Fillable Printable Declaration & Certification of Finances for I-20 / DS-2019 Application
Fillable Printable Declaration & Certification of Finances for I-20 / DS-2019 Application

Declaration & Certification of Finances for I-20 / DS-2019 Application

Declaration & Certification of Finances for I-20 / DS-2019 Application
In order for the Certificate of Visa Eligibility (Form I-20 or DS-2019) to be issued, it is necessary to submit complete and accurate
information regarding your sources of financial support. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign requires this information in
compliance with regulations set forth by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for all students planning to enter
the United States under its auspices. All documents must be in English or accompanied with an official English translation. All
documents must be uploaded into the “Upload Credentials Here” section of the online application. The following documentation
should be uploaded directly to the online application:
If the student will provide funding from personal funds, a bank statement with sufficient funding for at least one year’s
total cost is required.
If a family or other personal sponsor will provide funding, a bank statement with sufficient funding for at least one
year’s total cost is required, along with this form verifying sponsorship. Your sponsor may provide a signed letter of
sponsorship in lieu of this form detailing amounts and length of sponsorship.
If an employer, government, or organization will provide funding, a signed letter of sponsorship detailing amounts
and length of sponsorship is required. This form can accompany the letter of sponsorship, but not replace it. Authorization
for billing must also be submitted if your sponsor requests to be billed directly by the University.
Bank Statement Requirements: You must obtain a bank statement or letter (web printouts are acceptable for online banking)
showing the bank's letterhead/logo, bank stamp/bank signature, and the account holder’s name must match the name of your
sponsor. The statement must show sufficient funding for one year’s costs (or amount of sponsorship for year one), must be dated
within one year of submission, and must show funding in liquid accounts, such as savings, checking, money market accounts, or
CDs. Student loans are also acceptable; we must have a statement from the bank confirming approval of the loan. Non-liquid
funding such as stocks, bonds, auto/land deeds are not acceptable forms of financial support. Solvency and capability statements
are not acceptable forms of financial support.
Declaration and Certification of Finances form Requirements: The sponsor must sign and print his/her name and relationship
to the student, and the form must be dated within one year of submission. Signing this document verifies sponsorship for the full
length and cost of the program. True signatures are required; typed signatures will not be accepted.
Letter of Sponsorship Requirements: You must obtain an official letter of sponsorship from the sponsor that includes a
signature or stamp showing the authenticity of the letter. The letter must detail amounts and length of sponsorship, and be dated
within one year of submission. If applicable, please also ensure that the letter of sponsorship indicates agreement to cover your
accompanying dependent costs as well as your own.
School Funding Information: Financial assistance is available only for graduate students. Awards vary and may cover only part
of the total estimated expenses. The combination of funds from University financial assistance and from personal and/or other
resources must equal the total cost of attending your proposed program of study for one year. Personal or other funds must be
verified as requested above.
Dependent Information: Married students who will be accompanied by spouses and/or children must certify additional financial
resources to both the institution and to the U.S. embassy or consular office in order for dependent visas to be issued. The current
estimated cost for accompanying dependents is as follows: for one dependent, $7,300 per year; for two dependents, $11,300 per
year; and each additional dependent is $2,000 per year. Costs are calculated per 12-month period. It is also highly advisable to
purchase health insurance for accompanying dependents. The current approximate rate for a spouse or child is $1,068 per year. If
you are being sponsored by an agency or your employer, please ensure that the letter of sponsorship indicates agreement to
cover your accompanying dependent costs as well as your own. Please note these rates are subject to change.
Contingency Fund: We strongly advise that you provide a contingency fund of $3,000 for your initial expenses and potential
increases in tuition and fees. The estimated expenses listed on page 2 are estimated and may increase between the time of
admission and your first term of study. These expenses may also increase each year of your program. All tuition and fee rates are
subject to change without notice.
See Page 2 for Estimated Expenses
See Page 3 for Sponsor Affidavit of Support Form (to be uploaded into your online application)

