Fillable Printable Drive Time Log Sheet
Fillable Printable Drive Time Log Sheet

Drive Time Log Sheet
If you are under 18, you must comply with the following
You must be 16 years of age to be issued an instruction permit
You have completed and passed the classroom portion of an
approved driver education course then you may be issued an
instruction permit at the age of 15 years. You must submit proof
of completion, along with your identication, at the time you apply
for the permit.
Or, if you have completed a State-approved 4-hour driver awareness
course, then you may be issued a permit at 15 years/6 months. You
must submit proof of completion, along with your identication, at the
time you apply for the permit.
You are required to hold your rst instruction permit for at least twelve
months and be at least 16 years of age before you can get a driver’s
license in Colorado. This means that if you get your permit on your
15th birthday, you will have to hold the permit until your 16th birthday
before you can apply for the license.
You are required, by law, to complete behind-the-wheel training
before you can be issued your driver’s license if you are under the
age of 16 years, 6 months at the time you apply for your driver’s
license. The BTW training can be administered two ways: you can
take 6 hours with a driving instructor from a department-approved
school or, if there isn’t a driving school that offers BTW training at
least 20 hours per week with an address that is within 30 miles of
the permit holder’s residence, you may complete 12 hours with a
parent, guardian or alternate permit supervisor.
At the time you apply for your driver’s license, you are also required,
by law, to submit a log of your driving experience. The log sheet must
show a minimum total of 50 hours, with 10 hours of those 50 hours
having been driven at night. The Drive Time Log Sheet is used any
time you drive. The appropriate box is lled in by the parent/guardian
driving with you or by the driver authorized by your parent/guardian
to accompany you while you are driving. They will ll in the date, the
total drive time, the amount of night driving (if any) and their initials.
The Comments section is optional for licensing purposes, but is
useful for you to track your progress. The Driver Time Log Sheet is
the only log sheet acceptable as proof of the required 50 hours of
driving time unless the log sheet you are presenting is from a state-
approved Commercial Driving School, Driver Education or 3rd-party
testing organization. The 50 hour total may include your 6-hour
BTW training, if your BTW training was with your driver’s education
teacher. If you complete 12 hours of BTW training with your parent/
guardian/alternate permit supervisor, the 12 hours is IN ADDITION
to the 50 hour requirement of the log sheet, for a total of 62 hours.
You may make photocopies of the log sheet if you need more than
one to complete your 50 hours.
When you have reached your required totals, your parent,
stepparent, guardian or grandparent with Power of Attorney
(the same person that signed the DR 2460, Afdavit of Liability and
Guardianship, for you to get your permit) or your driver education
instructor must then verify total driving time and total night driving
time on your log sheet(s). These totals are entered on the appropriate
lines on the back of the last log sheet. The parent/guardian or driver
education instructor will then sign and date only the back of the log
sheet that has the nal completed totals.
Once you have held your instruction permit for at least 12 full
months, and you are at least 16 years of age, you are eligible to
apply for your license. You will need to bring the completed original
Drive Time Log Sheet(s) with you when you come in. You must
submit the completed Drive Time Log Sheet at the time you
apply for your license. If your parent/guardian/alternate permit
supervisor administered the required behind-the-wheel training,
they will complete the back of a DR2460, the Afdavit of Completion
of a Driver Education Classroom Course or BTW. Reminder, drive
tests at driver’s license ofces are by appointment, only.
When you are issued your driver’s license, if you are under the age
of 18, there are still a few things you need to be aware of. The law
does not allow you to carry a passenger under the age of 21 until you
have held your license for at least 6 months. And, you can’t carry
more than one passenger under 21 until you’ve held your license for
at least one year. The exceptions to this are if your parent/guardian
is with you, or there is an adult passenger 21 or older who has a
valid license and has held that license for at least one year, or the
passenger under 21 needs emergency medical assistance or is a
member of your immediate family.
While you are under 18, you cannot drive between the hours of 12:00
midnight and 5:00 a.m. unless you have held your license for at
least one year. The exceptions to this are if your parent/guardian is
with you, or there is an adult passenger 21 or older who has a valid
license and has held that license for at least one year, or it is an
emergency, or you are an emancipated minor with a valid license. You
may drive between midnight and 5:00 a.m. if it’s to a school or school-
authorized activity where the school doesn’t provide transportation.
You will need a signed statement from the school ofcial showing
the date of the activity. And, you may drive between midnight and
5:00 a.m., if it’s to and from work. You must carry a signed statement
from your employer verifying your employment.
While you are under the age of 18, when you carry any allowed
passengers, everyone riding with you must wear their seat belt.
Only one passenger can ride in the front seat with you. You can
only carry as many passengers in the back seat as there are seat
Colorado law prohibits drivers under 18 years age from using a cell
or mobile phone while driving unless it is to contact the police or re
department or it is an emergency. Drivers 18 and older may not use
a cell or mobile telephone for text messaging while driving unless it
is to contact the police or re department or it is an emergency. Your
license expires 20 days after your 21st birthday. Have a safe journey
and we will see you when you turn 21.
Student’s Name ______________________________ Permit Number ________________________________
DR 2324 (07/15/10)

The verifying signature must be from one of the signers of the Afdavit of Liability and Guardianship, form DR 2460, or from the
Driver Education Instructor. Please check all totals prior to signing. By signing below, I certify that the above total hours of
driving experience is true and accurate.
Signed ___________________________________________________________ Date ______________________
Parent/Guardian or Driver Education Instructor
Date Verier’s Initials Driving Time Night Driving
Date Verier’s Initials Driving Time Night Driving
Date Verier’s Initials Driving Time Night Driving
Date Verier’s Initials Driving Time Night Driving
Date Verier’s Initials Driving Time Night Driving
Date Verier’s Initials Driving Time Night Driving
Date Verier’s Initials Driving Time Night Driving
Date Verier’s Initials Driving Time Night Driving
Date Verier’s Initials Driving Time Night Driving
Date Verier’s Initials Driving Time Night Driving
Date Verier’s Initials Driving Time Night Driving
Date Verier’s Initials Driving Time Night Driving
Date Verier’s Initials Driving Time Night Driving
Totals ...................................................................
Driving Time Night Driving
Minimum of 50 hours Minimum of 10 hours