Fillable Printable Extended Health Care Claim Form
Fillable Printable Extended Health Care Claim Form

Extended Health Care Claim Form

Page 1 of 2The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company GL3585E (05/2007) CII
Group Benefits
Extended Health Care Claim
To be completed by the plan member unless otherwise indicated. Original receipts must be attached for all expenses. (Please attach to the
back of this form.) Please retain copies for your files as original receipts will not be returned.
If employed,
hrs worked
per week
Relationship to
plan member
(1st Claim only)
Date of birth
(1st Claim only)
Patient's name
Complete for all expenses.
Use one line per patient.
If "Yes," please retain photocopies of all receipts submitted with this claim for
submission to your secondary carrier. If this is your first claim, or if information
has changed, please provide the following:
Spouse's date of birth
1 Plan member information
Are these expenses eligible for coverage under any type
of workers' compensation board?
Are you, your spouse or dependants covered under any other plan for the expenses being claimed?
• Attach your prescription drug receipts to the back of this form.
• All receipts must contain the drug identification number (D.I.N.) and the name of the prescription
• You are not required to list this information on the form.
Plan member address (number, street and apt.) Postal codeProvinceCity or town
Birthdate (dd/mmm/yyyy)Plan member name (first, middle initial, last)
Plan contract number Plan member certificate number Plan sponsor
School and city
Sign up for direct deposit
and electronic claim
Receive your claim payments up to 70% faster with direct deposit and enjoy the convenience of seeing
your claim statements online.
Name of spouse's insurance company
Spouse's plan contract number
Spouse's plan member
certificate number
Yes No
Yes No
• Go to and register for the plan member secure site
• Once you've registered, or if you're already registered, log into the secure site and select
Direct deposit for claims from the menu to the left of the screen
• Enter your banking information
2 Patient information
3 Prescription drug
(e.g. chiropractor, massage
therapist, physiotherapist, etc.)
4 Practitioner's/
Paramedical expenses
For practitioner/paramedical expenses please attach an itemized statement and/or receipt stating:
• patient name,
• name of practitioner,
• type of practitioner,
• date of service,
• length of visit,
• charge for treatment,
• date last paid by provincial plan (if applicable) and
• licence and/or registration number.
If for psychotherapy, please indicate type (individual, family, group, marriage) on your receipt.
Please complete next page.

• patient's name,
• cost of contact lenses,
• cost of glasses,
• cost of laser surgery,
• dispensing fee,
• cost of eye exam,
• date of eye exam,
• cost of tinting,
• date dispensed.
Page 2 of 2
must be attached for all
7 Claims confirmation
6 Vision care expenses
To be completed by
Please enclose an itemized
receipt indicating:
Please have the supplier complete and sign below.
Were contact lenses prescribed for severe corneal astigmatism,
keratoconus or aphakia?
Can visual acuity be improved by at least 2 lines on the Snellen chart
over the best possible vision with glasses?
Could visual acuity be improved up to at least the 20/40 level by glasses?
8 Mailing instructions
If you live in Quebec:
Manulife Financial Group Benefits
Health Claims
Please mail your completed claim form and receipts to the appropriate address.
If you live outside Quebec:
Manulife Financial Group Benefits
Health Claims
P.O. BOX 1653
The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company GL3585E (05/2007) CII
Indicate the activities requiring the use of this item.
For equipment and appliance expenses Manulife Financial requires a written recommendation from
the prescribing physician, including diagnosis, and a copy of the provincial plan statement of payment
(if applicable).
5 Equipment and appliance
Duration equipment is required.
Has rental equipment been returned?
Date (dd/mmm/yyyy)Date (dd/mmm/yyyy)
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Signature of supplier
Date signed (dd/mmm/yyyy)
I certify that I, my spouse and/or my dependants of minor or major age ("Dependants"), have received
all goods or services claimed and that the information provided for this claim is true and complete.
authorize Manulife Financial ("Manulife") to collect, use, maintain and disclose personal information
relevant to this claim ("Information") for the purposes of Group Benefits plan administration, audit and
the assessment, investigation and management of this claim ("Purposes"). I
am authorized by my
Dependants to disclose and receive their Information, for the Purposes. I
authorize any person or
organization with Information, including any medical and health professionals, facilities or providers,
professional regulatory bodies, any employer, group plan administrator, insurer, investigative agency,
and any administrators of other benefits programs to collect, use, maintain and exchange this
information with each other and with Manulife, its reinsurers and/or its service providers, for the
Purposes. I
authorize the use of my Social Insurance Number ("SIN") for the purposes of identification
and administration, if my SIN is used as my plan member certificate number. I
agree a photocopy or
electronic version of this authorization is valid. I
understand that Manulife's Privacy Policy and Privacy
Information Package are available at, or from my Plan Sponsor.
Any Information provided to or collected by Manulife in accordance with this authorization, will be kept
in a Group Benefits health file. Access to your Information will be limited to:
• Manulife employees, representatives, reinsurers, and service providers in the performance
of their jobs;
• Persons to whom you have granted access; and
• Persons authorized by law.
You have the right to request access to the personal information in your file, and, where appropriate, to
have any inaccurate information corrected.
Total amount of ALL receipts submitted
Signature of plan member Date signed (dd/mmm/yyyy)
Please sign here
If your contract covers medically necessary contact lenses, please answer the questions below: