Fillable Printable Employee Resignation Form - Tennessee
Fillable Printable Employee Resignation Form - Tennessee

Employee Resignation Form - Tennessee

Williamson County Schools
1320 W. Main Street, Suite 202
Franklin, TN 37064
To Williamson County School District,
Please accept my letterof commitment to resign at the end of the day on ______________________. I understand this
letter cannot be rescinded without express approval of the Superintendent or his designee.
____________________________________ _____________________________________
Name (Print) Employee or Social Security Number
____________________________________ ______________________________________
Signature School/Department
____________________________________ ______________________________________
Position Date
____________________________________ ______________________________________
Subject if Applicable Employee Number
My reason for leaving is:
_____ relocating out of the area _____ Staying home with children
_____ Personal or Family Illness _____ Pursuing an advanced degree
_____ Personal Reasons _____ Transitioning into a new career
_____ Marriage
_____ Spouse/significant other transferring out of the area
_____ Accepted a position with the following school district: ___________________________
_____ resigning until eligible for full retirement but plan to apply for WCS retiree benefits (Employee must have
a hire date prior to July 1, 2009. Employee must also have 10 continuous years of service with Williamson County Schools (WCS)
and be age 55 OR must have 30 continuous years of full-time service with WCS regardless of age.)
_____ Other (Please explain below.)
I would like the opportunity to be considered for employment again in the future: ____ Yes; ____ No
My new address will be: _____________________________________________________________________
cc: Principal/Supervisor __________________________________________