
Fillable Printable Guarantor Agreement - Dayton Power and Light

Fillable Printable Guarantor Agreement - Dayton Power and Light

Guarantor Agreement - Dayton Power and Light

Guarantor Agreement - Dayton Power and Light

Guarantor Ag reement
(Please type o r p r int clearly)
I, ________
Guarantor Na me(s)
agree to be the guarantor for the electric service provided by The Dayton Power and Light Co mpany for
____________________________________________________________________________________ _________________
Guaranteed Customer Name( s)
at the s
ervice address of __________________________________________________________________________________.
Str eet Address and Ci ty
As t he guarantor for ______________________________________________________________________________________
Guaranteed Customer Na me(s)
I agree t
o be obligated for charges fo r the electric services provided to the guar an teed customer,
Guaranteed Customer Na me(s)
gh the date of terminatio n of the guaranty.
I und
erstand that the ut ility c ompa ny will send a notic e to m e when the cu stomer requests to transfer service to a new location. I
underst and tha t the utility company will also send to me all d isconnection notifica tions sent to
Guaranteed Customer Na me(s)
If ___________
Guaranteed Customer Na me(s)
defaults on the account, I will be held legally responsible for and agree to pay the de faulted amou nt . As guara ntor, I underst and t hat
the default ed amo unt ma y be transferred to my account and that my service may be subject to disconnection, if the transferred amount
remains unpaid for thirty days. I understand that this amount will not be more than the amount o f the bill for sixty d ays of service or
two monthly bills.
I und
erstand that I may terminate this guarantor agre ement u pon thirty da ys' written no tice to The D ayton Power a nd Li ght Company.
I also under stand that, if I terminate this guarantor agreement,
Guaranteed Customer Na me(s)
may b
e required to reestablish creditwo rthiness when I terminate the guaranty. I unders ta nd t hat the utility compan y s hall ann ually
review the account histor y o f each customer who has provid ed a guarantor. Once
Guaranteed Customer Na me(s)
ies the require ments for the release of a guarantor, as stated in Rule 4901:1-17-06, of the Ohio Administrative Code, The Dayt on
Power and Light Compa ny sh all, within thirty days, not ify me in writing that I am released from all further responsibility for the
I agree t
o be a guarantor for ____________________________________________________________________________________.
Guaranteed Customer Na me(s)
Signat ure(s) of G uarantor Date
antor ’s Dayton Power and Light Company Bill Account Number: ____________________________
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