Fillable Printable Employee Write Up Warning Notice Form
Fillable Printable Employee Write Up Warning Notice Form

Employee Write Up Warning Notice Form

Note: This document is for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate for
your situation. Please consult an attorney for all legal matters.
Employee Na me: Date:
Manager Na me:
First Warning Second Warning Other
Previo us disc ipli ne m eet i ng w as held o n:
1. Your behavior/ actions have been f ound unsat isfactor y f or t he f ollow ing reasons:
Damaged eq uipment
Refusal to work overtime
Abs ente eism
Policy viol at io n
Insubordi natio n
Fight i ng
Failure to follow pr oc edur e
Failure to meet per for mance
Details of unsat isf act or y behavior/ act io ns:
2. T he f ollow ing im med iate and sust ained cor r ect ive action must be t aken by t he employe e.
Failur e t o do so wil l result in f urther discipli nar y act ion up to and includ ing t er m inatio n.
3. Deadlin e:
4. Follow-up meeting wil l be held on:
Emp loyee Sig nat ure:
Note: Your signature on thi s f or m means that we have dis cuss ed the
si tuati on. It doesn’t necessarily m ean you agr ee that the inf r ac tion
Manager ’s S ig nature: Date:
cc: Em ployee
Human Resources
Personnel File