Fillable Printable Employee Performance Review
Fillable Printable Employee Performance Review

Employee Performance Review

Name of Employee
Date of EvaluationDepartment
This form is to assist managers in developing a carefully considered fair appraisal of their staff employees' job
performance. Such appraisals are important not only to the individuals concerned, but to Columbus State Community
College as it continues with programs for developing employees. The appraisal should, therefore, be prepared with great
care, in order that it will be fair and accurate.
are five different levels of behaviorally described performance. Select one as the one most applicable to the person under
Read the definition and the performance review questions for each characteristic before selecting the level which, in your
opinion, best describes the extent to which that characteristic is displayed by the individual being appraised. The
performance review questions are intended to stimulate your thinking concerning various aspects of a specific
characteristic and to help all managers operate from a more common perspective of each characteristic.
In your judgment of a characteristic, if a person falls a little short of a level, check the next lower level. To merit a high
rating, a person must possess the characteristic to an exceptionally high degree. Rarely will you be justified in checking
the highest or lowest rating, however, if they are used they must be justified with written supporting comments. If the
lowest level is used, the manager and employee must jointly develop a performance improvement plan.
Consider the individual's performance, results, methods, and manner in the current position.
Any inappropriate words or phrases which appear in the selected paragraph should be crossed out or modified as
necessary. If words or phrases appear in another paragraph which aptly describe the person, those words or phrases should
be underscored. Space for your comments appears at the end of each characteristic or trait. Please use this space to cite
examples in support of the rating selected or to clarify the rating as you feel is necessary. More space for comments can
be found on the back sheet or attached to a supplement.
Your attention should be devoted to a single characteristic at a time. Do not let your rating on one characteristic influence
your rating on other characteristics. A person may rate high in one trait and low in another. Avoid the ''halo effect''.
After the evaluation has been discussed with the employee, both the
The information on this evaluation is confidential.
employee and supervisor should sign the form to confirm this discussion.
Employee comments:
(Use additional sheet if needed)
Evaluator's Signature
Employee's Signature
Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the entire form before attempting to use it. For each factor or characteristic there

Effectiveness in identifying and utilizing people, time, money, materials,
equipment and space.
PERFORMANCE REVIEW QUESTIONS: Does employee know and understand all the resources at his/her
disposal? Does he/she understand the interdependent relationship of these resources? Does individual select the best
resources to meet the need? Does employee effectively control/utilize the resources for which he/she is responsible?
Does employee take available resources into consideration when solving problems?
Check one of the following that most accurately describes the individual:
Consistently makes effective and economical use of all appropriate resources even under unusually difficult
operating conditions.
Makes effective use of appropriate resources under varying operating conditions.
Makes effective use of appropriate resources under normal range of conditions.
Inconsistent in making effective use of appropriate resources even under normal conditions.
Fails to understand the potential and adequately use available resources.
KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE - Depth and breadth of practical, technical and academic knowledge necessary
to deal effectively with the problems and challenges of the job and growth as an employee.
PERFORMANCE REVIEW QUESTIONS: Does individual have the background to deal effectively with the
problems that arise on the job? Is individual confident in his/her approach to the job? Do the results achieved indicate
experience or lack of it? Does individual ask questions concerning things he/she should already know? Do
individual's co-workers go to him/her for answers to their questions or do they go to someone else?
Check one of the following that most accurately describes the individual:
Inadequate knowledge for effective performance.
Knowledge insufficient for many phases of job.
Knowledge generally adequate for performance of job under normal conditions.
Has considerable background, training and experience which make him/her effective under most conditions.
Attempts to expand knowledge.
Possesses wide range of practical, technical, academic and procedural knowledge in doing the job, shows
evidence of continuous expansion of total knowledge.

