Fillable Printable ESCROW AGREEMENT - Costner Law Office, PLLC
Fillable Printable ESCROW AGREEMENT - Costner Law Office, PLLC


Th is Ag reement (th e “Ag reemen t”), dated as of the _ ___ day of _______________,
20___, between _________________________________________________(the “Buyer”),
_________________________________________(the “Seller”), and Costner Law
Office, PLLC, located at 10150 Mallard Creek Rd., Suite 106, Charlotte, NC 28262
(hereinafter referred to as “Escrow Agent”).
WHEREAS, Seller and Buyer have entered into that certain Contract dated the
______ day of , 20___ (the “Offer t o Purchase and
Contract”), as to the sale of property located at the following address:
___________________________________________________________________; and
WHEREAS, Seller and Buyer have agreed and are desirous and willing that the
closing of the tra nsaction contemplated by t he Offe r to Purchase and Contr act ta ke place
in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 1(i) of the Offer to Purchase and Contract,
Buyer and Seller have appointed Escrow Agent to hold a portion of the Purchase Price
(as defined in the Offer to Purchase and Contract) in the amount of
_______________________Dollars ($_________)(the “Escrow Funds”), which sum
will be held in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the Of fer t o Purchas e a nd
NOW, THEREFORE, in furtherance of the transaction contemplated by the Offer
to Purchase and Contract, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto hereby covenant and
agr ee as follows:
Seller and Buyer hereby designate, constitute and appoint the Escrow agent to
hold the Escrow Funds, and the Escrow Agent accepts such designation and
appointment and agrees to act in accordance with the terms of this Agreement
and the Offer to Purchase and Contract. It is hereby expressly understood and
agreed that in the event a conflict should arise as between the terms of this
Agreement and those of the Offer to Purchase and Contract, the terms of this
Agreement shall control. Seller and Buyer agree (a) that Escr ow Age nt shall be a
stakeholder only and not liable for any losses, costs or damages it may incur in
performing its responsibilities hereunder unless such losses, costs or damages
shall arise out of the willful default or gross negligence of Escrow Agent or its
agents; (b) that no releases or disbursements shall be made hereunder except
upon joint w ri t t e n ins tr u c ti o ns f rom b oth S e l l e r a nd Bu yer or t he ir suc ce s s ors or
assigns, including but not limited to a signed termination; and (c) that in the event of
a dispute hereunder between Seller and Buyer (or their successors or assigns),
Escrow Agent shall have the right, exercisable in its sole discretion, to be
discharged by tendering unto the registry or custody of any court of competent
jurisdiction, the Escrow Funds held by Escrow Agent, together with any such

legal pleadings as it deems appropriate. Escrow Agent shall be indemnified, saved
and held harmless by the Seller and Buyer for all of its expenses, costs and
reason abl e attorneys’ fees incurred in connection with said int erpleader action.
Upon receipt of joint written instructions from both Seller and Buyer, then
Escrow Agent shall disburse the funds held in escrow in accordance with the
written instructions signed by both Buyer and Seller. Said written instructions
may be given in dupl icate counterparts and by facsimile.
Upon retur n of funds
to the Buyer, Escrow Agent shall have the right to deduct Escrow Agent’s
unpaid attorney’s fee including but not limited to a $150 Title Services Fee,
Settlement Fee (where applicable) and any costs Escrow Agent has incurred
for overnight delivery charges or wire transfer fees from the funds held
pri or to di sburseme nt.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Escrow
Agreement as of the day, month and year first written above.
_________________________________ (Buyer)
Buyer 1’s Name: ___________________________
_________________________________ (Buyer)
Buyer 2’s Name: ___________________________
_________________________________ (Seller)
Seller 1’s Name:____________________________
_________________________________ (Seller)
Seller 2’s Name:____________________________
Costner Law Office, PLLC
Name _______________________