Fillable Printable Printable Evaluation Form Employee Performance
Fillable Printable Printable Evaluation Form Employee Performance

Printable Evaluation Form Employee Performance

Updated 3/2007 Page 1
Directions: This form will be used for all evaluations, including the Employee Self-Assessment,
Supervisor’s Evaluation of Employee, and 360-degree (customer feedback) evaluations. Direct reports and
others providing 360-degree feedback will forward completed form (either by email, campus mail, or US
Mail) to third party (listed below in box) for tabulation.
Person being evaluated completes blanks within this box and send form to evaluators.
Evaluation of
academic year.
Forward completed form to
for tabulation.
Prior to completing this evaluation, please review the individual’s official PCC job description.
When providing information in any area, please provide specific examples/ comments that
support your rating/evaluation. Comments for specific areas should be continued on a separate
page, if required.
This evaluation was completed by: (select one)
Direct Report
1. What are my greatest strengths? (Please provide supporting examples).
2. What are the areas where I need to make improvement? (Please provide examples and
suggestions for improvement).
3. If you were doing my job, how would you do if differently? Are there any specific
things/behaviors you want me to STOP or START?

Updated 3/2007 Page 2
Evaluation of Core Competencies
The following Core Competencies are critical to the success of any position at PCC. Please
evaluate my performance on these items using the scale provided below. Please see the PCC
Core Competencies and Rating Scale Definitions immediately following this evaluation
form. Supporting comments for each rating must be provided.
E=Exceeds Expectations A=Acceptable NI=Needs Improvement X=Unknown/Not Observed
1. Personal Commitment:
Rating (E, A, NI, or X)=
2. Initiative:
Rating (E, A, NI, or X)=
3. Customer Service Orientation:
Rating (E, A, NI, or X)=
4. Decision Making:
Rating (E, A, NI, or X)=
5. Problem Solving:
Rating (E, A, NI, or X)=
6. Teamwork/Interdepartmental Interaction:
Rating (E, A, NI, or X)=
7. Communication Skills (oral and written):
Rating (E, A, NI, or X)=
8. Job Knowledge/Technical Skills:
Rating (E, A, NI, or X)=
9. Human Relations Skills:
Rating (E, A, NI, or X)=
Supervisors are encouraged to identify additional competencies for all positions
and/or specific positions within the workunit. These competencies my be added
here or included on another evaluation tool.

Updated 3/2007 Page 3
Pitt Community College Evaluation Core Competencies and Rating Scale Defini tions
The following ratings and definitions are to be used when evaluating the core competencies on the
Evaluation Form.
• Personal Commitment: Freely makes and meets necessary commitments to the college.
• Initiative: Takes active steps to set and achieve tasks/goals on a timely basis. Is a self-starter.
• Customer Service Orientation: Knows who the customer is and puts the customer first. Works
to reduce/eliminate red-tape for all. Knows and acts upon what it takes to deliver customer value.
Makes a genuine effort to listen to and seeks to understand and resolve customer needs/issues.
• Decision Making: Provides decisions in a timely manner utilizing College policies according to
their level of authority.
• Problem Solving: Is able to identify the issue/problems and possible solutions and is willing to
act on the solutions.
• Team Work/Interdepartmental Interaction: Understands goals of the group and is willing to
accommodate the personnel, tasks, and situations involved in order to collaboratively accomplish
these goals.
• Communication Skill: Listens to others. Communicates with a clear message. Ensures that the
receiver hears and understands the message.
• Job Knowledge/Technical Skills: Takes responsibility for renewing and up-grading areas of
expertise and development of new skills, as needed.
• Human Relations Skills: Develops and maintains effective and positive working relationships
with others. Seeks to repair strained relations. Models behavior that values others—asks what
they think, how they feel, and how they see things. Treats everyone fairly.
• Individuals in this category frequently
and substantially exceed the requirements of their
positions and consistently
contribute to the overall effectiveness of their department or work
• Measurable results of all
performance objectives meet, and most exceed agreed upon goals and
standards. As a result, work group results also exceed the plan.
• Demonstrates commitment to department/work group programs and objectives by frequently
leading efforts to improve work processes and/or meet departmental goals.
• Frequently sought after as a resource by co-workers/peers because of expertise and ability to
handle complex situations.
• Sets and demonstrates high standards in meeting commitments and work assignments in a timely
manner (includes the ability to effectively negotiate timelines when presented with conflicts).
• Consistently keeps work group/department/peers/subordinates informed of plans, developments
and issues through timely and effective written and/or oral communication.
• Maintains strong working relationships with peers, co-workers, and immediate hierarchy.
• Consistently models proactive behavior that values others by: seeking input and response to
ideas/concepts; acknowledging and seeking understanding of diverse opinions; seeking clarity in
communications; and responding to people as individuals.
• Is fully accountable for their own development.
• Maximizes the use of resources both within and outside the PCC community.

Updated 3/2007 Page 4
• Consistently meets and occasionally exceeds the requirements of their position and established
• Measurable results meet acceptable sta ndards for all work objectives.
• Participates in efforts to improve work processes and/or meet departmental goals.
• Provides assistance to co-workers/peers when asked.
• Meets commitments within established deadlines; occasionally needs assistance in coordinating
competing priorities and timelines.
• Works collaboratively and participates in team/group activities to achieve group objectives.
• Treats others with professional courtesy and respect.
• Gets along reasonably well with peers/co-workers.
• Identifies work performance strengths and areas of improvement.
• Effectively utilizes resources once pointed in the right direction.
• Individual does not consistently demonstrate quality and quantity of work/activities required by
their position.
• Measurable results do not always meet acceptable standards for work objectives (for example
errors, late submission, poor organization, etc.)
• Has to be prodded to participate in team/group activities.
• Occasionally fails to meet commitments and work deadlines.
• Occasionally fails to keep co-workers/peers/superiors informed of plans, issues, and or
developments in their area of concern.
• Occasionally has difficulty in dealing with or valuing others different from them and/or has
issues with co-workers.
• Frequently requires suggestions or feedback to follow established procedures, work rules, etc.
• Unscheduled absences from work are an issue.
• Does not respond to feedback.
• Makes half-hearted efforts to work issues but usually brings all work issues to supervisor for
• Usually requires help in identifying resources for problem resolution.
• This rating is provided when you have neither observed the work/behavior/performance or you
have no data to provide on the rating.