Estimated Expenses for 2016 Admitted Students (for a single student)
Fall & Spring Estimated Cost
Room and Board (12 months) $14,650*
Other Expenses $3,300**
Books & Supplies $1,800
Tuition (base rate) and fees for Academic Year $29,886***
Academic Year (2 semesters) TOTAL $49,636
Summer Session (if you plan to attend, add these approximate expenses to the total above): Estimated Cost
Books & Supplies $300
Tuition (base rate) and fees for Academic Year $7,439**
Summer Session TOTAL $7,739
Calendar Year (academic year plus summer session): Estimated Cost
Total for a single student $57,375
*Calculated based on double occupancy (add $2,508 for single occupancy). **Other expenses include Personal/clothing/travel/Sunday evening meals.
***Tuition and Fees for base-rate programs only.
Estimated Expenses for 2016 Admitted Students to Non-Base Rate Programs (for a single student)
For a breakdown of expenses (tuition, fees, room and board, other expenses, and books and supplies) for these non-base rate programs, please view:
Program Total Estimated Cost
Accountancy MAS (9 month academic program) $49,138*
Accountancy MS (12 month academic program) $67,035
Accountancy - Taxation MS (12 month academic program in Chicago) $56,070
Advertising MS $50,440*
Bioinstrumentation MENG $64,885
Biophysics and Quantitative Biology PHD $63,059
Business Administration Executive MBA (Chicago) $75,168
Business Administration MBA $59,829*
Business Administration MSBA $67,329
Business Administration MS in Technology Management $69,275
Business PHD** $51,916*
Chemical and Life Sciences** $54,234*
Policy Economics MS $62,368
Engineering** $55,204*
Fine and Applied Arts** $50,786*
Financial Engineering MS $65,098*
Finance MS $62,378
Journalism MS $58,371
Law JD $69,663*
Law LLM $68,948*
Labor and Employment Relations MHRIR $53,358*
Library and Information Science $47,650*
Professional Science Masters $58,599
Public Health MPH $52,636*
Social Work MSW $52,242*
Speech and Hearing Science MA $49,836*
Speech and Hearing Science AUD $50,436*
Technology Management MS $69,275
Veterinary Medicine DVM $71,290*
*If admitted to summer, expenses will increase to include summer tuition and fees, as well as books and supplies.
**Business PHD programs include Accountancy PHD, Business Administration PHD, Finance PHD. Chemical and Life Sciences programs include all degrees in
Biology, Biophysics & Quantitative Biology, Chemistry, Plant Biology, Neuroscience, Entomology, and Molecular & Cellular Biology. Engineering programs include
all degrees in Aerospace Engineering, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Bioengineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical &
Computer Engineering, Industrial & Enterprise Systems Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, Mechanical Science & Engineering, Nuclear Plasma &
Radiological Engineering, and Physics. Fine & Applied Arts programs include all degrees in Architecture, Art & Design, Dance, Landscape Architecture, Music,
Theatre, and Urban & Regional Planning.

Declaration & Certification of Finances for I-20 / DS-2019 Application
UIN (If Applicable): ____________________________ Date of Birth: ___/___/_____
Last Name (Family Name): _________________________________________________________________________________
First Name: _____________________________________________________ Middle Name: __________________________
Desired Term of Enrollment: _______________________
Proposed Program of Study: ________________________________________________________________________________
Please complete the following information and sign below if you are willing to sponsor the student’s (and dependents if
applicable) full cost of tuition, fees, and living expenses for the full length of the program:
Sponsor 1:
Signature of Sponsor: _______________________________________________________ Date: ___/___/_____
Name of Sponsor (please print): _____________________________________________________________________
Relationship of Sponsor to Applicant: ________________________________________________________________
Address of Sponsor: ______________________________________________________________________________
Sponsor 2:
Signature of Sponsor: _______________________________________________________ Date: ___/___/_____
Name of Sponsor (please print): _____________________________________________________________________
Relationship of Sponsor to Applicant: ________________________________________________________________
Address of Sponsor: ______________________________________________________________________________
Sponsor 3:
Signature of Sponsor: _______________________________________________________ Date: ___/___/_____
Name of Sponsor (please print): _____________________________________________________________________
Relationship of Sponsor to Applicant: ________________________________________________________________
Address of Sponsor: ______________________________________________________________________________
If you plan to sponsor the student for less than the full cost of tuition, fees, and living expenses or for less than the full
length of the program, please attach a detailed letter of sponsorship.
I certify that the above information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I am fully aware than any false or misleading
statement may result in an automatic denial of my admission request or eventual dismissal from the University of Illinois.
Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Date: ___/___/_____