Fillable Printable Cover Letter Internship Example
Fillable Printable Cover Letter Internship Example

Cover Letter Internship Example

Jane Doe
1 Independent Drive, Suite 1201
Jacksonville, FL 32201
(904) 620-2067
February 15, 2014
Pamela Jones
College Recruiting Manager
Prudential Insurance Company
1 Independent Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32201
Dear Ms. Jones:
I am writing to apply to the Financial Professional Associate Internship Program recently advertised on
Career Wings, the University of North Florida’s job database. I am currently a junior double-majoring in
Finance and Financial Services and am currently looking to gain experience in my field.
My work background and coursework have supplied me with many skills and an understanding of
insurance products and finance that I believe will allow me to quickly become an asset to your
organization. My previous role as a teller at Bank of America provided me with an opportunity to work
closely with the bank manager and gain first-hand experience working with customers on personal
financial matters. In that position, I consistently received excellent scores on random customer surveys.
In addition to my work experience, I have taken relevant upper level coursework in the areas of insurance,
financial management and entrepreneurship and currently serve as Treasurer of the Finance and
Investment Society. My coursework and campus involvement have allowed me to begin to build contacts
within the financial services industry and to gain perspective on the many aspects of financial services and
how to apply my education in real world situations.
My resume is attached for your review and I would welcome the opportunity to interview for this position
and discuss my qualifications in greater detail. Should you need any additional information, please do not
hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Jane Doe

Jason Rock
1 Beachside Lane
Jacksonville, FL 32250
(904) 620-2067
October 13, 2013
Lisa Shock
Director of Human Resoruces
1300 Marsh Landing Parkway, Suite 106
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Dear Ms. Shock:
I am writing to apply to the Research Analyst position at MECLABS. I recently met with Larissa
Bodniowycz in the Career Management Center at the University of North Florida (UNF) who recommended
that I apply. I will be graduating in December with a double-major in Marketing and Management. I would
be available to start work full-time immediately as all my courses are in the evenings.
My education, marketing experience and ability to work with a team match the qualifications you are
seeking in a Research Analyst and I am confident I could make valuable contributions to MECLABS.
Through my coursework at UNF, I have learned marketing terminology, conducted case studies and
worked with a team to develop a comprehensive marketing plan for a local company. I supplemented my
formal education with an internship this past summer at Dow Chemical Company where I had the
opportunity to conduct consumer research. I designed and distributed an online survey, compiled and
analyzed the results in Excel and then presented my findings and recommendations to upper level
My resume is attached for your review and I would welcome the opportunity to interview for this position
and discuss my qualifications in greater detail. Should you need any additional information, please do not
hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Jason Rock

John Coggin
1 Osprey Lane
Jacksonville, FL 32224[email protected]
(904) 620-2067
December 1, 2013
Larissa Bodniowycz
UNF Career Management Center
1 UNF Drive, Building 42, Room 2021
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Dear Ms. Bodniowycz:
I recently completed my first semester at UNF and would love to become more involved with campus
activities and during the spring 2014 semester. I believe that the Student Ambassador Program would be a
great way to do that. This past semester, I was able to attend multiple workshops and events that the CMC
organized including the STAR program, the site visit to Target and the entrepreneurship panel. The events
were all professionally coordinated and I learned a lot from each. I would love to have the opportunity to
assist with the promotion and execution of future events.
I believe that my previous experience servicing in the US Coast Guard would allow me to make valuable
contributions as a Student Ambassador. This past June, I was released from Active Duty after spending
over five years at the Security Detachment in Mayport. I was the unit Training Officer and was responsible
for coordinating and conducting Coast Guard training as well as managing electronic records for over 40
members. In addition, I was a tactical boat office, federal law enforcement officer and unit health programs
coordinator. I believe that what I learned about leadership, organization, adaptability are transferable skills
that will help the Student Ambassador Program.
If selected to serve as a Student Ambassador, I would work very diligently to assist the CMC with the
promotion and execution of future events and anything else needed. Please feel free to contact me if you
have any questions or need additional information.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
John Coggin
John Coggin