Fillable Printable DNR Identification Form - Ohio
Fillable Printable DNR Identification Form - Ohio

DNR Identification Form - Ohio

(Check only one box)
DNRCC (If this box is checked the DNR Comfort Care Protocol is activated immediately.)
DNRCC-Arrest (If this box is checked, the DNR Comfot Care Protocol is implemented in the event of a cardiac arrest or a respiratory arrest.)
Patient Name:
City: State: Zip:
Birthdate: Gender:
Signature: (optional)
Do-Not-Resuscitate Order—My signature below constitutes
and conrms a formal order to emergency medical services and
other health care personnel that the person identied above is to be
treated under the State of Ohio DNR Protocol. I arm that this order
is not contrary to reasonable medical standards or, to the best of my
knowledge, contrary to the wishes of the person or of another person
who is lawfully authorized to make informed medical decisions on the
person’s behalf. I also arm that I have documented the grounds for
this order in the person’s medical record.
Living Will (Declaration) and Qualifying
Condition—The person identied above has a valid Ohio
Living Will (declaration) and has been certied by two physicians
in accordance with Ohio law as being terminal or in a permanent
unconscious state, or both.
Printed name of physician*:
Signature: Date:
Address: Phone:
City/State: Zip:
* A DNR order may be issued by a certified nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, or a physician assistant when authorized by section 2133.211 of the Ohio Revised Code.
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See reverse side for DNR Protocol
Certication of DNR Comfort Care Status
(to be completed by the physician)*
(Check only one box)

After the State of Ohio DNR Protocol has been activated for a specic DNR Comfort Care patient, the Protocol species that emergency medical services and other
health care workers are to do the following:
If you have responded to an emergency situation by initiating any of the WILL NOT actions prior to conrming that the DNR Comfort Care Protocol should be
activated, discontinue them when you activate the Protocol. You may continue respiratory assistance, IV medications, etc., that have been part of the
patient’s ongoing course of treatment for an underlying disease.
If family or bystanders request or demand resuscitation for a person for whom the DNR Comfort Care Protocol has been activated, do not proceed with
resuscitation. Provide comfort measures as outlined above and try to help the family members understand the dying process and the patient’s choice not to
be resuscitated.
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• Suction the airway
• Administer oxygen
• Position for comfort
• Splint or immobilize
• Control bleeding
• Provide pain medication
• Provide emotional support
• Contact other appropriate health care providers, such as hospice, home
health, attending physicians, CNPs, and CNSs
• Administer chest compressions
• Insert articial air way
• Administer resuscitative drugs
• Debrillate or cardiovert
• Provide respiratory assistance (other than that listed above)
• Initiate resuscitative IV
• Initiate cardiac monitoring