Fillable Printable Petition for Dissolution of Marriage - Illinois
Fillable Printable Petition for Dissolution of Marriage - Illinois

Petition for Dissolution of Marriage - Illinois

Petitioner )
vs. ) Gen. No.
Respondent )
, the Petitioner, representing myself, state that:
Part A. Jurisdiction
(One party must be a resident of the State of Illinois for at least 90 days prior either to the
filing of this Petition or to the entry of the Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage).
1. Petitioner
a. I am
years of age.
b. I presently reside at
City/County and State
c. My occupation is that of: .
2. Respondent
a. The Respondent is
years of age.
b. The Respondent presently resides at
City/County and State
c. The Respondent’s occupation is that of:
3. Marriage
a. The Respondent and I were married on
b. The marriage took place in and the marriage is
City/County and State
registered in that state and county.
Residency (Check all that apply):
S a. I have lived in Illinois since .
S b. My spouse h a s lived in Illin o is since .
5. Other Proceedings (Check one)
S a. No petition for dissolution of marriage between the parties is pen d ing in any ot her county or state.
S b. There is another petition f or dissolution of marriage between the parties is pen ding in:
City/County and State
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Part B. Children/ Related Cases
1. Children ( Check all that ap ply ):
(A completed Declaration Under Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act
(UCCJEA) form must be attached to this petition.)
S a. We have no children together. or
S b. That I S am / S am not currently pregnant. or
S c. That my spouse S is / S is not currently pregnant.
(If no child(ren), skip to Part B, paragraph 4
S d. The following child(ren) were born to or adopted by myself and my spouse and me during the
Date of Birth
Currently Living With
(Attach additional pages as needed)
2. It is in the best int erests of the child(ren ) that (check one):
S a. Temporary and permanent sole custody of
Name of Ch ild(ren)
be awarded to the S Petitioner S Respondent.
S b. Temporary and permanent joint custody of
Name of Ch ild(ren)
be awarded to the parties with S Petitioner S Respondent as the resident ial parent.
3. It is in the best int erests of the child(ren) that the Court provide for visitation as follows (check one):
S a. Deny S Restrict visitation because:
S b. Grant visitation as follows:
4. I know of the following related cases pending or closed concerning the parties or child(ren) (such as
domestic violence, paternity, divorce, custody, visitation or juvenile court cases, support, etc.):
County/State Case Number Kind of Case Year Filed Pending or Closed
(Attach additional pages as needed)
Part C. Support
(Affidavit of Income and Expenses must be filed in the court at the time of any hearing on
support and maintenance.) (Check all that apply)
S a. The Respondent S is S is not employed.
S b. The Respondent S is S is not able to contribute to the support of S our minor child(ren)
S and myself.
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2. I S am / S am not (check one) seeking maintenance (support) for myself because:
Part D. Property
(You do not have to complete Part D if you are not asking the court to make decisions about
your property.)
(Attach additional pages as needed)
1. My spouse and/or I have the following marital property and debts (check all that apply):
S Real Estate/House(s):
Street Address
S Pension(s):
Name of Company
S Bank account(s) and investment(s):
Name of Financial Institution
S Motor Vehicle(s):
Year, Make and Model
S Debts (attach list)
S I claim the following property as my non-marital property because the property was acquired
S prior to our marriage S by gift S by inheritance S other:
S I acknowledge the following property as my spouse’s non-marital property because the property as
acquired S prior to our marriage S by gift S by inheritance S other.:
Part E. Grounds for Dissolution of Marriage
1. My grounds for Dissolution of my marriage are: (Check all that apply)
S a. Irreconcilable Differences (separated in exce ss of 2 years)
From on or about __ , my spouse and I have lived separate and apart from
each other for a continuous period in excess of 2 years and irreconcilable differences have
caused the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. Efforts at reconciliation have failed or future
at reconciliation would be impracticable and not in the best interests of the family .
S b. Irreconcilable Differences (separated in excess of 6 months with 2 year waiver)
From on or about
, my spouse and I have lived separate and apart from
each other for a continuous period in excess of 6 months and we have signed written waivers of
the 2 year period of separation. Irreconcilable differences have caused the irretrievab le
breakdown of the marriage. Efforts at reconciliation have failed or future attempts at
reconciliat ion would be impract icable and not in the best interests of the family.
S c. Physical or Mental Cruelt y
That without cause or provocation on my part, my spouse during the marriage has been
guilty of extreme and repeated S physical and/or S mental cruelty.
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Distribution: (3 Co pies) U Original to Circuit Clerk U Petitioner U Respondent
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S d. Other Grounds per 750 ILCS 5/401 (Please specify)
Part F. Parties' Agreements
1. S The parties have reached ag reement(s) on the f o llowing issues:
S custody, S visitation, S child support or S maintenance (support for a spouse)
State the specific arrangements:
(Attach additional pages as needed)
Part G. Relief Requested
1. FOR THESE REASONS, I request that judgment be entered that provides as follows:
(Chec k all that apply)
S a. That the marriage be dissolved.
S b. That sole custody of the minor child(ren) be awarded to S Petitioner S Respondent.
S c. That joint legal cust ody of the minor child(ren) be aw arded with S Petitioner S Respondent
to be the residential custodian.
S d. That visitation with the minor child(ren) be S granted S restricted S barred S reserved.
S e. That child support be awarded.
S f. That a fair division of the property or its value acquired during the marriage be divided in just
S g. That maintenance to the Petitioner be S granted S waived S reserved
S h. That maintenance to the Respondent be S granted S barred S reserved
S i. That a change back to my former name: be granted.
Full Former Name
j. That any other appropriate relief be awarded.
Under penalties as provided by law pursuant to Section 1-109 of the Code of Civil Procedure,* the
undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this inst rument are true and correct.
Date Signature
Printed Name
* - Any person who makes a false statement, material to the issue or point in question, which he does
not believe to be true, in any document certified by such person in accordance with 735 ILCS 5/1-109 shall
be guilty of a Class 3 felony punishable by two (2) to five (5) years imprisonment and/or a $10,000.00 fine.