Fillable Printable Employee Evaluation Form Sample
Fillable Printable Employee Evaluation Form Sample

Employee Evaluation Form Sample

Employee Performance Evaluation
Several association executives have provided sample employee performance
evaluation tools. These examples are aimed at evaluating employees ---
NOT the chief executive officer
ASAE reports on employee performance review in Policies and Procedures
in Association Management (2001).
• 92% of associations conduct some sort of periodic performance review of
• 83% conduct the employee evaluation on an annual basis.
Development of a satisfactory evaluation form is the first step in the process.
1. Develop an evaluation tool applicable to your organization and laws.
2. Identify performance measures.
3. Set a schedule for employee evaluation.
4. Determine the processes for the evaluation.
5. Consider outcomes, discipline, rewards, etc.
6. Determine safe record retention requirements.
This information is provided as samples and for considering or reviewing processes. It is
NOT legal, accounting, insurance or HR advice. It is important to contact
appropriate professionals before taking action.
The CEO usually has a more detailed evaluation conducted by the chief elected officer or a subgroup of
the board, utilizing a different set of performance measures and incorporating the organization’s strategic

Performance Appraisals
Look Before You Leap
Every once in a while, there is a request on the listserv for sample performance
evaluation forms. While few people start completely from scratch when
implementing a new review form, you need to be careful before adopting
someone else’s form without thinking through some important questions. First,
what behaviors are you trying to motivate with your performance management
tool? Many forms contain performance dimensions such as “teamwork”,
“leadership”, “adaptability”, etc. You need to choose these competencies
carefully to make sure that they reflect the behaviors which will lead to success in
your unique environment. The dimensions you choose must be strategically
relevant. It is a mistake to simply adopt the competencies contained in another
organization’s form, particularly if they conflict with your other HR systems such
as selection, compensation, and training. Are you selecting employees based on
one set of criteria, but evaluating, compensating and/or training them on different
Another important consideration is the usefulness of the tool for the dual
purposes of performance evaluation: employee development and HR decision-
making. Does the instrument provide a way to objectively evaluate performance
as the basis for determining raises, promotions, and training? At the same time,
does it provide specific, behavioral feedback leading to enhanced performance?
Finally, do the performance standards meet the following important criteria for a
sound performance management tool: are they clear, understandable,
measurable, observable, and able to be developed? Are they free from criteria
contamination and deficiency (does the form measure all of the important
aspects of the job but none that are beyond the employee’s control)? Does the
rating scale make sense, and is it easy to interpret and apply?
A good performance evaluation form can be a powerful tool in helping
organizations achieve a competitive advantage through people, but only if we
resist the temptation to assume that “one size fits all”.
Christina L. Greathouse, Ph.D. - Partner
Strategic Performance Group
Employee Evaluation Form
Name of Employee____________________________________________________________________
Report Period: From__________________________ To______________________________________
Evaluation for: Probation Annual Special
I. Knowledge of Job: Consider employee’s knowledge and understanding of every aspect pertinent to
the job (methods, equipment, etc.)
Unacceptable— Despite a reasonable period of orientation, and/or instruction, job knowledge remains
at an unacceptably low level.
Needs Improvement—Lacks knowledge in several basic elements of the job. Requires frequent
instruction in areas of fundamental knowledge.
Good— Is knowledgeable of basic elements of job. Does not require instruction in area of fundamental
Commendable— Thoroughly understands own job and related jobs.
II. Quantity of Work: Consider volume of work performed and assignments completed relative to job
Unacceptable— Far below acceptable standards. Does small amount of work. Wastes time.
Needs Improvement—Output of work is below standards. Does only enough to get by.
Good— Produces expected amount of work and occasionally exceeds expectations.
Commendable— Can be depended upon to frequently produce above expectations.
III. Quality of Work: Consider performance of work in terms of neatness, accuracy, and thoroughness.
Unacceptable— Far below standards. Makes many errors. Finished product not complete.
