- Form MV-1W - Withdrawal of Consent - New York
- Form DPR-152 - Drinking Driver Program Annual Enrollment Report - New York
- Form DPR-125 - Drinking Driver Program Classroom Site Inspection Report - New York
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- Form MV-15MOU - Understanding Memorandum (Driver Privacy Protection Act) - New York
- Form DPR-102 - Drinking Driver Program Instructor Application - New York
Fillable Printable Form MV-1W - Withdrawal of Consent - New York
Fillable Printable Form MV-1W - Withdrawal of Consent - New York

Form MV-1W - Withdrawal of Consent - New York

New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
Check all boxes below that describe the documents that DMV issued. If you have the documents, attach them to this form.
Class DJ License Class MJ License Learner’s Permit Learner’s Permit (Motorcycle)
Name on
Return this form, and the documents to be canceled, to a Motor Vehicles office, or send them to the NYS
Department of Motor Vehicles, Driver Improvement Bureau, 6 Empire State Plaza, Albany NY 12228.
Mailing Address
(Street & Number)
Apt. #
ID No.
City State Zip Code Print Name of Parent of Guardian
Date of Birth
I am the parent or guardian who consented to the issuance of a license or learner’s permit to the person named above. By signing this
form, I am advising the Department of Motor Vehicles that I withdraw my consent.
± _____________________________________________________ _____________________________
(Signature of Parent or Guardian) (Date)
MV-1W (10/07)