3. JUDGMENT AND INITIATIVE - Use of logical reasoning based on knowledge and experience
combined with accurate decision making relative to a particular set of facts along with an attitude demanding
that tasks be completed or problems resolved in a timely manner.
PERFORMANCE REVIEW QUESTIONS: Does the employee devote total effort according to the
overall importance of each objective? Does the individual choose appropriate alternatives and sequences in
carrying out work? Does the individual display the ability to adapt to changing situations, analyze facts and
make judgments? Does the individual act when action is called for , on own initiative? Does employee recognize
problems, analyze alternative and propose feasible solutions?
Check one of the following that most accurately describes the individual:
Always recognizes problems. Superior ability to think clearly; can consistently be depended on in
both routine and his lily complex job situations. Displays unusual degree of initiative in meeting job
responsibilities an special projects.
Generally has clear understanding and accurate judgment;
discrimination in carrying out original ideas. Recognizes most problems
Displays common sense under routine job conditions; sometimes needs guidance to analyze and
interpret non-routine job requirements. Displays initiative.
Seldom recognizes problems. Lacks foresight; not usually adaptable to change; little initiative for
improved operation.
RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS- Displays ability to get along with others and to maintain their respect
and confidence.
Check one of the following that most accurately describes the individual.
People really respect and relate to him/her. Adapts self very well without sacrificing standards.
Always doing the ''extra something'' to promote team effort.
Willing and eager to please. Works in harmony with others. Adaptable and tactful.
Generally adapts self to persons and situations. Reasonably tactful and acceptable.
Has difficulty in establishing satisfactory relationships with some people.
Poor mixer. Has difficulty getting along with people.
generally uses initiative, foresight, and
Ignores or misinterprets facts; poor discrimination in choosing course of action; does not grasp new
ideas. Needs detailed instruction and close supervision.
PERFORMANCE REVIEW QUESTIONS: Can you say that this employee has the confidence and
respect of his/her associates? Is employee successful in developing a first impression into increasing respect
in successive contacts? Does individual arouse opposition because he/she is too blunt and abrupt in expressing
ideas? Do others feel at ease in discussing matters with this person? Is the individual cooperative, sincere and
straightforward? Does the individual have the respect of those in capacities lower than his/her own as well as those in
positions above? Is the individual receptive to others and willing to accept his/her role in tasks or projects.

PROBLEM RECOGNITION ANALYSIS AND SOLUTION- Identifies and defines problems, obtains and
evaluates facts, and considers all facts in developing a conclusion.
PERFORMANCE REVIEW QUESTIONS: Does this employee recognize problems as
Can individual anticipate problems before they occur? Does this employee obtain all the
they develop?
facts when
considering a given problem? Does individual reach a conclusion and then try to interpret the facts to justify
the conclusion? Does employee focus on the more important facts of a
problem? Does this employee
recognize the meaning of the facts? Does individual present complete actual data in
support of their
position? Is this individual inclined to accept things at face value rather than to seek more conclusive proof?
Check one of the following that most accurately describes the individual:
Anticipates and recognizes all types of problems. Judgments are very sound. Thoroughly researches
and analyzes decisions. Selects the appropriate conclusions.
Recognizes most problems. Thorough in seeking all facts, identifies important elements and
generally arrives at sound conclusions.
Usually recognizes routine problems, obtains and considers facts and generally evaluates them
Infrequently recognizes routine problems. Seldom obtains facts and is inconsistent when evaluating
to recognize problems or obtain facts. Judgments are premature.
WRITTEN AND ORAL COMMUNICATION - Effectively listens to, reads, and understands
information; accurately retains and retrieves information; relays accurate, clear information in both written
and oral form.
PERFORMANCE REVIEW QUESTIONS: Does employee demonstrate effective listening skills by
properly responding to communication? Do others seek an explanation of his person's communication.
Check one of the following that most accurately describes the individual:
Due to ineffective listening, organizing, or relaying of information, often fails to satisfy job
responsibilities, non-verbal communication is frequently perceived as inconsistent with verbal
communication by supervisor, peers, and others.
Written and oral communication, as well as listening skills, are unsatisfactory in some situations
frequently causing ineffective job performance in those instances; sometimes non-verbal
communication contradicts the stated message.
Written and oral communication and listening are effective in normal situations; non-verbal
communication usually supports the stated message.
Communication is very clear and ability to listen is effective under most conditions, even under some
stress, pressure or distraction present; non-verbal communication tends to strengthen the clarity of
the intended message.
Possesses a wide range of communication skills and techniques and effectively selects the
appropriate method to best convey the intended message even under adverse conditions; non-verbal
communication effectively enhances the clarity of the stated message

