Fillable Printable Dispute Letter - Credit Card Transaction Dispute Letter Sample
Fillable Printable Dispute Letter - Credit Card Transaction Dispute Letter Sample

Dispute Letter - Credit Card Transaction Dispute Letter Sample
Dispute Letter Sample
Mr. Peter Fernandez
ASBC Credit Card
Date: Date on which letter is written
Nelson Pereira
135, Florins Apartments
Sub: Dispute letter
Dear Mr. Fernandez,
This is with reference to my credit card report which I received last week.
My credit card number is 3454654534. Date of issue 12
December 1998. I
have always made my payments on time but this time I am surprised to see
the report mentioning that I have to make payments which have already
been made. I am attaching the copy of the statement with this letter and I
have also circle those transactions which have already been settled.
I would like to mention once again that I have already settled my dues and I
am also attaching the receipts for the same. I would appreciate if you could
look into matter and rectify the faults at the earliest.
Yours sincerely
Nelson Pereira