- Form MV-1441.3 - Certification of Lost License, Permit or Plates - New York
- Form MV-653V - Volunteer Fire/Ambulance Company Certification of Eligibility - New York
- Form MV-414 - I LOVE NY Adventure Custom Plates Application - New York
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Fillable Printable Form MV-400PH.1 - Request for Plates for a Disabled Veteran - New York
Fillable Printable Form MV-400PH.1 - Request for Plates for a Disabled Veteran - New York

Form MV-400PH.1 - Request for Plates for a Disabled Veteran - New York

New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
Veterans who are "severely disabled" as defined in Section 404-a(4) of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, may apply for plates for a Disabled
Veteran, entitling them to parking privileges for persons with disabilities.
These plates are available from the DMV Custom Plates Unit in Albany. They may be used on any vehicle weighing 6,999 pounds or less (except
motorcycles), including vans or pick-up trucks that are not used for commercial purposes.
Plate numbers are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. You cannot select a number yourself. The vehicle on which you will use the plates
must be registered in your name.
To obtain these plates, fill out page 2 of this form completely and send it to the Custom Plates Unit at the address printed on page 2, along
with all of the following items:
1. A completed Vehicle Registration/Title Application (form MV-82).
2. A check or money order payable to the “Commissioner of Motor Vehicles” for $28.75 ($25.00 plate fee + $3.75 plate exchange fee) if
you are not paying by credit card.
3. Proof of a service-connected disability. For example, a Certificate of Service Connected Disability (FL-21-802) from the Veterans
Administration or DD-214 proving war-time veteran (a copy is acceptable).
4. Proof that you are severely disabled as defined in Section 404-a(4) of the Vehicle and Traffic Law (see below).
If you already have plates for the disabled
You do not have to provide additional medical certification. Instead, please check the box on page 2 of this form indicating that
you already have plates for the disabled and DMV will verify your disabled status. You must still send items 1 - 3 above with your
application in order to receive your Disabled Veteran plates.
If you do not have plates for the disabled
Have a Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner or Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (if the
disability involves podiatry) fill out part 2 of the Application for a Parking Permit or License Plates for Persons with Severe
Disabilities (form MV-664.1) and include it with the rest of the items listed above. As an alternative, you may also submit a signed
statement from one of the medical professionals listed above on his/her letterhead certifying that you have one or more of the
following impairments, disabilities or conditions which are permanent in nature:
(a) Uses portable oxygen;
(b) Legally blind;
(c) Limited or no use of one or both legs;
(d) Unable to walk 200 feet without stopping;
(e) Neuromuscular dysfunction that severely limits mobility;
(f) Class III or IV cardiac condition (American Heart Association standards);
(g) Severely limited ability to walk due to an arthritic, neurological or orthopedic condition;
(h) Restricted by lung disease to such an extent that forced (respiratory) expiratory volume for one second, when measured
by spirometry, is less than one liter, or the arterial oxygen tension is less than sixty mm/hg of room air at rest;
(i) A physical or mental impairment or condition not listed above which constitutes an equal degree of disability, and which
imposes unusual hardship in the use of public transportation and prevents the person from getting around without great
difficulty (the certification must describe the specific impairment, disability or condition and explain how it
limits mobility).
A certification or statement from an out-of-state Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner
is acceptable for items (a) through (h) if it includes his/her professional license number and the state in which he/she is licensed to
practice. Item (i) may only be certified by medical professionals licensed in New York State. Photocopies of certifications and
statements where the original certification or statement is less than a year old will be accepted at the discretion of the Custom
Plates Unit.
NOTE: When you renew your plates for a disabled veteran, you pay only the annual registration fee for the vehicle; there are no additional
fees. On the form used to renew your registration, your signature certifies that you are still eligible to receive the plates. You do not
have to provide a medical statement when renewing.
MV-400PH.1 (4/11)

New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
(For DMV Use Only)
(For DMV Use Only)
Please print all information on this form.
Enter the following information about the vehicle on which you will
use the disabled veteran plates:
o Please check here if you already have plates for the disabled.
Current Plate
Name in which Vehicle is now Registered
Street Address (Include Street Number and Name and/or Rural Delivery Box No.) Apt. No.
City State Zip Code
Daytime Phone (include area code)
( )
Date of Birth
/ /
Send this completed form, and items 1 - 4 listed on page 1 of this form, to:
Custom Plates Unit
New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
PO Box 2775
Albany NY 12220-0775
Name (as it appears on credit card) __________________________________________________________________________
Card Account Number_________________________________________________Expiration Date ______________________
Authorized Signature ç ____________________________________________________________________________________
If you have any questions, please call 1-518-402-4838, or visit DMV on-line at: www.dmv.ny.gov.
MV-400PH.1 (4/11)
Payment: Please do not send cash! Check the box below for the payment method you are going to use. A check or money order
must be made payable to Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. If you are paying by credit card, provide the credit card information
required below and sign on the Authorized Signature line.
o Check o Money Order o MasterCard o Visa o Discover o American
Amount Enclosed