DEPENDABILITY AND COOPERATION- Displays the qualities of timeliness, promptness, consistent
attendance, ability to obtain closure, follow-up, a positive attitude, respect of others and helpfulness.
PERFORMANCE REVIEW QUESTIONS: Do co-workers seek this person's help or advice? Does the
Check one of the following that most accurately describes the individual:
Effective in achieving closure, independently follows-up, always timely; never late or absent
without a valid reason; shows respect in relating with others; recognizes opportunities and
volunteers help; maintains a positive attitude under stressful conditions.
Displays a consistently positive work ethic with minimal supervision that results in the timely
completion of tasks and projects; peers look to this employee for advice and help; in most cases,
effectively relates to others; almost never late or tardy.
Completes projects on time, a team player in most instances; requires less than average supervision;
is liked by peers; seldom late or absent; shows respect and is respected; helps others.
Sometimes agreeable, but occasionally grumbles at requests or instructions; may sometimes
effort; at times seems to establish positive working
contribute to group
relationships; some tasks
or absent; slow to helpare
accomplished on time, follow-up may-be inconsistent; occasionally ate or absent
Requires significant supervision to reach closure, implement, follow-up, and complete projects in
a timely manner; does not recognize tasks or projects to be done,
appears to be negative 'toward
projects, others, or change of methods; may be excessively tardy or absent.
PLANNING AND ORGANIZING ABILITY- Anticipates and purposefully arranges to accomplish job
responsibilities and/or projects in an orderly, efficient manner.
PERFORMANCE REVIEW QUESTIONS: Does this employee divide work into logical, sequential parts
which make up his/her total responsibility? Is too much emphasis placed on one or two parts of the total
responsibility , so that little is accomplished on the rest? Does he/she display willingness to seek additional
help or additional authority? Does individual feel that if the job is to be done right, it must be done by
Check one of the following that most accurately describes the individual:
Poorly organized. Tries to do everything alone. Tasks are often not accomplished.
Utilizes and shares authority very effectively. Recognizes broad objectives clearly and arranges for
most effective accomplishment.
employee display a positive attitude - in what situations? Does the persons behavior show respect for others?
Would you delegate responsibility to this employee when accuracy, timeliness and closure are
Sometimes unorganized, seldom seeks assistance when needed. May place too much emphasis on
one part of a ask or project.
Plans work load effectively. Needs little guidance in coordinating major projects. Seeks assistance
when needed.
Generally organized. Plans for many situations, usually seeks assistance when needed. May need
direction on large projects or major changes

MAKING DECISIONS - Willingness and ability to arrive at a conclusion or a course of action.
PERFORMANCE REVIEW QUESTIONS: Does this employee appear to be hesitant or reluctant about
making a decision? Are his/her decisions based on prejudices and personal feelings? Does he/she put off
making a decision even though all the facts are available? If convinced a decision is correct, will the
employee defend and support it when challenged? If new facts are presented, will the employee give serious
Check one of the following that most accurately describes the individual:
After effectively analyzing the facts, is entirely self-confident. Makes prompt decisions and back
them up.
Realistically analyzes facts with conviction. Usually decisive with difficult problems. Generally
prompt in giving answers. Faces facts squarely with conviction.
Generally sound decision making, accurate and willing to take action on problems of routine nature
otherwise hesitant and cautious.
Slow in reaching decisions. Without strength of conviction. Easily influenced by others' thinking
Slow, fussy, can't decide. Usually ''on the fence''
RESPONSIBILITY- Willingness to assume and conscientiously meet the obligation or accountability of
his/her job.
Does this employee follow through on assignments?
When something goes wrong, does he/she "pass the buck''? When things bog down, does this individual present
Check one of the following that most accurately describes the individual:
Avoids responsibility. Needs constant supervision.
Reluctant to accept responsibility. Follow-up often required.
Generally accepts and meets responsibility without objections. Requires only general supervisor
Willingly accepts obligations. Employee requires only minimum follow-up. Sticks with problem
to satisfactory conclusion.
Seeks additional responsibility and authority. Usually performs job functions in an outstanding
manner. Willing to assume reasonable risk in taking action.
a ready excuse? Having discussed an assignment with this employee, do you have to follow him/her to
keep it moving? Does he/she seek added responsibilities or avoid responsibilities?

COMPOSURE AND SELF-CONTROL: Control of emotions and behavior in both routine duties and
pressure situations in order to obtain the best results in the interest of the College.
PERFORMANCE REVIEW QUESTIONS: Does this individual consistently withstand pressures and
tensions inherent in the job without effective control? Does this employee remain calm and effective
in dealing with crisis situations and does
he/she assist others in maintaining constructive attitudes under all
Check one of the following that most accurately describes the individual:
Perceived as confident, self-disciplined, realistic, dependable and usually optimistic in all situations.
Usually maintains composure and effectiveness under pressure and tensions of the job; generally
influences others to maintain constructive attitudes.
Maintains self-control under ordinary job conditions.
Inclined to lose composure under unusual or pressure situations.
Does not demonstrate appropriate maturity and stability for the job.
ABILITY TO GET THINGS DONE - Accomplishments should be consistent with the responsibilities
and duties of the job.
PERFORMANCE REVIEW QUESTIONS: Are routine duties and special projects completed on
schedule? Do tasks sometimes have a way of not getting completed? Is this individual willing to put in extra
time to achieve results?
Check one of the following that most accurately describes the individual:
May not accomplish all objectives or job responsibilities.
Obtains acceptable -results under average conditions.
Achieves good results under wide range of operating conditions.
Accomplishes most major objectives efficiently and quickly under pressure.
Almost always accomplishes all objectives on schedule, even under adverse conditions.
