Fillable Printable A Free General Thank You Letter Sample
Fillable Printable A Free General Thank You Letter Sample

A Free General Thank You Letter Sample

The following are a few examples of thank you letters found on the career and job
search advice website “Quintessential Careers”:
A Free General Thank You Letter Sample
Mr. Archie Weatherby
California Investments, Inc.
25 Sacramento Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Dear Mr. Weatherby,
Thank you for taking the time to discuss the insurance broker position at California Investments, Inc., with me. After
meeting with you and observing the company's operations, I am further convinced that my background and skills
coincide well with your needs.
I really appreciate that you took so much time to acquaint me with the company. It is no wonder that California
Investments retains its employees for so long. I feel I could learn a great deal from you and would certainly enjoy
working with you.
In addition to my qualifications and experience, I will bring excellent work habits and judgment to this position. With
the countless demands on your time, I am sure that you require people who can be trusted to carry out their
responsibilities with minimal supervision.
I look forward, Mr. Weatherby, to hearing from you concerning your hiring decision. Again, thank you for your time
and consideration.
John Oakley
A Thank You Letter that Stresses Fit
Dr. Steven Page
Rolling Hills School Health Clinic
5 Main Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Dear Dr. Page:
Thank you so much for taking the time to interview me today for the social worker position.
I felt a wonderful rapport not only with you, but with the whole Rolling Hills School Health Clinic staff. I am more
convinced than ever that I will fit in beautifully as a member of the team and contribute my skills and talents for the
benefit of schoolchildren in the Rolling Hills district.
I can make myself available for any further discussions of my qualifications that may be needed.
Again, Dr. Page, I very much appreciate you and your staff taking so much time to talk with me about this exciting
John Oakley
A Thank You Letter that Builds on Strengths of the Interview
Dr. David Kresgee
Great Fault Labs
5 Main Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Dear Dr. Kresgee:
I'd like to thank you for talking with me about the research- assistant position in your seismology lab. I truly appreciate
all the time and care you took in telling me about the job and learning more about me.
I'm so pleased that you agree that my senior research project in seismology provides me with excellent experience
for this position. I am eager to bring my passion for seismology to the research-assistant position, and I am convinced
the knowledge and experience I've already cultivated make me the best researcher for the job.
I very much look forward to learning of your decision soon. Please feel free to contact me if you need more
information about my qualifications. Thank you again for the exhilarating interview.
John Oakley
A Thank You Letter that Entices the Employer
Note: This letter is a bit lengthy, but it does a good job of summing up the strengths of the interview and enticing the
employer with the idea that hiring this candidate means that more ideas and innovations cannot be far behind.
Ms. Sentra Nessen
Dayton Sumner Memorial Art Museum
203 Harbor Street
Baltimore, MD
Dear Ms. Nessen:
I want to thank you for taking the time to interview me yesterday for the position of assistant director of the Dayton
Sumner Memorial Art Museum. You, Mr. Dawson, and Dr. Acquino exuded warmth, and I know we could all have an
excellent working relationship.
As I further studied the job description for the position, I grew even more confident that I could take the museum to
new heights of success. With the resources I've gathered, I am ready to hit the ground running with grant-writing. The
15 percent bonus for grants brought in is an excellent incentive, and I would devote a significant portion of my time to
this important venture. I also have a number of great ideas for community and media relations and am excited by
your interest in bringing more schoolchildren to the museum.
As I mentioned when we met, I would like to use my fine arts degree and journalism minor to enhance the museum's
identity while at the same time meeting the needs and expectations of the community. I believe I can make a
significant contribution to the fundraising effort, and I am particularly interested in exploring a corporate donor
I am convinced I could bring a new degree of organization to the museum, including sinking my teeth into making the
workspace far less chaotic and far more functional. More importantly, I'd like to get communications on track so that
newsletters and invitations are sent out on a timely basis. I have some ideas for making the newsletter more user-
friendly. I feel it is extremely important to maintain close communication between the board and director, and I am
committed to doing so.
Ms. Nessen, I thank you again for considering me for this position. I look forward to the possibility of working with you.
John Oakley
A Thank You Letter that Aims at Damage Control
Mrs. Walter Mellish
Greenley Corp., Inc.
1010 Madison Avenue
New York, NY
Dear Mrs. Mellish:
Thank you for the time you took to interview me for the seminar leader position.
