Fillable Printable Credit Dispute Form - Kentucky
Fillable Printable Credit Dispute Form - Kentucky

Credit Dispute Form - Kentucky

Revised: 03/2011
P.O. BOX 24328
LOUISVILLE, KY 40224-0328
Phone: (800) 693-8220
Credit Dispute Form
Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corporation (KHESLC) makes every effort to submit
reports to consumer reporting agencies with accuracy and integrity. If you feel information on
your credit report is inaccurate or has been reported in error, please complete the following form
for a credit dispute. Your request must be submitted in writing and mailed, with supporting
documentation, to the address below. A reasonable investigation will reveal whether or not
corrections need to be made. You will be notified whether any action has been taken and
modifications to your credit report will be completed, if applicable, within 30 days from the
receipt of this form.
Account Number or SSN:
Home Phone: Cell Phone:
Please use the space below to describe your dispute in detail. If you need more room, please use
an additional sheet of paper. Attach supporting documentation (ex. credit bureau report) regarding
the consumer reporting agency or agencies with which the error has been found.
Return your completed form to: KHESLC, Credit Dispute Department, P.O. Box 24328,
Louisville, KY 40224-0328
Disputes sent to another address will not be processed. Please do not fax this form.