Fillable Printable Employee Evaluation Form Free Download
Fillable Printable Employee Evaluation Form Free Download

Employee Evaluation Form Free Download

Employee Performance Evaluation
EMPLOYEE’S NAME_______________________________________ DEPARTMENT_______________________________________
JOB CLASSIFICATION_____________________________________ HIRE DATE __________________________________________
DATE OF EVALUATION ______ __________________________ ____ DATE OF LAST EVALUATION _________________________ __
TYPE OF EVALUATION Annual End of Probation Period Other
INSTRUCTIONS: This form is used to evaluate supervisory, professional, and general salaried and hourly employees. Any rate
increases, promotions and transfers require a current evaluation form. Assign a number for each rating within the scale and write that
number in the corresponding box. Points will be totaled and averaged for and overall performance score. Please review the Assigning
Performance Levels Sheet for a definition of each level.
5-Exceptional 4-Superior 3-Satisfactory 2-Improvement Needed 1-Unsatisfactory
a. Work is accurate and precise. ____
b. Recognizes and points out substandard workmanship. ____
c. Displays thoroughness and completeness in work activity. ____
d. Takes proper care of equipment/keeps work area clean. ____ Average
Total ==== Divide by 4 ________
2. Productivity
a. Amount of work completed (quantity). ____
b. Utilizes time well. ____
c. Organizes in such a manner to perform responsibilities. ____ Average
Total ==== Divide by 3 ________
3. Job knowledge
a. Able to follow verbal and/or written instructions. ____
b. Uses proper procedures. ____
c. Uses proper methods and tools. ____
d. Performs work without detailed instructions. ____
e. Shows improvement on repetitive tasks. ____
f. Able to train others (if applicable). ____
g. Has practical/technical knowledge to perform job. ____ Average
Total ==== Divide by 7 _______
4. Reliability
a. Begins and finishes on time. ____
b. Requires minimum supervision; completes tasks without prompting. ____
c. Completes tasks efficiently within required time frames. ____
d. Puts in extra time and effort. ____
e. Does the best according to ability and within minimum job standards. ____ Average
Total ==== Divide by 5 ________

5. Attendance
a. At work on a daily basis. ____
b. Start and finishes according to approved schedule (punctual). ____
c. Calls to explain absence. ____
d. Observes generally agreed work break/meal periods. ____ Average
Total ==== Divide by 4 ________
6. Initiative/Creativity
a. Seeks out new assignments when finished with own work. ____
b. Assumes additional responsibilities when needed. ____
c. Properly selects priorities. ____
d. Determines what must be done without being told. ____
e. Makes suggestions on better ways of getting work done. ____
f. Identifies and corrects errors during the work process. ____ Average
Total ==== Divide by 6 ________
7. Teamwork
a. Works well with supervisors, peers, and subordinates. ____
b. Sets an example with a positive and supportive attitude. ____
c. Communicates well with coworkers and supervisors. ____
d. Promotes teamwork in the work place. ____ Average
Total ==== Divide by 4 ________
8. Policy Compliance
a. Practices proper safety procedures. ____
b. Adheres to all company policies and regulations. ____ Average
Total ==== Divide by 2 ________
9. Customer Service
a. Establishes positive relations inter/intra departmentally. ____
b. Responsive and courteous to client inquiries. ____ Average
Total ==== Divide by 2 ________
10. Other
a. Judgment and decision-making. ____
b. Adaptability. ____
c. Problem solving. ____ Average
Total ==== Divide by 3 ________
Total Average ________
Divide by 10 = ________

Supervisors Comments:
Employee Comments:
Employee Goals for the next Evaluation (use separate sheet if necessary)
1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
_______________________________ ___________
Employee’s Signature Date
_______________________________ ___________
Supervisor’s Signature Date
_______________________________ ___________
Manager’s Signature Date
For Human Resources Use Only
Evaluation received on: ______________________
Follow-up action form received: ________________ Action approved by: _________________________