Fillable Printable Fire service application sample form
Fillable Printable Fire service application sample form

Fire service application sample form

Fire service application
Property details
Property Account Number:
Lot: House: Street name:
Suburb: Nearest cross street:
Applicant details
Company name: Contact name:
Would you prefer all future correspondence for this application to be e-mailed? Y / N
If yes please supply e-mail address:
Phone / Mobile: Fax:
Owner/developer (person responsible for payment of ongoing accounts
Company name: Contact name:
Would you prefer all future correspondence for this application to be e-mailed? Y / N
If yes please supply e-mail address:
Phone / Mobile: Fax:
This application is for an existing / proposed:
(Circle Applicable) (For example, Warehouse, laundry, hospital, etc)
Fire service size required: Mm
Note: Water Corporation is unable to guarantee the flow rate and pressure for firefighting purposes
Taking of water without or contrary to approval is in breach of the Water Services Act 2012 (Section 89) and
may result in prosecution.
Service location details
Please describe where the fire service is to be located as if you are
standing in the street looking at the property and specify the distance
from the closest boundary. E.g. install service 5 metres from left hand
boundary on John St.
Left Boundary
Rear Boundary
Right Boundary
Existing Building
Street Front
Signed: Name: Date _____/_____/_____
Your privacy
Information collected on this form will be used for the purposes directly related to the service you have
requested. Information may be shared with local government authorities, government agencies and to
service providers in order to provide the service you have requested. Your prior consent will be sought
for any other proposed disclosure.
Please submit your request via one of the following options:
Online: xxx xxx and select BuilderNet.
xxx xxx
Fax: xxx xxx Mail: Building Services
Water Corporation
PO Box 100
Leederville WA 6902