- Form NDR-1 - Individual's Request for National Driver Register - New York
- Form VS-110 - Notice of Missing Vehicle Identification Number - New York
- Form MV-400PH.1 - Request for Plates for a Disabled Veteran - New York
- Form MV-327 - Repossession Notice of Motor Vehicle/Motorcycle - New York
- Form AA-AUD1 - Audit Appeal for International Registration Plan - New York
- Form DTF-803 - Claim for Sales and Use Tax Exemption - New York
New York DMV Forms
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NY DMV Accident ReportsNY DMV Alcohol/Drug Rehabilitation ProvidersNY DMV Commercial DriversNY DMV Consumer ComplaintsNY DMV Custom PlatesNY DMV Dealers and TransportersNY DMV RecordsNY DMV Driver License and Learner PermitNY DMV Driver Training, Education and CertificationNY DMV Motor Carriers/Article 19-ANY DMV Inspection Stations and Certified InspectorsNY DMV Repair and Body ShopsNY DMV Private Service BureausNY DMV Ticket, Points and PenaltiesNY DMV InsuranceNY DMV Registration and TitleNY DMV Junk and Salvage