- Form IRP-21 - IRP TEAR Request Form - New York
- Form DS-872 - Carrier's Annual Review of Employee's Driving Record - New York
- Form DS-19 - Motor Carrier Accident and Conviction Notification Program Application - New York
- Form DS-885 - Bus Driver Add/Drop Notice - New York
- Form DS-874C - Supplement to: Medical Examination of Driver Report - New York
- Form DS-3 - Article 19-A Annual Affidavit of Compliance - New York
Fillable Printable Form DS-704 - Article 19-A Bus Driver's Diabetic Follow-Up - New York
Fillable Printable Form DS-704 - Article 19-A Bus Driver's Diabetic Follow-Up - New York

Form DS-704 - Article 19-A Bus Driver's Diabetic Follow-Up - New York

NOTE: If insulin is necessary to control a diabetic condition, the driver is not qualified to operate a bus if the bus
driver has an established medical history or clinical diagnosis of diabetes mellitus which has not been stabilized by
insulin therapy to the degree that his or her personal healthcare provider (physician, nurse practitioner, or physician
assistant) can certify that such person has not had an incident of hyperglycemic/hypoglycemic shock for a period of
two years. Where diabetes can be stabilized by a diet or hypoglycemic agent, the driver must be under adequate
medical supervision and follow-up.
The follow-up for all drivers with diabetic conditions shall consist of certification every six months by the driver’s
personal healthcare provider that his or her condition has remained stabilized and that he or she has not had an
incident of hyperglycemic/hypoglycemic shock since the last certification.
This form may be used by a motor carrier to document the required 6-month diabetic follow-up by the driver’s
personal healthcare provider.
I, ___________________________________________________________________, am acting as the above-named
bus driver’s personal healthcare provider. He/she is under my care and treatment for an existing diabetic condition.
His/her condition is stabilized by (indicate which):
DS-704 (5/15)
(Print Personal Healthcare Provider’s Name)
(Personal Healthcare Provider must sign)
BUS DRIVER’S NAME: ________________________________________________________
DATE OF BIRTH: ________________________________________________________
LICENSE ID NUMBER (9- digit number on driver license): ______________________________
(Must correspond to name on driver’s license)
Date ____________________________
Professional License or Certificate Number: ______________________________________ Issuing State: ________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________
I certify that he/she has not
had an incident of hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic shock within the last six months.
Personal Healthcare Provider’s Signature: __________________________________________________________
¨ Diet
¨ Medication (identify):____________________________________________ Form of Insulin: ¨Yes ¨ No
¨ Other means (explain):______________________________________________________________________
¨ M.D. ¨ D.O ¨ PA (physician assistant) ¨ NP (nurse practitioner)