After our interview, I'm convinced that I have the three ingredients you're looking for in your workshop/seminar
leaders. I know you expressed some concern in our meeting that I have not worked in a personnel department. I want
to stress, however, that I have participated significantly in the hiring process for my sorority and have a solid record of
achievement in my human-resources classes.
As for your requirement for public-speaking experience, my having been leader of new-student orientation groups at
my college for three years, along with outstanding grades in my public-speaking classes, qualify me nicely.
Finally, I have enclosed some writing samples to further demonstrate the third ingredient, my communications skills.
Thank you again, Mrs. Mellish, for this wonderful opportunity to interview for the seminar leader position. I promise
you I won't let you down if you give me the chance to show what I can do. I eagerly await the next step in the process.
Jane Oakley
A Thank You Letter that Mentions Interview Afterthoughts
Ms. Tess Bonwitt
Razzle Magazine
1010 Madison Avenue
New York, NY
Dear Ms. Bonwit:
I'd like to thank you for the time you spent talking with me about the marketing-research analyst position you have
open at Razzle magazine. I am very excited about this position and convinced that my marketing training equips me
more than adequately for the job.
I meant to mention during the interview that last summer I attended a three-week intensive seminar on SPSS, the
foremost marketing-research software package. I know the job description mentions the ability to use SPSS, and I
wanted to make sure you knew that I am extremely well-versed in the use of this software. Please contact me if you
have any questions about my ability with this program or about any of my other qualifications.
As you know, my work-study position in the institutional research office here at Rutgers provided an excellent
background for marketing- research work.
I look forward to hearing from you soon about the position, and I again thank you for meeting with me.
John Oakley
A Thank You Letter Following Interviewwith an On-Campus Recruiter
Ms. Lacy Stilwell
Holbrooks, Inc.
100 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY
Dear Ms. Stilwell:
Thanks so much for talking with me today about the position in fashion merchandising at Holbrook's. I was truly
inspired by the energy and dedication to the company that you brought to our interview.
I am positive that I have what it takes to bring the same kind of energy and dedication to your company. As I
mentioned, Holbrook's has been my first choice for fashion since before I was a pre-teen. I bought the suit I wore to
our interview at Holbrook's!
My education has equipped me for this job, and my enthusiasm will ensure my success. My internships with several
local apparel stores have taught me a great deal about meeting the needs of target market segments.
I would like to take the next step in this process and discuss the position further with you at your office in the Long
Beach store. I plan to contact your secretary on Friday to schedule a mutually convenient time to meet.
Again, Ms. Stilwell, I thank you most sincerely for your time, your energy, and the inspiration you gave me to launch
my career at Holbrook's.
Jane Oakley
A Free Sample Thank You Letter for a Career/Job Fair
Mr. Gary Barnett
Aerial Communications, Inc.
3407 W. MLK Jr. Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33607
Dear Mr. Barnett,
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me at the Central Florida Career Fair today. I certainly appreciate your
time and attention in the midst of so many students seeking jobs.
You were extremely thorough in explaining Aerial's customer service and marketing trainee program. Now that I have
a better idea of what the position entails, I am even more sure that I would be an asset to your team and to Aerial.
My solid education from Stetson University's Marketing Department and the fact that I have worked my way through
college show a work ethic and determination, two qualities you said were important to success at Aerial.
I look forward to an opportunity to visit Aerial's Tampa office and speak to you further about the trainee program. I will
contact you next week to arrange an appointment.
Thank you again for your time and consideration.
Rebecca Leddyfern
Free Sample Career Networking Thank You Letter
Ms. Barnett Jones
UPP Business Systems, Inc.
1000 SW 4th Avenue
Portland, OR 97204
Dear Barnett,
Thank you again for agreeing to be a member of my personal "network." This is an important time in my life as I take
the plunge to change careers, and I truly value the advice of professionals like you who know the consulting field so
I especially appreciate your offer to introduce me to other professionals and consults in your network, which I know
will be extremely helpful to me in establishing myself.
Barnett, I can't thank you enough for your willingness to help me launch this next phase of my career. I will be sure to
keep you informed of my progress. And please do not hesitate to contact me if you think of any additional
suggestions for expanding my network and establishing myself as a consultant.
John Oakley