Fillable Printable Declaration for Mental Health Treatment
Fillable Printable Declaration for Mental Health Treatment

Declaration for Mental Health Treatment
DDeclaration for Mental Health Treatmentd
I_______________________________________________, being an adult of sound mind, willfully and voluntarily make
this declaration for mental health treatment to be followed if it is determined by 2 physicians or the court that my ability
to receive and evaluate information effectively or communicate decisions is impaired to such an extent that I lack the
capacity to refuse or consent to mental health treatment. “Mental health treatment” means electroconvulsive treatment,
treatment of mental illness with psychotropic medication, and admission to and retention in a health care facility for a
period up to 17 days.
I understand that I may become incapable of giving or withholding informed consent for mental health treatment due to
the symptoms of a diagnosed mental disorder. These symptoms may include:
If I become incapable of giving or withholding informed consent for mental health treatment, my wishes regarding
psychotropic medications are as follows:
_______ I consent to the administration of the following medications:
_______ I do not consent to the administration of the following medications:
Conditions or limitations: ____________________________________________________________________________
If I become incapable of giving or withholding informed consent for mental health treatment, my wishes regarding
electroconvulsive treatment are as follows:
_______ I consent to the administration of electroconvulsive treatment.
_______ I do not consent to the administration of electroconvulsive treatment.
Conditions or limitations: ___________________________________________________________________________
If I become incapable of giving or withholding informed consent for mental health treatment, my wishes regarding
admission to and retention in a health care facility for mental health treatment are as follows:
_______ I consent to being admitted to a health care facility for mental health treatment.
_______ I do not consent to being admitted to a health care facility for mental health treatment.
This directive cannot, by law, provide consent to retain me in a facility for more than 17 days.
Conditions or limitations: ___________________________________________________________________________
If it becomes necessary to determine if I have become incapable of giving or withholding informed consent for mental
health treatment, I choose Dr. ______________________________ of ______________________________ to be one of
the 2 physicians who will determine whether I am incapable. If that physician is unavailable, that physician’s designee
shall determine whether I am incapable.
Conditions or limitations: ___________________________________________________________________
I hereby appoint:
ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE# ____________________________________________________________________________________
to act as my attorney-in-fact to make decisions regarding my mental health treatment if I become incapable of giving or
withholding informed consent for that treatment.
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ATTORNEY-IN-FACT (continued)
If the person named above refuses or is unable to act on my behalf, or if I revoke that person’s authority to act as my
attorney-in-fact, I authorize the following person to act as my attorney-in-fact:
ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE# ____________________________________________________________________________________
My attorney-in-fact is authorized to make decisions that are consistent with the wishes I have expressed in this declaration
or, if not expressed, as are otherwise known to may [sic] attorney-in-fact. If my wishes are not expressed and are not
otherwise known by my attorney-in-fact, my attorney-in-fact is to act in what he or she believes to be my best interest.
(Signature of Principal/Date)
We affirm that the principal is personally known to us, that the principal signed or acknowledged the principal’s signature
on this declaration for mental health treatment in our presence, that the principal appears to be of sound mind and not
under duress, fraud or undue influence, that neither of us is:
A person appointed as an attorney-in-fact by this document;
The principal’s attending physician or mental health service provider or a relative of the physician or provider;
The owner, operator, or relative of an owner or operator of a facility in which the principal is a patient or resident; or
A person related to the principal by blood, marriage or adoption.
Witnessed By:
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
(Signature of Witness/Date) (Printed Name of Witness)
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
(Signature of Witness/Date) (Printed Name of Witness)
I accept this appointment and agree to serve as attorney-in-fact to make decisions about mental health treatment for the
principal. I understand that I have a duty to act consistent with the desires of the principal as expressed in this appoint-
ment. I understand that this document gives me authority to make decisions about mental health treatment only while the
principal is incapable as determined by a court or 2 physicians. I understand that the principal may revoke this declaration
in whole or in part at any time and in any manner when the principal is not incapable.
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
(Signature of Attorney-in-fact/Date) (Printed Name of Witness)
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
(Signature of Attorney-in-fact/Date) (Printed Name of Witness)
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This is an important legal document. It creates a declaration for mental health treatment. Before signing this document,
you should know these important facts:
This document allows you to make decisions in advance about 3 types of mental health treatment: psychotropic medica-
tion, electroconvulsive therapy, and short-term (up to 17 days) admission to a treatment facility. The instructions that you
include in this declaration will be followed only if 2 physicians or the court believes that you are incapable of making
treatment decisions. Otherwise, you will be considered capable to give or withhold consent for the treatments.
You may also appoint a person as your attorney-in-fact to make these treatment decisions for you if you become inca-
pable. The person you appoint has a duty to act consistent with your desires as stated in this document or, if your desires
are not stated or otherwise made known to the attorney-in-fact, to act in a manner consistent with what the person in good
faith believes to be in your best interest. For the appointment to be effective, the person you appoint must accept the
appointment in writing. The person also has the right to withdraw from acting as your attorney-in-fact at any time.
This document will continue in effect for a period of 3 years unless you become incapable of participating in mental
health treatment decisions. If this occurs, the directive will continue in effect until you are no longer incapable.
You have the right to revoke this document in whole or in part at any time you have been determined by a physician to be
capable of giving or withholding informed consent for mental health treatment. A revocation is effective when it is
communicated to your attending physician in writing and is signed by you and a physician. The revocation may be in a
form similar to the following:
I,__________________________________, willfully and voluntarily revoke my declaration for mental health treatment
as indicated
[ ] I revoke my entire declaration
[ ] I revoke the following portion of my declaration
Date__________________ Signed _____________________________________________________________
(Signature of principal)
I, Dr. _____________________________, have evaluated the principal and determined that he or she is capable of giving
or withholding informed consent for mental health treatment.
Date__________________ Signed _____________________________________________________________
(Signature of physician)
If there is anything in this document that you do not understand, you should ask a lawyer to explain it to you. This
declaration will not be valid unless it is signed by 2 qualified witnesses who are personally known to you and who are
present when you sign or acknowledge your signature.
(Source: P.A. 89-439, § 75.)