Fillable Printable Counselling Contract Form and Instructions
Fillable Printable Counselling Contract Form and Instructions

Counselling Contract Form and Instructions

In the process of counselling we will engage in a form of psychological or
talking therapy that will offer you a chance to change how you feel and to live
This is a contract between Gerard Murray, Counsellor and _______________
Address: ___________________________________________________
Telephone: ___________________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________
Occupation: ___________________________________________________
D.O.B: ___________________________________________________
GP Details:
Name: ___________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
Tel: ___________________________________________________
Frequency and duration of counselling
The duration of the therapeutic process will depend on the type of difficulty or
problem the client is facing. Some people prefer to work with an open
contract, whereas other people prefer to work with a fixed number of sessions
followed by a review. In all cases, every six sessions the counsellor and client
will review the therapeutic process together. This helps to assess whether the
client’s needs are being met and, this will also help (if required) to carry out
the necessary adjustments and/or establish new goals for the process.
We have agreed a minimum of _____ sessions to begin our work together.
Based on your needs we have agreed a fee of £____ per hour for our
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation of sessions with less than 48 hours notice will incur the full fee.
Gerard will always aim to give the client as much notice as possible of any
holidays, training workshops, conferences or illness that might prevent him
from being available at the time/day of the scheduled session. In such cases
the counsellor will always aim to offer an alternative arrangement.

If you have referred yourself for counselling then no one apart from Gerard
Murray would know you have attended or what was discussed.
If you feel that someone may need to know information about your counselling
sessions then we ask you to make this clear to your Gerard at the beginning
of the sessions. For example, if you have been referred to us by another party
it may be in your interest for there to be some liaison.
As part of my professional standards, from time to time I may need to share
and discuss some of the information in our sessions with a qualifed
supervisor, always under a strict confidential and professional framework. The
client identity is always kept anonymous.
Where written confirmation may be required to be passed on to a third party,
this is restricted to a minimum. We are not able to provide in-depth reports on
the sessions or give opinions or diagnosis.
In certain circumstances, Gerard may have to make exceptions to the general
rules of confidentiality:
1. If we think there is a serious risk of harm to yourself or others.
2. Where we cannot contact you but suspect you are in danger. For
example, if you had not been seen for several days and colleagues and
friends felt concerned, we may disclose information without your
3. Where there is a legal requirement to disclose information. This could
be because it has been ordered by a court, or because the law
requires, for example under the Terrorism Act 2000 or the Drug
Trafficking Offences Act 1986, for information to be passed on without
In the first and second of these cases, we would attempt to talk this through
with you beforehand if possible.
Notes and Record Keeping
Our policy is to keep minimum notes and records. The information we do
store includes:
• Personal information, such as your name, date of birth, address etc;
• Background information that might be relevant to the counselling
• Your signed contract with us;
• Confidential case notes (describing the main focus of the session with
any important information);
• Information for service evaluation and statistical purposes.

You can request in writing to see the information held on you.
If you have any concerns about our policy on confidentiality and note-keeping,
you're welcome to discuss it fully with your counsellor.
Influence of alcohol or substances
Sessions will not take place if the client is under the influence of any misuse
of alcohol or substances.
Gerard is an Accredited Counsellor with the British Association for
Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). Any complaints about his work
should be made either through BACP on 01455 883300
Check what we have agreed today. If you wish to negotiate any changes I will
be happy to do so before you sign.
This agreement is fully understood and agreed to and is signed as it stands
Name: _____________________________, Client
Name: _____________________________, Client 2 (if needed)
Name: _____________________________, Counsellor Gerard Murray
Date: _____________________________