Fillable Printable Follow Up Letter Template-local public health standards project
Fillable Printable Follow Up Letter Template-local public health standards project

Follow Up Letter Template-local public health standards project

Sample Follow-Up Letter #1
Dear (Insert Colleague’s Name Here):
First, let me express my appreciation for your willingness to participate in our local public
health standards project. This initiative is a great opportunity to bring together the
diverse institutions and organizations that work to protect and improve the health of the
(Insert Community Here), and a means to assess our strengths and weaknesses as a
I am sending some preliminary materials as background for all who will be participating
in one or both workshops. You will benefit most from reading these in advance of the
sessions. The preparatory materials include program agendas for the workshops, and
some literature on the Ten Essential Public Health Services, which are the framework
for the local public health system performance standards. During the course of the
workshops we will be discussing each of these “Essential Services,” and ranking our
performance based on a set of questions that will be distributed at the session.
It is understood that some of you will be attending just one of the two workshops.
Nonetheless, we wanted you to have the information for both sessions in order to
understand the full scope of the standards project.
Each workshop will run from (Insert Time Here) until (Insert Time Here), starting
promptly at (Insert Time Here) and ending by (Insert Time Here). We will be providing a
light breakfast and lunch for all participants.
I realize that this is a substantial time commitment on your part, and the task before us is
large. But I am confident that we can work productively and achieve the desired
outcome in the time allotted. Most importantly, I believe that this undertaking will result
in a better grasp of where we are as a public health system and help us to chart the
course for the future.

Sample Follow-Up Letter #2
Dear (Insert Colleague’s Name Here):
I am looking forward to hearing from more of you about your commitment to participate
in the Public Health Performance Standards workshops that I described in my last (letter
/ e-mail message) on (Insert Date Here). Thanks to those who have already
Again, each workshop will run from (Insert Time Here) until (Insert Time Here), starting
promptly at (Insert Time Here) and ending by (Insert Time Here). If you cannot attend
either session, please call (Insert Contact Name) at (Insert Contact Information Here) or
send (Insert Contact Name Here) an email message (Insert Contact Information Here)
and (Insert Contact Name Here) can advise you on which day is more important,
depending on your area of expertise.
We intend to focus the first workshop, scheduled for (Insert Date Here), on the personal
health/medical care and community health education side, meaning that we really need
the participation of the hospitals, our community health center, school based health
center, school nursing private doctors, the VNA, youth service agencies, community
service agencies, school health education, and our (Insert Geographical Region Here)
AHEC as a minimum! We will also discuss our capacity to work collaboratively with
community partners to develop health policies and plans that support community health
during this first session.
The second workshop, scheduled for (Insert Date Here), will focus more on health
regulations and enforcement, identifying and responding to health hazards and
emergencies, diagnosing and investigating health problems and hazards, and other
public health "surveillance" functions. We hope to bring in more of our emergency
response partners on this day including EMS, Fire Marshall, Conservation office, etc, as
well as the hospitals etc.
I tell you this not to discourage you from attending both days, but rather to help you
decide if you absolutely cannot commitment to attending both sessions. Please let
(Insert Contact Name and Information Here) know your plans by (Insert Date Here), so
that we can send out more information to all who will be participating, or invite others if
there are gaps. I look forward to hearing from you soon!