Fillable Printable Free Living Will Forms
Fillable Printable Free Living Will Forms

Free Living Will Forms

Date of Directive:
Name of person executing Directive:
Address of person executing Directive:
A Living Will
A Directive to Withhold or to Provide Treatment
1. I willfully and voluntarily make known my desire that my life shall not be
prolonged artificially under the circumstances set forth below. This Directive
shall be effective only if I am unable to communicate my instructions and:
a. I have an incurable or irreversible injury, disease, illness or condition, and
a medical doctor who has examined me has certified:
1. That such injury, disease, illness or condition is terminal; and
2. That the application of artificial life-sustaining procedures would
serve only to prolong artificially my life; and
3. That my death is imminent, whether or not artificial life-sustaining
procedures are utilized.
b. I have been diagnosed as being in a persistent vegetative state.
In such event, I direct that the following marked expression of my intent be followed and
that I receive any medical treatment or care that may be required to keep me free of
pain or distress.
Check one
box and initial the line after such box:
I direct that all medical treatment, care, and procedures necessary
to restore my health and sustain my life be provided to me. Nutrition and
hydration, whether artificial or non-artificial, shall not be withheld or withdrawn
from me if I would likely die primarily from malnutrition or dehydration rather than
from my injury, disease, illness or condition.

I direct that all medical treatment, care and procedures, including
artificial life-sustaining procedures, be withheld or withdrawn, except that
nutrition and hydration, whether artificial or non-artificial shall not be withheld or
withdrawn from me if, as a result, I would likely die primarily from malnutrition or
dehydration rather than from my injury, disease, illness or condition, as follows:
(If none of the following boxes are checked and initialed, then both nutrition and
hydration, of any nature, whether artificial or non-artificial, shall be administered.)
Check one box and initial the line after such box:
A. Only hydration of any nature, whether artificial or non-
artificial, shall be administered.
B. Only nutrition, of any nature, whether artificial or non-
artificial, shall be administered.
C. Both nutrition and hydration, of any nature, whether artificial
or non-artificial shall be administered.
I direct that all medical treatment, care and procedures be withheld
or withdrawn, including withdrawal of the administration of artificial nutrition and
2. If I have been diagnosed as pregnant, this Directive shall have no force during
the course of my pregnancy.
3. I understand the full importance of this Directive and am mentally competent to
make this Directive. No participant in the making of this Directive or in its being
carried into effect shall be held responsible in any way for complying with my
4. Check one
box and initial the line after such box:
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I have dis cussed these decisions with my physician and have also
completed a Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment (POST) form that contains
directions that may be more specific than, but are compatible with , this Directive.
I hereby approve of those orders and incorporate them herein as if fully set forth.
I have not completed a Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment
(POST) form. If a POST form is later signed by my physician, then this living will
shall be deemed modified to be compatible with the terms of the POST form.
A Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
None of the following may be designated as your agent:
(1) your treating health care provider;
(2) a non-relative employee of your treating health care provider;
(3) an operator of a community care facility; or
(4) a non-relative employee of an operator of a community care facility.
If the agent or an alternate agent designated in this Directive is my spouse, and our
marriage is thereafter dissolved, such designation shall be thereupon revoked.
I do hereby designate and appoint the following individual as my attorney in fact (agent)
to make health care decisions for me as authorized in this Directive.
(Insert name, address and telephone number of one individual only as your agent to
make health care decisions for you.)
Name of Health Care Agent:
Address of Health Care Agent:
Telephone Number of Health Care Agent:
For the purposes of this Directive, "health care decision" means consent, refusal of
consent, or withdrawal of consent to any care, treatment, service, or procedure to
maintain, diagnose or treat an individual's physical condition.
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By this portion of this Directive, I create a durable power of attorney for health care.
This power of attorney shall not be affected by my subsequent incapacity. This power
shall be effective only when I am unable to communicate rationally.
I hereby grant to my agent full power and authority to make health care decisions for me
to the same extent that I could make such decisions for myself if I had the capacity to do
so. In exercising this authority, my agent shall make health care decisions that are
consistent with my desires as stated in this Directive or otherwise made known to my
agent including, but not limited to, my desires concerning obtaining or refusing or
withdrawing artificial life-sustaining care, treatment, services and procedures, including
such desires set forth in a living will, Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment (POST)
form, or similar document executed by me, if any.
(If you want to limit the authority of your agent to make health care decisions for you,
you can state the limitations in paragraph 4, "Statement of Desires, Special Provisions,
and Limitations", below. You can indicate your desires by inc luding a statement of your
desires in the same paragraph.)
(Your agent must make health care decisions that are consistent with your known
desires. You can, but are not required to, state your desires in the space provided
below. You should consider whether you want to include a statement of your desires
concerning artificial life-sustaining care, treatment, services and procedures. You can
also include a statement of your desires concerning other matters relating to your health
care, including a list of one or more persons whom you designate to be able to receive
medical information about you and/or to be allowed to visit you in a medical institution.
You can also make your desires known to your agent by discussing your desires with
your agent or by some other means. If there are any types of treatment that you do not
want to be used, you should state them in the space below. If you want to limit in any
other way the authority given your agent by this Directive, you should state the limits in
the space below. If you do not state any limits, your agent will have broad powers to
make health care decisions for you, except to the extent that there are limits provided by
In exercising the authority under this durable power of attorney for health care, my
agent shall act consistently with my desires as stated below and is subject to the special
provisions and limitations stated in my Physician Order s for Scope of Treatment (POST)
form, a living will, or similar document executed by me, if any. Additional statement of
desires, special provisions, and limitations:

