- Form MV-700 - Application for Sales Away from Premises - New York
- Form PD-7 - Plate Surrender Application Form - New York
- Form MV-950 - Affirmation of Repossession and Bill of Sale - New York
- Form VS1-PROV - Provisional Dealer Registration Application - New York
- Form PD-1 - Request for Dealer Boat Registration - New York
- Form MV-463 - Application for Dealer Plate Issuance Program - New York
Fillable Printable Form RV-253 - Application for Snowmobile Dealer Registration - New York
Fillable Printable Form RV-253 - Application for Snowmobile Dealer Registration - New York

Form RV-253 - Application for Snowmobile Dealer Registration - New York

9. If doing business under an ASSUMED name, list the names and home addresses of everyone who has a financial interest in the business. If a PARTNERSHIP, list all partners and
home addresses. If a CORPORATION, list all officers and home addresses. Attach a separate list if necessary.
New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
Vehicle Safety Services — Application Unit
PO Box 2700 ESP
Albany NY 12220-0700
Section 2222 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law requires that all snowmobile dealers in New York State be registered with the Department of
Motor Vehicles.
A Snowmobile Dealer Certificate is valid for two years.
Complete and send this application to the address at the top of this page. Send a separate application with the appropriate fee for each
location to be registered.
Enclose the appropriate fee with each application to cover the cost of the Snowmobile Dealer Registration Certificate and two
demonstrator registrations. The fee is:
$230 ($50 two-year dealer registration fee plus $180 two-year trail maintenance fee) if you are not a member of a New York State
Snowmobile Association (NYSSA) club; OR
$120 ($50 two-year dealer registration fee plus $70 two-year trail maintenance fee) if you are a member of a NYSSA club and are
submitting the following proof:
1. A valid membership voucher issued by NYSSA; AND
2. A completed and signed snowmobile club member certification which can be found on the bottom of this application.
: We cannot process an application with the lower fee if the snowmobile certification is not signed.
For information about joining a snowmobile club that is a member of NYSSA, visit NYSSA’s website at www.nyssnowassoc.org
Complete the enclosed registration application form (RV-100). Enter only the business name, address and county of business. The
machine description must be left blank. Be sure to sign Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the RV-100.
1. Business Name (DBA Name) 2. Business Phone
( )
3. Business Address (Number and Street) City State Zip Code
4. Type of Business
Proprietorship - Date Started: _________________ Partnership - Date Formed:_________________ Corporation - Date
5. If doing business under an assumed name or trade name, has a certificate been filed in a County Clerk’s
office (or in the Secretary of State’s office if a corporation)?
Yes No
6. Are you a franchised dealer?
Yes No
7. Type of sales
New Used Both
8. Sales Tax Certificate or
Authority Number
10. Do you currently operate another business for which
you have received a facility number from DMV? Yes No
If “Yes”, list the facility number(s) issued to you by DMV:
(PLEASE NOTE: If you collect sales tax, you must attach a photocopy of the Certificate of Authority (DTF-17A) from the NYS Department of Taxation & Finance.)
I am applying for registration as a snowmobile dealer and for authorization to issue temporary certificates of snowmobile registration for new or used
snowmobiles sold by the business named above. I understand that if DMV accepts this application, I will be subject to all rules and regulations governing
the registration of snowmobiles sold by me. I agree to abide by the regulations established by the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, to maintain all
necessary records, and to allow inspection of these records upon request.
Signature ± ___________________________________________ _________________________________ _______________
I certify that I am a member, in good standing of: ____________________________________________________________________________________
My signature authorizes the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles to use my personal information (name, address, and registration number) to
verify my membership in a snowmobile club that is a member of the New York State Snowmobile Association.
Signature ± _________________________________________________________
Registration Fee: $230 or $120 (See “Instructions” above) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = $ ____________
Additional Demonstrator Registration Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . ____________ @ $ ____________ = $____________
(Up to two additional demonstrator registration numbers
may be purchased now or at renewal) TOTAL ENCLOSED = $____________
(Sign name in full)
(Sign name in full)
RV-253 (6/08)
(Print Name of New York State Snowmobile Club)
(Title) (Date)