
Fillable Printable Employment Reference Check Template

Fillable Printable Employment Reference Check Template

Employment Reference Check Template

Employment Reference Check Template

Reference Check
Reference Check for: <Insert Candidate’s name>
Position Applied for: <Insert Position Title>
Referee’s Name: <Referee’s name>
Title & Company: <Referee’s position title and company>
Phone: <Contact number>
Candidate’s role at this company: <role candidate held>
Dates candidate was employed: <date of employment>
Questions for Referee:
Effectiveness in role:
“How effective was <name> in the performance of their role?
“What makes you say that (specifically)?”
“How was their performance measured?”
“What do you think <name’s> strengths are?
“What makes you say that (specifically)?”
Technical Competence:
“How would you describe <name>’s level of technical skills and knowledge?
Ask any questions that you have specific to the position
Deals with pressure:
“How well do you think <name> deals with pressure?
“Can you give me some examples of times when <name> was under a lot of
Supervisory skill and style:
“Did <name> supervise anyone in their position?”
If yes, “Can you tell me about <name>’ s supervisory skills and style?
Areas of improvement needed:
12. “Based on your experience of <name> what areas did you note as needing further
Interaction with all levels of management and staff:
“How does <name> interact with different levels of management and other employees in
the company?”
Reason for leaving:
“Why did <name> leave your company?”
Honesty and integrity:
“Are company values important to <name>?”
Management Style
“What is the best way to manage <name>?”
ie. Micro-managed, given clear objectives, given some autonomy etc
“Would you rehire <name>?”
“Are there any other comments you would like to add?”
Points to Follow Up in Next Reference
Points to follow up with candidate
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