Fillable Printable Employee Vacation Request Form - Nebraska
Fillable Printable Employee Vacation Request Form - Nebraska

Employee Vacation Request Form - Nebraska

All employees seeking to use vaca tion time must complete and submit a vacation request form. T he
number of vacation days requested, along with the beginning and end dates of the vacation are required. Also, all
vacation requests must be submitted by the requesting employee to their department supervisor for review and
approval. T he department supervisor s hall t hen submit the vacation request to the business o ffice for pr o cessing and
appro val. All vacation request for ms must
be submitted to the business office for processing and approval no later
than t wo (2) full weeks before the stated begin date of the re q uested vacatio n period . *NOTE: No vacation leave
shall be gra nted without t he prior rev i e w and a ppr oval of the employee’s supervisor. Further, no vacation
lea ve shal l be gra nted without proper submission of t hi s f orm to t he U ni on Col le ge Busine ss Office within two
(2) weeks prior to the begin date of the requested vacation period. **In the event of an emergency, the
employee along with their supervisor shall immediately contact the Director of Human Resources so that
arrangements regarding use of vacation days can be made.
Employee: ______________________________________________________________
(Last) (First) (MI)
Department: ___________________________________
Vacation Days Requested: _________________________ (Required)
Vacation Begin Date: _____________________________ (Required)
Vacation End Date: _____________________________
Requested by:
__________________________________ _______________
Employee Date Requested
Reviewed and Approved by:
__________________________________ _______________
Employee Supervisor (Required) Date
(For Business Office use and purposes only)
T o tal Vacation Days Accrued: __________ Vacat ion Days Requested: __________
Vacation Days Remaining: __________
Verified By: ______________________________________ ________________
Coordinator of Payroll and Benefits Date
Appro ved by : ________________________________ ______________
Director of Human Resourc es Date