Needs Improvement—Below acceptable standards. Work needs to be frequently checked and
Good— Meets expected standards and occasionally exceeds expectations.
Commendable— Quality is frequently above expected standards.
IV. Cooperation: Consider degree to which employee works cooperatively and harmoniously with
coworkers and supervisor.
Unacceptable— Uncooperative. Has difficulty getting along with others.
Needs Improvement— Cooperation must be solicited. Seldom volunteers to assist. Causes
friction with coworkers.
Good— Regularly cooperates in an agreeable manner.
Commendable—Cooperates very well with others. Readily volunteers to aid others.
V. Aptitude: Consider how quickly employee learns new work and retains what has been learned.
Unacceptable— Extreme difficulties in learning even simple procedures.
Needs Improvement— Has trouble retaining procedures.
Good— Learns rapidly and retains information/skills learned.
Commendable—Quick to grasp new ideas and methods. Is enthusiastic about learning new
methods or skills.
VI. Initiative: Consider employee’s ability to act on own responsibility to accomplish needed work.
Unacceptable— Needs prodding. Always waits to be told what to do.
Needs Improvement— Does only what is required.
Good— Regularly takes initiative in work situations. An able worker.
Commendable— Acts voluntarily even in matters deviating from routine. Willingly seeks out
ways to improve job methods or to use skills in other areas.
VII. Judgment: Consider employee’s ability to think through situations, weigh factors involved, and
make sound decisions.
Unacceptable— Frequently makes wrong decisions based on failure to gain complete
understanding of the situation.
Needs Improvement— Needs more than normal amount of supervisory guidance in normal, job-
related decisions.
Good— Regularly makes decisions promptly and accurately in normal, job-related decisions.
Commendable—Makes sound decisions and uses considerable amount of analysis in performing
responsibilities. Judgement can be depended upon.
VIII. Dependability: Consider employee’s ability to follow through on assignments.
Unacceptable— Requires constant supervisory follow-up in order to get scheduled work done.
Needs Improvement— Work is completed only with more than normal supervisory observation
or close control.
Good— Can be depended upon to complete assignments. Occasionally does more than is
expected. Minimal supervision required in any phase of work.
Commendable—Thinks in advance of needs, frequently does more than expected. Seldom
needs supervision once an assignment is given.
IX. Communication–Verbal: Consider employee’s ability to convey information and present ideas
clearly and concisely throughout the organization and with outside contacts.
Unacceptable— Rude with unpleasant mannerisms or tone which hinders verbal
Needs Improvement— Poor command of language and grammar thus presenting difficulty in
communicating information and ideas.
Good— Regularly demonstrates good verbal communication ability.
Commendable— Tactful, pleasant mannerisms. Able to present information in an
understandable manner, even when dealing with a complex situation.
X. Communication–Written: Consider employee’s ability to convey information and present ideas
clearly and concisely throughout the organization and with outside contacts.
Unacceptable— Unable to communicate ideas in written form.
Needs Improvement— Poor command of language and grammar. Written communication
often unclear and misunderstood.
Good— Regularly demonstrates good written communication ability.
Commendable— Writes in an interesting, concise and understandable manner even when
dealing with complex subject matter.
XI. Supervisor’s comments: Please use this area to comment on any additional topics related to this
employee’s performance not covered elsewhere in this review.
Evaluation Summary:
Unacceptable— Consistently performs below acceptable standards; fails to meet expectations.
Needs Improvement— Frequently performs below acceptable standards; often fails to meet
expectations. Improvement necessary.
Good— Dependably does a good job; consistently meets expectations.
Commendable— Demonstrates effective performance; clearly and consistently exceeds
Signature of Employee Date
Signature of Supervisor Date
Signature of Executive Vice President Date
Employee’s signature is required only to indicate that the employee has read the evaluation form, not to
approve or disapprove. An employee that does not agree with a performance evaluation may submit a
response/rebuttal to the evaluation, which shall be reviewed by the Supervisor and the Executive Vice
President, and then attached to the file copy of the evaluation.
Date: ____________
Performance Evaluation For _____________________
1) I like it that I:
2) I would be more effective if I:
Signed: ______________________________________
Printed name: _________________________________
Date: ________________________________________

