Fillable Printable Flexible Spending Account Health Care Reimbursement
Fillable Printable Flexible Spending Account Health Care Reimbursement

Flexible Spending Account Health Care Reimbursement

Flexible Spending Account
Health Care Reimbursement
Mail or fax completed form and documentation to:
0BAetna Inc.
PO Box 4000
Richmond, KY 40476-4000
Fax to: 1-888-238-3539 (1-888-AET-FLEX)
For the hearing impaired, call 1-877-703-5572 TDD/TTY
*** UYou must sign and date this form to avoid claim payment delay.U ***
*** Refer to Instructions on reverse side. ***
1. Employee Information
Employee’s FSA Identification Number
Employee’s Last Name First MI
Daytime Telephone Number
( ) -
Street Address City State Zip Code
2. Employer Information
Employer Name
FSA Control Number
3. Expense Information
Patient’s First Name
Relationship to Employee
Self Spouse Dependent
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Date(s) of Service (MM/DD/YYYY)
From / / Thru / / Total Amount Submitted $
Patient’s First Name
Relationship to Employee
Self Spouse Dependent
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Date(s) of Service (MM/DD/YYYY)
From / / Thru / / Total Amount Submitted $
Patient’s First Name
Relationship to Employee
Self Spouse Dependent
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Date(s) of Service (MM/DD/YYYY)
From / / Thru / / Total Amount Submitted $
Patient’s First Name
Relationship to Employee
Self Spouse Dependent
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Date(s) of Service (MM/DD/YYYY)
From / / Thru / / Total Amount Submitted $
4. Orthodontia Expenses – Read Section 4 on the reverse side of this form before completing this section.
Patient’s First Name
Relationship to Employee
Self Spouse Dependent
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Date(s) of Service (MM/DD/YYYY)
From / / Thru / / Total Amount Submitted $
5. Coordination of Benefits (COB)
Are you or any family members for whom you are requesting reimbursement eligible to receive benefits under any medical, dental, prescription or vision plan other
than your primary coverage?
Yes – You must include copies of all EOBs. No
6. Employee Certification
I certify that the expenses for which I am seeking reimbursement from the Flexible Spending Account have been incurred by
me, or by an individual who qualifies as my spouse or my dependent under IRS guidelines. I further certify that these
expenses have not been reimbursed, nor shall reimbursement be sought, from any other health plan coverage, including a
Health Savings Account (HSA). I also certify that I have not, and will not, claim a tax deduction or credit for these expenses
on my federal income tax return, or on my state or local tax returns in violation of state or local law. I agree to submit and
retain sufficient documentation for any expense for which I seek reimbursement.
Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud files a statement of claim containing any materially false, incomplete or
misleading information is guilty of a crime.
Sign Here ► Employee Signature Date U
GC-11 (9-10) F R-POD

- Retain copies for your files. Claim information cannot be returned.
- Do not highlight or otherwise mark the form or enclosed documentation. Highlighting and other marks make scanned and faxed
documents difficult to read.
- Refer to HUwww.aetnanavigator.comUH for additional claim tips. Once in Navigator, click on the UClaims & BalancesU link and then click
UClaimsU. On the left side of the screen, click on UFormUs. Scroll down to Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and scroll to the
Reimbursement section. Click on the link for
UHealth Care and Dependent Care claim submission guidelinesU.
SECTION 1 – Employee Information
FSA Identification Number – As a participant with the FSA, you have been assigned a unique participant number. Your FSA ID
Number is a 9 digit number preceded with a “W”. If you do not know your W#, you can locate it from any one of the following sources:
• UExplanation of Payment (EOP)U – Paper EOPs always display your W#.
• UActivity StatementU – As an Aetna FSA participant you may receive an activity statement at least once a year; refer to this
statement for your W#.
• UAetna Medical ID CardU – If you have Aetna medical coverage, the W# displayed on your ID card is also used for your FSA.
• UMember ServicesU – Call FSA Member Services to inquire about your W#.
UNOTEU: If you prefer, you can use your Social Security Number in this field.
Employee’s Address – Report an address change to your employer. To avoid misdirected claim payments, your employer must notify
Aetna of your new address.
SECTION 2 – Employer Information
FSA Control Number – Your employer has been assigned a unique FSA plan number. If this form does not have that number pre-
printed, you can locate this number from any one of the sources (with the exception of the Aetna Medical ID card) listed above in
Section 1.
SECTION 3 – Expense Information
List and separate expenses by individual family members. Attach the appropriate documentation for each claim.
UNoteU: A canceled check is not adequate documentation.
UIf you have insurance that covers part of this expense or
your insurance does not cover this expense at all:
Submit the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) with your
completed claim form. You do not need to submit any
other documentation with the EOB. For a prescription
drug claim, refer to the instructions to the right.
UNOTEU: Any third party documentation that indicates
insurance has not yet paid (e.g., pre-treatment estimate)
will be returned to you. You will need to resubmit the
claim once you have received a final EOB; the EOB must
show that the insurance carrier has paid its portion of the
UFor an Rx claim or if you do not have insuranceU:
Submit the itemized receipt or statement from the
doctor/dentist/ pharmacist/health care professional. This
itemized receipt or statement must include:
Name & address of doctor/dentist/pharmacist/health
care professional
Patient’s name
Date(s) of service
Type of service
Dollar amount charged
UNOTEU: Receipt from doctor/dentist/pharmacist must clearly
document patient’s financial responsibility.
SECTION 4 – Orthodontia Expenses
For Orthodontia claims, please follow these guidelines.
• When submitting your first orthodontia claim, you must submit the orthodontia contract from the orthodontist along with a signed
Flexible Spending Account Health Care Reimbursement form. This contract must indicate
Uinitial fee chargedU, Uestimated
insurance paymentU, Uinitial start dateU, Uduration of treatmentU and Uproof partial or full down paymentU.
• For each monthly request for reimbursement, you must submit a completed and signed claim form with an itemized
bill/statement or receipt from the orthodontist. This statement must show the monthly charge consistent with the original
orthodontic contract.
• Future dates of services cannot be submitted. IRS guidelines require services to be incurred before you can be reimbursed. A
reimbursement request for a service that will occur in a subsequent plan year will be returned to you for resubmission in that
plan year.
SECTION 5 – Coordination of Benefits (COB)
When an expense is covered under more than one health plan, both Explanation of Benefits must be submitted in order to process the
SECTION 6 – Employee Certification
UYou must sign and date this form to avoid claim payment delays.
GC-11 (9-10)