Fillable Printable Customer Service Standard Policy
Fillable Printable Customer Service Standard Policy

Customer Service Standard Policy

Customer Service Standard Policy
The purpose of this Customer Service Standard Policy is to fulfill the requirements set out in
regulation 429/07 of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) and to
establish a policy for SoftCom Inc. that governs the provision of its services to persons with
1. Our commitment
SoftCom Inc. strives at all times to provide services in a way that respects the dignity and
independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving people with disabilities
the same opportunity to access our services and allowing them to benefit from the same
services, in the same place and in a similar way as other customers.
2. Providing services to people with disabilities
SoftCom Inc. is committed to excellence in serving all customers including people with
disabilities and will use reasonable efforts to ensure that its policies, procedures and practices
are consistent with the following four principles:
Equal opportunity
3. Communication
We will endeavor to do our best to communicate with people with disabilities in
ways that take into account their disability
We will train staff and contractors who communicate with customers on how to
interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities
We will ask how we can help
4. Telephone services
We are committed to improving accessible telephone service to our customers. We will train staff
to communicate with customers over the telephone in plain language and to speak clearly and

slowly. We will offer to communicate with customers through email, relay services and written
means if telephone communication is not suitable to their communication needs or is not
5. Assistive devices
SoftCom Inc. is committed to serving people who need assistive devices to obtain, use or benefit
from our services.
6. Use of support persons and service animals
We are committed to welcoming people with disabilities who are accompanied by a support
person on the parts of our premises that are open to the public. At no time will a person with a
disability who is accompanied by a support person be prevented from having access to his or
her support person while on our premises.
7. Use of service animals
We are committed to welcoming people with disabilities who are accompanied by a service
animal on the parts of our premises that are open to the public. We will also ensure that all staff
and contractors dealing with the public are properly trained in how to interact with people with
disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal.
8. Notice of temporary disruption
SoftCom Inc. will provide customers with notice in the event of a planned or unexpected
disruption in the services usually used by people with disabilities. This notice will include
information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of
alternative facilities or services, if available. The notice will be placed on our website.
9. Training for staff
SoftCom Inc. will provide training to all employees, contractors and third party agents who deal
with the public on their behalf, and all those who are involved in the development and approvals
of customer service policies, practices and procedures.
All current employees and contractors will receive training by December 31, 2012. New
employees and contractors will receive training within 4 weeks of hire. Training will include the
The purposes of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the
requirements of the customer service standard
SoftCom Inc.’s plan related to the Customer Service Standard
How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities
How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require
the assistance of a service animal or a support person

How to use the equipment and devices available which help in providing services to
people with disabilities
What to do if a person with a particular type of disability is having difficulty accessing
SoftCom services
Staff training will begin with the online serve-ability transforming Ontario’s customer
service. specifically designed
for this purpose. Staff will also be trained on an ongoing basis when changes are made to
these policies, procedures and practices.
9. Feedback process or more information
Our goal at SoftCom Inc. is to meet and surpass customer expectations while serving customers
with disabilities. Comments on our service are welcome and appreciated. In addition, should you
require a copy of the SoftCom Inc. accessibility documents in standard or accessible format,
please contact:
Human Resources
1610 – 10 Bay St.
Toronto, ON M5J 2R8
OR (416) 957-7430
Feedback, questions and requests will be responded to in the same manner they were received
(by mail, email or telephone), within 5 business days.
10. Administration of the Policy
SoftCom Inc. is committed to developing customer service policies that respect and promote the
dignity and independence of people with disabilities; therefore, no changes will be made to this
or other policies before considering the impact on people with disabilities.
Responsibility for the periodic review, revision and communication of this Policy lies with the
Human Resources team, working in conjunction with the Executive Team.