Fillable Printable Generic Employee Complaint Form
Fillable Printable Generic Employee Complaint Form

Generic Employee Complaint Form
HR Policy Manual Effective 5/1/2005
Name: ____________________________________ Employee I.D. Number: ___________________
Dept.: ______________ Supervisor: _______________________ Position:_______________________
The reason for my complaint is as follows: _________________________________________________
Dates on or during which problem has occurred:_____________________________________________
I have discussed this problem with my supervisor: Yes _______ No_____ . If “yes”,
discussed and what was told to supervisor: _________________________________________________
If “no”, the reason not discussed is: _______________________________________________________
Efforts I have made to resolve this problem are as follows:_____________________________________
The following individuals are involved or may have additional information: _______________________
Desired resolution: ____________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ _____________________
Employee’s Signature Date
HR Policy Manual Effective 5/1/2005