Fillable Printable Employment Contract
Fillable Printable Employment Contract
![Employment Contract](/resources/formfile/images/10000/employment-contract-page1.png)
Employment Contract
Employment Contract
This agreement is made on ……………………… …………….……………………………..
Between………………………………...……of……… …………………………………………
(hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”) and ………………….……………………
Address……………………………………… …………………………………………… …… …
(hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”). Both parties agree on the following:
1. Job assignment and wages
The Employer her e by engages the Em ployee and the Emplo yee agrees to work for the
Employer in the capacity of ……………………….at the rate of………….per/hour/day/month.
In case of wage earned on an hourly basis, the total monthly wage shall not be less
than …………………………………………………………………………………...
(In case the Employee receives any special allowances, the amount and date of the
special allowances must be stated clearly together with the date of the payment on the regular wage).
……………………………………… …………………………………………… …… …………
……………………………………… …………………………………………… …… …………
2. Duration of Contract and worksite
The duration of the contract is for..……..month/year(s) staring from the day of arrival of
the Employee in (country) …………and the worksite is at……………………………(in detail)
The Extension of the contract shall be mutually agreed upon between the Employer and
the Employee.
3. Probation Period
The Employee shall work on probation for a period of …………….days (according to
local labour law), starting from the first working day.
If the Employer should find during the probation period that the Employee is not
qualified for the job assigned, the Employer may either offer the Employee other appropriate
job or position with the consent of the Employee, or cancel the contract and repatriate the
Employee to domicile in Thailand
4. Working hours
The working hours shall not exceed………………….……hours a day, 6 days per week.
5. Holiday and leave
The Employer shall arrange for the Employee……… off weekly with
regular pay.
The Employer shall arrange for the Employee……… off per year on local
official holidays with regular pay.
Annual leave of ………….days shall be allowed by th e Employ er for the
Employee when completed one year employment with regular pay.
6. Overtime
If the Employee works more than the …....... ….. normal working hours on the
regular work day, the Employee shall be paid extra for overtime by the Employer at the rate
of ………..per hour (not less than the minimum rate set by the local labour law).
If the Employee works on holidays, the Employee shall be paid extra for
overtime by the Employer at the rate of…………….per hour/day (not less than the minimum
rate set by the local labour law).
7. Food
The Employer shall provide the Employee free of charge three meals a day or food
allowances of ………………….per day/month.
8. Accommodation
The Employer shall provide the Employee safe and hygienic accommodation free of
charge during the term of contract.
9. Medical Treatment
In the event of the Employee’s illness or accident caused by work during the period of
the contract, th e Emp l o y e r sh al l b o t h pro v id e al l n e cessa ry medical treatment free of char g e to
the Employee, and in the meantime pay regular wage and compensation on terms not less than
those stipulated by the local labour law.
In the even of death of the Employee, the Employer shall bear all expenses incurred in
the transport to domicile in Thailand the remains of the deceased and all of his personal
10. Travel and Transportation
The Employer shall pay for the cost of travel for the Employee from Thailand
to..……...…as well as pay and arrange for the transport to his assigned housing. The Employer
shall also pay fo r th e co st of t he re tu rn tr avel to Th aila nd in all cases, ex cept th at th e Emp loy e e
is at fault or terminates the contract.
11. Obligation
11.1 The Employee shall abide by the rul es and regulations of th e Employer’s
company stipulated in conformity with the local labour law, and shall respect the local
traditions and customs.
11.2 The Employee shall work only for the Employer’s company.
11.3 The Employee shall not engage in any unlawful activities such as protest or
12. Termination of the contract
12.1 In case th e E mployer termin ates t he co n tract, the Empl oy er sh all give one
month notice to the Employee, or pay one month wage in lieu of giving notice, or otherwise act
in conformity with the local labour law. The Employer shall thereby pay for the cost of the
return travel of the Employee to Thailand.
12.2 In case the Employee terminates the contract, the Employee sh all give a one
month notice to the Employer and shall pay for his own expenses in the return travel to
13. Others
13.1 The Employer shall pay for all necessary fees and expenses incurred on the
acquisition of work permit in accordance with the local regulations on the Employee’s behalf.
13.2 In the event of natural disaster, riot, fighting or war the Employer shall
evacuate the Employee to the safe area, and if the situation is no longer conducive for the
continuity of work, the Employer shall repatriate the Employee and shall pay for all the
expenses of the repatriation.
13.3 Other conditions not mentioned in the contract shall be in accordance with the
stipulations of the local labour law.
13.4 In case the Employer fails to implement any of the conditions agreed in this
contract, in full or in part, the Employer shall be responsible for all the losses incurred to the
Done in duplicate, one in both Thai and English, each being equally authentic,
each party holding one copy.
In Witness whereof, the undersigned, having fully understood the contents of the
contract stated herein, have signed this agreement.