Fillable Printable Simple Employee Evaluation Form
Fillable Printable Simple Employee Evaluation Form

Simple Employee Evaluation Form

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________________
Dept: ___________________________________ Job Title: ____________________
To take a personal inventory, to pin-point weaknesses and strengths and to outline and agree upon a practical
improvement program. Periodically conducted, these Evaluations will provide a history of development and progress.
Listed below are a number of traits, abilities and characteristics that are important for success in business. Place an “X”
mark on each rating scale, over the descriptive phrase which most nearly describes the person being rated.
Carefully evaluate each of the qualities separately.
Two common mistakes in rating are: (1) A tendency to rate nearly everyone as ”average” on every trait instead of being
more critical in judgment. The rater should use the ends of the scale as well as the middle, and (2) The “Halo Effect,”
i.e., a tendency to rate the same individual “excellent” on every trait or “poor” on every trait based on the overall picture
one has of the person being rated. However, each person has strong points and weak points and these should be
indicated on the rating scale.
QUALITY OF WORK AND ACCURACY is the correctness of work duties performed...neatness, accuracy, and orderliness
of work
_____________ ______________ _________________ _________________ ______________
Makes frequent Careless; makes Usually accurate Requires little Requires no
errors recurrent errors makes only average supervision; is exact supervision;
number of mistakes and precise most of always accurate
the time
ABILITY TO LEARN is the ability to grasp instructions, to meet changing conditions and to solve novel or problem
situations, speed in mastering routines, grasping explanations, and retaining new knowledge.
__________ ____________ ________________ ______________ ____________
Very slow to Requires more Grasps instructions Usually quick to Exceptionally
“catch on” or than average with average ability understand and keen and alert
absorb instructions learn
CREATIVITY is talent for having new ideas, for finding new and better ways of doing things and for being imaginative.
_________________ ______________ ________________ _________________ ______________
Rarely has a new Occasionally Shows imagination; Frequently suggests Continually seeks
idea; is unimaginative comes up with a has reasonable new ways of doing new and better
new ideas number of new things; is very ways of doing
ideas imaginative things, is
ATTITUDE AND COOPERATION is the sociability and warmth which an individual imparts in his/her attitude toward
clients, other employees, his/her supervisor and the persons he/she may supervise.

________________ ________________ ________________ __________________ ______________
Very distant and Occasionally un- Warm; friendly; Very sociable and Extremely
aloof; chronic cooperative; shows sociable; responds out-going; is usually sociable; excellent
complainer; may little enthusiasm well to changes and cheerful; very flexible at establishing
argue about or new routines good will
refuse assignments
BUSINESS APPEARANCE is the personal impression an individual makes on others. (Consider cleanliness, grooming,
neatness and appropriateness of dress on the job.)
_________________ _________________ _________________ ___________________ ____________
Very untidy; poor Sometimes untidy Neat and clean; Careful about business Unusually well
taste in dress; not and careless about satisfactory business appearance; good groomed; very
suitable for the business appearance appearance tasted in dress neat; excellent
taste in dress
PHYSICAL FITNESS is the ability to work consistently and with only moderate fatigue. (Consider physical alertness and
____________ ________________ ____________ _______________ _____________
Tires easily; is Frequently tires and Meets physical Energetic; seldom Excellent health;
weak and frail is slow and energy job tires no fatigue
ATTENDANCE is faithfulness in coming to work daily and conforming to work hours.
_________________ ________________ _____________ ________________ ____________
Often absent without Lax in attendance Usually present Very prompt; regular Always regular
good excuse and/or and/or reporting for for work on time in attendance and prompt
often reports for work work on time
OFFICE APPEARANCE is the orderliness and cleanliness in which an individual keeps his/her work area.
________________ __________________ _________________ ________________ ______________
Disorderly or untidy Some tendency to be Ordinarily keeps Quite conscientious Unusually neat;
careless work area fairly neat about neatness and clean and orderly
INITIATIVE AND DEPENDABILITY are the abilities to do required jobs well with a minimum of supervision.
__________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ______________
Requires close super- Sometimes requires Usually handles Requires little super- Requires
vision; is unreliable. prompting necessary tasks and vision; is reliable; absolute
Needs constant completes with works independently. minimum of
prodding and direction reasonable Good follow through supervision; self
promptness starter

JOB KNOWLEDGE is the information concerning work duties which an individual should know for a satisfactory job
_______________ _________________ _________________ _____________ ____________
Poorly informed Lacks knowledge of Moderately informed; Understands all Has complete
about work duties; some phases of can answer most phases of work; mastery of all
requires much work questions; knows sound grasp of phases of job;
guidance and job well; requires essentials; exceptional
instructions minor instructions knowledge of job.
QUANTITY OR VOLUME OF WORK is the amount of work an individual does in a work day; speed and production.
____________ ______________ ______________ _______________ ____________
Does not meet Does just enough Volume of work is Very industrious; Superior work
minimum to get by satisfactory does more than is production record
requirements required.
Consistently turns
out more than
TOLERANCE is the ability to withstand pressure and to remain calm in crisis situations.
______________ ________________ ________________ ____________ ____________
Goes “to pieces” Occasionally “blows Has average Tolerates most Thrives under
under pressure up” under pressure; tolerance for crises; pressure; very pressure; really
is jumpy and is easily irritated usually remains good tolerance enjoys solving
nervous calm for crises crisis
COURTESY is the polite attention the individual gives other people.
________________ _________________ ________________ _______________ _______________
Blunt; discourteous; Sometimes tactless; Agreeable, pleasant Always very polite Inspiring to others
antagonistic; can abrupt and impatient and courteous and willing to help in being
be upset easily; at times courteous and
touchy pleasant;
extremely tactful
Continue to next section...
1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
and these can be strengthened by doing the following:
1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________
and these can be used more effectively by doing the following:
Rated by ___________________________________________ _______________________________
Manager’s Signature Date
Reviewed by ___________________________________________ _______________________________
A copy of this has been given to me and has been discussed with me.
________________________________________________ ________________________________
Employee’s Signature Date
Employee’s comments: