- Affidavit of Financial Support - Maryland
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Fillable Printable Financial Affidavit - New Hampshire Judicial Branch
Fillable Printable Financial Affidavit - New Hampshire Judicial Branch
![Financial Affidavit - New Hampshire Judicial Branch](/resources/formfile/images/10000/financial-affidavit-new-hampshire-judicial-branch-page1.png)
Financial Affidavit - New Hampshire Judicial Branch
NHJB-2065-F (08/01/2015) Page 1 of 5
Court Name:
Case Name:
Case Number:
(if known)
1. General Information
Street Address
Town/City, State, Zip
Mailing Address, if different
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
Highest Grade or Degree Completed
Date of Marriage
Date of Separation or Divorce
2. Children born to, or adopted by, the Parties (Full Name, DOB, and SSN)
2a. Number of people currently living in household including self:
3. Employment Information
Name, Address, and Phone Number of Employer
Date and Place of Last Employment
Job Skills
4. Monthly Income - Miscellaneous
AFDC, TANF, a nd Food Stamps
Other Public Assistance
Children's Income
Child Support
5. Monthly Income Before Taxes
Base Pay from Salary, Wages
Overtime and Shift Differential
Commissions, Tips, Bonuses
Part-time Employment
Unemployment and Veteran's Benefits
Disability, Workers' Compensation
Pension and Retirement Benefits
Social Security Benefits (SSA)
Interest and Dividends
Trust and Other Investment Income
Rental Income and Business Profits
All other sources
Total Section 5 Monthly Income
6. Monthly Expenses
Court Orde red Support for Others
State Income Taxes
Mandatory Pension
50% of actual self-employment taxes paid
Health Insurance for Parties' Children
Day Care for Parties' Children
Total Section 6 Monthly Expenses
7. Assets Fair Market Value Related Debt Additional Information
Homestead $ $
Other Real Estate $ $
Primary Motor Vehicle $ $
Other Motor Vehicles $ $
Furniture and Appliances $ $
Checking Accounts $ $
Investments $ $
Life Insurance $ $
Business Interests $ $
Pensions $ $
Retirement Accounts $ $
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8. Additional Assets - If you have an interest in any property which is held solely by or jointly with any other person or entity, and which has not
already been disclosed, or if you are owed money from any source, please explain
9. Tax Return Information
Year of last return filed
Single or joint return
My Total W-2s and 1099s = $
If Self-employed, check here and attach copy of most recent
IRS Schedule C.
10. Insurance
Type and Face Amount
Description of Coverage
Description of Coverage
11. Debts
Who is debt owed to? Who owes debt? Balance
12. Retirement Plans
Plan or Account Name
Most Recent Value $
Value at Filing $
If Defined Benefit, status of vesting and description of Benefit
13. Attachments:
Pay Stub Monthly Expenses
Schedule C Other (describe)
Check here if parties agree to waive Monthly Expenses form.
14. Additional Information
I swear (affirm) that:
A. To the best of my knowledge and belief, I have fully disclosed all income and all assets having any substantial value; and
B. I have reasonably estimated the fair market value of each asset; and
C. I understand that I have a duty to update the information provided in this financial affidavit for each court hearing; and
D. I understand that if a support order is issued in this case obligating me to pay support, it shall be my responsibility to immediately provide the
Court with any change of address in writing. If I fail to do so, I may be held in default, found in contempt of court and a warrant may be issued for
my arrest. (See USO Standing Order SO-4C.)
E. Rule 1.25-A Compliance -- Family Division Only: (Initial one)
I have complied with Rule 1.25-A regarding mandatory disclosure; OR
I understand my obligation to comply with Rule 1.25-A regarding mandatory disclosure. I have not fully complied with Rule 1.25-A
due to:
Date Signature
State of , County of
The person signing this financial affidavit appeared and signed this before me and took oath that the statements set forth in this Financial Affidavit,
together with any attachments listed in section 13 above, are true to the best of his or her knowledge and belief.
This instrument was acknowledged before me on by
My commission expires:
Affix seal, if any Signature of Notarial Officer / Title
I certify that on this date I provided a copy of this document to (other party) or to
(other party’s attorney) by: Hand-delivery OR US Mail OR
E-mail (E-mail only by prior agreement of the parties based on Circuit Court Administrative Order).
Date Signature
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Case Number:
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NOTE: Round all numbers to the nearest dollar. To convert weekly expenses to monthly, multiply by 4.33.
1. Housing
Mortgage Payment
Property Tax
Condo Fee
Home Maintenance
Snow Removal and Lawn Care
2. Utilities
Heating Oil
Wood and Coal
Propane and Natural Gas
Cable Television
Water and Sewer
Trash Collection
3. Insurance
4. Uninsured Health Care
Eye Care/Glasses/Contacts
Prescription Drugs
Therapy and Counseling
5. Transportation
Primary Vehicle Payment
Other Vehicle Payments
Vehicle Maintenance
Gas and Oil
Registration and Tax
6. General and Personal
Meals Eaten Out
Tobacco/Alcohol Products
Clothing and Shoes
Hair Care
Toiletries and Cosmetics
Pet Food and Care
Church and Charities
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Newspapers and Magazines
Education (personal)
Dues and Memberships
Entertainment and Recreation
Visitation Expenses
7. Children's Expenses and Activities
Children's Clothing and Shoes
Day Care
School Supplies
School Lunches
Tuition and Lessons
Sports and Camp
8. Financial
Federal Income Tax
Social Security and Medicare
Loan Payments
Other Debts
Other Retirement Plans
9. Other Expenses
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General Instructions for Completing the Financial Affidavit Form NHJB-2065-F
A. When this form is needed - You must fill out and file this form with the Court.
If you are the petitioner or respondent in a divorce, legal se paration, or civil union dissolution cas e.
If you are the petitioner or respondent in an after-divorce, custody/par enting, child support, or paternity case.
If either side is requesting chil d support or al imony or a change in an existing support or alimony order.
If a person's ability to pay an obligation is an issue.
Any othe r time that the Court may requir e.
B. If you need more space for any answer, either ad d an attachment and note it at section 13, or us e section 14.
When usin g section 14, put in the number of the answer needing more space, and th en the information.
C. The importance of the oath - This for m must be sworn to under oath and sig ned before a Notary Public or N.H. Justice of the
Peace. All i nfo rmation must be true, accurate, and complete, to the best of your knowledge and belief, under the pains and
penalti es of perjury.
D. Monthly Expenses form - You must always fill out and attach the Monthly Expenses form in the following cases.
If child supp ort is an issue and either side claims that the Child Support Guide lines should not ap ply.
If either side is requesting alimony or payment of college expenses.
If you and t he other side do not agree how to divide your debts.
If either side requests it.
If the Court requires it.
It is not required in other case s, if both sides agree by c hecking the box in section 13, or if the Office of C hild Support Enforcement
(OCSE) does not request it and the Court approves.
E. Duty to Update - You must fill out and file a new Financia l Affidavit for every hearing.
F. Use of Forms - You may use the Financial Affidavit and Monthly Ex penses forms provided by the Court or your ow n forms, as
long as the format and content are identical to the Court versio n. You may design other attachments as you see fit.
G. Child Su pport - If child s up port is an issue, read the U niform Support Order and its Instructions.
Specific Instructions for Numbered Secti ons of the Financial Affidavit Form
1. General Information - Street A ddress means your complete reside nce address. If you hav e filed a Domestic Violence Petition,
or if there are restraining orders, you do not have to give your a ddress. The last two lines in se ction 1 apply only to divorce and
post-div orce cases.
2. Children of th e Parties - Fill in the first and last name, with middle initial, if any, for each child. Give date of birth and Social
Security Number.
3. Employment Information - Fill in name, address and phone number of current employer. List date and place of last employment.
List job sk ills.
4. Monthly Income - Misc ellaneous - List all public assistance i nco me, including AFDC, TANF, food sta mps, SSI, APTD, and
general assistance fr om town or county. If your dependent children receive in come from employment, investments, or other
sources, list it here. This income is excluded when calc ulating child support.
5. Monthly Income - Before Taxes- List all income, except from those sources spec ified in secti on 4. If you are paid weekly,
multiply the weekly amount by 4.33 to get monthl y. If you are paid ev ery 2 weeks, multiply the bi-weekly amou nt by 2.17 to get
monthly. If income is occas ional or irregular, fill in the average amount.
6. Monthly Expenses - Support for Others means child support or alimony you are paying under court order for children other than
the children of the parties, or for alimony for another ex-sp ouse. Health Insurance means the actual amount paid for medical
insurance coverag e for the children of the parties.
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7/8. Asset Inform ation - Y ou must list a ll of your a ssets in t hese sections. In section 7, t he first column is for your good-faith estimat e
of the total fair market value of assets i n each category. Fair Market Value is what you coul d sell an asset for, not the purchase
price or replacement cost. It is not necessary to have every asset appraised. However, you must consider all factors known to
you when stating values. The second column is to list any debts that are owed against the asset, such as a mortgage or a
vehicle loan. You may put any additional information in the third column.
Motor Ve hicles means c ars, trucks, m otorcycles, airplanes, boats, snowmobiles and the like.
Investments means savings accounts, certificates of deposit, stocks, savings bonds, other bonds, money market acc ounts,
and the like.
Life insurance means the cash value of any life insurance poli cy that you own or have an i nterest in.
Pension means a defined benefit retirement plan. What you receive is ba sed on ye ars of service a nd pay.
Retirement Account means a defined contribution plan or other retirement account in your name.
Examples are: 401(k) plans, thrift/savings plans, Keoghs, IRAs.
The extra lines are for other categories of assets that are not listed on the form, or for providing more details on listed assets. You
must list all assets. Assets include, but are not limited to, the following:
Any asset in w hich you hav e an interest, but that is being held in t he name of someone else. For example, if a relat ive
is holding money or an asset that you own, or can get back under any circumstances, you must include it.
Any assets t ha t are owned partly by you and partly by someon e else, such as a j ointly owned bank acco unt, motorcycle,
or piece of real estate.
Any asset of substantial value that y ou either gave away or sold for less than fair market val ue, within 6 months of the
date of th e Financial Affid avit.
Any debt that anyone owes you, whether or not repayment is expected or likely.
9. Tax Return Information - Tota l W-2s and 1099s refer to those tax forms from work done by you and from assets in your
name. Do not include those that result from your spous e's i ncome.
10. Insurance - List all insurance coverage y ou have. Description means any deductibles and co-pays.
11. Debts - List all debts i n yo ur name or joint n ames. Debt means lo ans, credit cards, pa st due bills, a nd the like. For each
debt, list the name of the person or busine ss you owe the debt to, wheth er the debt is in your name or i n j oint names,
and the amount curr ently ow ed.
12. Pension and Retirement Acc ounts - Name your retirement plans or account s. On the second line, note if your retirement
account is a 401(k) plan, profit-sharing plan, defined be nefit plan, or other specific ty pe of pla n. A defined benefit pla n is one
where what you receive is based upon years of service and pay. Value at filing refers to the value of your retirement plan at the
time the divorce was filed, and needs to be filled in only in divorce cases.
13. List of Attachments - Check off which forms and documents you are attac hing to your Financial Affidavit. If the attachment is not
listed, check of f other and write in what it is.
14. Additional Information - Use this space to provide information that will not fit in prior sections and to provide additional
informati on that you wish the Court to consider.
Certification of Copies - You must give a copy of your Financial Affidavit with all attachments to the other s id e. The other side means
the lawyer representing your s po use, ex-spouse, or the other parent. If he or she does not have a lawyer, give it to your spouse, ex-
spouse, or the other parent. If the State is a party, also give a copy to Office of Chi ld Support Enforcement (OCSE). Write in the
names of each person you have given a copy to.
Monthly Expenses - Section D above explains who must complete the Monthly Expenses form.