(You may attach additional pages or documents if you need more space to complete
your statement.)
A. General Grant of Power and Authority
Subject to any limitations in this Directive, my agent has the power and
authority to do all of the following:
(1) Request, review and receive any information, verbal or written,
regarding my physical or mental health including, but not limited to,
medical and hospital records;
(2) Execute on my behalf any releases or other documents that may be
required in order to obtain this information;
(3) Consent to the disclosure of this information; and
(4) Consent to the donation of any of my organs for medical purposes.
(If you want to limit the authority of your agent to receive and disclose information
relating to your health, you must state the limitations in paragraph 4, "Statement of
Desires, Special Provisions, and Limitations", above.)
B. HIPAA Release Authority
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My agent shall be treated as I would be with respect to my rights regarding the
use and disclosure of my individually identifiable health information or other
medical records. This release authority applies to any information governed by
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), 42
U.S.C. 1320d and 45 CFR 160 through164. I authorize any physician, health
care professional, dentist, health plan, hospital, clinic, laboratory, pharmacy, or
other covered health care provider, any insurance company, and the Medical
Information Bureau, Inc. or other health care clearinghouse that has provided
treatment or services to me, or that has paid for or is seeking payment from me
for such services, to give, disclose and release to my agent, without restriction,
all of my individually identifiable health information and medical records regarding
any past, present or future medical or mental health condition, including all
information relating to the diagnosis of HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases,
mental illness, and drug or alcohol abuse. The authority given my agent shall
supersede any other agreement that I may have made with my health care
providers to restrict access to or disclosure of my individually identifiable health
information. The authority given my agent has no expiration date and shall
expire only in the event that I revoke the authority in writing and deliver it to my
health care provider.
Where necessary to implement the health care decisions that my agent is authorized by
this Directive to make, my agent has the power and authority to execute on my behalf
all of the following:
(a) Documents titled, or purporting to be, a "Refusal to Permit Treatment"
and/or a "Leaving Hospital Against Medical Advice"; and
(b) Any necessary waiver or release from liability required by a hospital or
(You are not required to designate any alternate agents but you may do so. Any
alternate agent you designate will be able to make the same health care decisions as
the agent you designated in paragraph 1 above, in the event that agent is unable or
ineligible to act as your agent. If an alternate agent you designate is your spouse, he or
she becomes ineligible to act as your agent if your marriage is thereafter dissolved.)
If the person designated as my agent in paragraph 1 is not available or becomes
ineligible to act as my agent to make a health care decision for me or loses the mental
capacity to make health care decisions for me, or if I revoke that person's appointment
or authority to act as my agent to make health care decisions for me, then I designate
and appoint the following persons to serve as my agent to make health care decisions
for me as authorized in this Directive, such persons to serve in the order listed below:

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A. First Alternate Agent
Telephone Number:
B. Second Alternate Agent
Telephone Number:
C. Third Alternate Agent
Telephone Number:
I revoke any prior durable power of attorney for health care.
(You must date and sign this Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health
I sign my name to this Statutory Form Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for
Health Care on the date set forth at the beginning of this Form at:
(Signature) (City, State)