Member Service Performance Review
Employee Name:
Department: Supervisor:
Review Period: Date:
Performance Areas
The following are the areas upon which performance will be measured.
The extent to which the employee works closely and productively with team members.
The extent to which the employee communicates openly and frequently with team
members and other staff members. The extent to which the employee shares in tasks
and supports the team (verbally and in actions).
The extent to which the employee provides quality customer service to both internal and
external customers.
Job Knowledge:
The employee's level of understanding of the technical requirements of the position and
how it fits into the overall organizational structure. The extent to which the employee
has a comprehensive understanding of all phases of the job.
The ability to deal appropriately with different stressors that are part of the job. The
extent to which the employee has emotional maturity and a positive outlook.
Work Habits:
The extent to which one can be counted on, makes good decisions that have
appropriate or positive outcomes and takes initiative to improve processes.
Planning & Organization:
The employee's ability to anticipate workload and schedule established tasks for
efficient and timely accomplishment. Ability to prioritize and coordinate with others as
necessary and manage time effectively.
Potential Ratings
The following are the potential ratings for each of these areas.
EE – Exceeds Expectations / Excellent
AE – Above Expectations / Above Average
ME – Meets Expectations / Average
NI – Needs Improvement / Below Average

Category Rating
Teamwork EE – Works exceptionally well with team. Promotes and sets example of
teamwork. Open with group.
AE – Works very well with team. Always helpful and supportive.
ME – Works well with work team. Will usually support efforts.
NI – Does not respond well to teamwork. Keeps tasks for self, does not
share information with group.
Service EE – Sets standard of service for the department. Approachable, helpful,
quick to respond, makes customer feel important. Anticipates
customer needs.
AE – Very good at serving customer. Fills all requests for service well.
anticipates some needs.
ME – Good at serving customers. Fills all request for service in pleasant &
helpful manner
NI – Does not respond to service requests in timely manner. Grumbles about
serving others. Plays favorites.
Knowledge EE - Able to perform all functions of position. Able to teach others in processes
Job & procedures.
AE – Able to perform most of the functions of position. Still has some
ME – Able to perform over half of all functions of position. Still learning basic
operations and overall work of department
NI – Able to perform less than half of all functions of position. Learning is slow,
with repeated instruction.
Cooperation EE – Extremely positive about work and co-workers. Friendly, easy to work
with. Able to rise above pressure on job.
AE – Positive about work and most co-workers. Usually handles pressures well
ME – Usually positive about work and most co-workers. Handles pressure
most of the time.
NI - Usually negative about work and most co-workers. Usually does not
handle pressures well.
Work Habits EE – Extremely dependable & trustworthy. Always looks to take on new projects
and go the extra mile. Always recognizes consequences of actions and
AE – Very dependable & trustworthy. Usually looks to take on new projects.
ME – Dependable & can trust most of the time. Will take on new projects after
being asked.
NI - Not always dependable. Question trust. Does not look for additional
projects and/or resents them. Does not recognize consequences of
decisions and does not demonstrate logical thinking.
Planning & EE – Always plans and organizes workload and can efficiently accomplish both
Organization individual and group tasks. Can also handle changes that arise in
workload or priorities easily.
AE - Usually plans and organizes workload and can usually accomplish both
individual and group tasks efficiently. Can also usually handle changes
that arise in workload or priorities.
ME – Plans and organizes workload most of the time and accomplish both
individual and group tasks. Most of the time can handle changes that
arise in workload and priorities.
NI - Does not plan and organize workload or accomplish tasks. Has difficulty
handling changes that arise in workload and priorities.

Performance Rating
Category Rating Comments & Goals for 2005
Team Work:
of Job
Work Habits:
Planning &
Based on the above, I have judged your performance as XX and raised your annual
salary for the period of January 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005 to $XX, an increase of
XX%. I hope you find this increase to be reflective of the work you have done and the
contributions you have made.
___________________________ __________________
XX Date
I have reviewed the above evaluation and discussed it with my supervisor. My signature
below shall not be construed to mean either agreement or disagreement with the
evaluation but rather acknowledgment that the evaluation has been seen by me. I also
understand that I have the right to append comments to the evaluation if I so desire.
____________________________ __________________
XX Date