing the cat.
Breach of Contract
In the event the purchaser is found to have violated any of the terms and conditions of
this contract, the cat is to be surrendered unconditionally to the seller. Seller may reclaim
physical and legal ownership of cat with or without due process of law for any breach of
contract with no refund of purchase price.
In the event the purchaser is found to have violated any of the terms of this contract,
purchaser shall be liable to the seller for damages in the amount of two times the
purchase price of said cat/kitten, plus expenses for veterinarian care upon return of
cat/kitten to seller and all attorney, legal and related miscellaneous fees that result in
litigating this contract. Any legal action, which may arise under the terms of this contract,
will be brought in the county/city of seller’s residence.
Attorneys Fees and out−of−pocket costs
Should Purchaser breach this Contract, Purchaser is responsible for any and all costs
resulting from the litigation of this Contract, the amount of purchase of kitten, shipping
expenses, associated veterinary expenses, and any damages caused to the reputation of

Exclusive Jurisdiction for Suit in Case of Breach
Any legal action that may arise under the terms of this Contract will be brought to
County, or the Seller’s current place of residence. The Purchaser and
Seller, by entering into this Agreement, submit to jurisdiction in , ,
or the Seller’s current place of residence, for adjudication of any disputes and/or claims
between the parties under this Agreement. Furthermore, the Purchaser and Seller hereby
agree that the courts of County, _________, or the Seller’s current place
of residence, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes between the parties relative
to this agreement, whether said dispute(s) sounds in contract, tort, or other areas of the law.
State Law
This Agreement shall be interpreted under, and governed by, the laws of the state of
There are no other conditions or guarantees, verbal or implied. No verbal deviations or
additions are valid. No other warranties or guarantees are provided other than those
specifically outlined in this Contract. All prior agreements, representations and
warranties, express or implied, oral or written, with respect to the subject matter hereof,
are hereby superseded by this contract.
In the event any provision of this contract is deemed to be void, invalid, or unenforceable,
that provision shall be severed from the remainder of this contract so as not to cause the
invalidity or unenforceability of the remainder of this contract. All remaining provisions
of this contract shall then continue in full force and effect. If any provision shall be
deemed invalid due to its scope or breadth, such provision shall be deemed valid to the
extent of the scope and breadth permitted by law.
Except as otherwise provided in this document, this agreement may be modified,
superseded, or voided only upon the written and signed agreement of the Purchaser and
Seller. Further, the physical destruction or loss of this document shall not be construed as
a modification or termination of the agreement contained herein.

Acknowledgement of Deposit Paid and Acceptance of Contract
Purchaser and seller signatures that appear immediately below indicate that the seller has
received the deposit and the purchaser has agreed to the terms of this contract. This
portion serves as the Purchaser’s receipt for the deposit. This document is a legally
binding contract. In signing this document the Purchaser acknowledges that he or she has
read, fully understands, and agrees to ALL of the terms and conditions stated above.
Name of Purchaser (print):
Purchaser signature: Date:
Name of Seller (print):
Seller signature: Date:
Transfer of Ownership of Kitten and Receipt of Sale
Purchaser and seller signatures that appear immediately below indicate that the kitten/cat
has been sold and is now the property of the purchaser.
Name of Purchaser (print):
Signature of Purchaser: Date:
Name of Seller (print):
Signature of Seller: Date: