Fillable Printable Dissolution of Marriage Form - Connecticut
Fillable Printable Dissolution of Marriage Form - Connecticut

Dissolution of Marriage Form - Connecticut

The ("X" one)
before the filing of the divorce complaint or before the divorce will become final.
5. A divorce is granted based on the
3. The Court in this case heard the evidence and finds the following:
Judicial District of At (Town)
Docket number
JD-FM-177 Rev. 11-09
C.G.S. 46b-40, 46b-56c, 46b-84, Public Act 09-13,
P.B. ยงยง 6-2 through 6-5, 17-4, 17-9, 17-43, 25-38
1. A complaint asking for a dissolution of marriage (divorce)
and other relief was filed in this court with a return date of:
Plaintiff's name (Last, first, middle initial)
Defendant's name (Last, first, middle initial)
Defendant filed an Appearance.
INSTRUCTIONS: Type or print with black ink and file with Court Clerk within 60 days of the judgment.
Plaintiff's address Defendant's address
has lived in Connecticut for at least twelve months immediately
This marriage has broken down irretrievably.
Other (must be reason(s) listed in Connecticut General Statutes section 46b-40(c)):
6. "X" all that apply:
No children were born to either the plaintiff or defendant after the date of this marriage.
There are no children of this marriage under the age of 23.
Return date
(Month, day, year) (Town and state)
(Continued on reverse/page 2)
Date of judgment
(Name before marriage)
2. Status of case ("X" one):
Date of birth (Month, day, year)
Name of Judge
Name of child (First, middle, last)
The plaintiff,
4. "X" one:
, married the defendant,
cross complaint because ("X" one):complaint
Defendant failed to file an appearance (defaulted) and the Court finds that: (a) the complaint was properly served
on the defendant, and (b) the defendant is not now, nor within the past thirty days has been, in the military service.
lived in Connecticut at the time of the marriage, moved away,
The following children were born on or after the marriage to the ("X" all that apply) plaintiff defendant and
are not children of the other party to this marriage.
(List only children who have not yet reached the age of 23.)
Name of child (First, middle, last) Date of birth (Month, day, year)
7. ("X" if it applies) The Court finds that the agreement between the parties is fair and equitable.
The following children are either: (a) the biological and/or adoptive children of both of the parties, or (b) have been
born to one of the parties on or after the date of the marriage and are claimed to be children of the marriage.
(List only children who have not yet reached the age of 23.)
plaintiff defendant
The ("X" one)
and then returned to Connecticut, planning to live here permanently.
plaintiff defendant
The marriage broke down after the ("X" one)
plaintiff defendant moved to Connecticut.
applicable, entered into a civil union that merged into a marriage by subsequent ceremony or by operation of law on
(Name before marriage)
(Month, day, year)
(Town and state)
, and, if

By the Court (Full name of Judge)
(Page 2 of 2)
is attached and its terms are incorporated by reference.
Based on these facts, the Court hereby dissolves the marriage of the parties and
declares each party to be single and unmarried. The Court further orders:
Sole custody to
Visitation as follows:
Alimony payable to:
Child support as follows:
Payable through the State of Connecticut.
Medical insurance coverage as follows:
Immediate income withholding (See Notice to Nonappearing Obligor of Income Withholding Order, JD-FM-70,
if defendant has not filed an appearance)
Regarding post-majority educational support orders (Select one):
Signed (Judge/Assistant Clerk)
Plaintiff's attorney
Defendant's attorney
I certify that the foregoing judgment file conforms to the judgment entered by the court.
JD-FM-177 (Back) Rev. 11-09
Print name
Date of judgment
Print name Date signed
Notice as directed by the judicial authority must be given to parties who have not filed an appearance, of any
order for support or alimony. No such order shall be effective until the order of notice has been complied with or
the nonappearing party has actually received notice of such order. (Practice Book section 25-29)
Docket number
The Court finds that both of the parties have made a knowing and intelligent waiver of their right to request a
post-majority educational support order; or
The Court reserves jurisdiction to determine whether a post-majority educational support order should issue and
the terms thereof; or
The Court enters a post-majority educational support as follows (Attach additional sheets if necessary):
to terminate atAmount: $
Attorney Certification: (Completed by attorneys only if both the plaintiff and defendant were represented by attorneys)
Primary residence with:
Joint legal custody to
Contingent income withholding
Print name of person signing at left
Date signed
The written agreement between the parties dated
Defendant is restored to:The name of the
A parenting responsibility plan in the best interest(s) of the minor child(ren)
The Court having found that it is more likely than not that the parents would have provided post-majority
educational support, reserves jurisdiction to determine whether to enter an educational support order and the
terms thereof; or
incorporated by reference herein
as follows: