
Fillable Printable County Board Replacement Waiver Capacity Request Form

Fillable Printable County Board Replacement Waiver Capacity Request Form

County Board Replacement Waiver Capacity Request Form

County Board Replacement Waiver Capacity Request Form

Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities
Acuity Assessment Instrument (AAI) Override Form:
Administrative Review for the Adult Day Services Array
SUBMIT THIS REQUEST FORM TO: [email protected]
County Name
County Board/ COG Staff Name Making the Request
OMDRDD number (if known):
Enrollee Last Name: Enrollee First Name:
Guardian’s Last Name: First Name:
Group Assignment Information
Assigned AAI Group: Requested AAI Group:
Current Waiver Span: to Dates for New Group: to
Reason for New Group Assignment and Budget Limitation:
Submission of this form via Email implies the following statements are affirmed by the sender:
The instructions for the AAI override form have been followed.
Responsibility for providing the local waiver matching funds to serve this individual in the new staff
intensity group requested is the obligation of the requesting County Board of DD.
The individual/guardian, service provider(s) listed and the county board of dd agree with the need to
assign the new staff intensity group requested.
The county board superintendent or designee has authorized the assignment of the new staff intensity
ratio resulting from the group assignment requested.
ODODD will notify the individual and county board/COG, via E-mail, of its determination within 10 calendar days following
receipt of a completed request. At that time, the department, in writing, shall provide the individual of his/her due process rights
and responsibilities as set for the in section 5101.35 of the Ohio Revised Code. Notification will be sent to the individual or
his/her legally appointed guardian, using the addresses provided on the front of this form. To request a copy of this form in
Microsoft Word format, please send your request to IDS.Support@dodd.ohio.gov .
Adult Day Ser
vices Array Administrative Review Override Form
Revised: October 2011
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