Fillable Printable Guarantor Agreement - Trailblazer Commons
Fillable Printable Guarantor Agreement - Trailblazer Commons
Guarantor Agreement - Trailblazer Commons
The terms usedinthisGuarantor Agreementaredefined:
o HousingContract: this “Contract”,whichincludes thisdocument, andallotherapplicable addendums
referred to in this document or executed by the Resident.
o BedroomSpace: Shall be a bedspace in a (Unit Type) (Unit Number) located atthe
“Premises”. In the event the Bedroom Space and/orthe Unit are not assigned to Resident asof the Execution
Date,Residentacknowledgesthat these will be assigned ata laterdate. Resident acknowledges thatResident
will sign a Bedroom SpaceAddendum uponOwner’s request, upon the same terms stated herein which
identifies the Bedroom Spaceand Unit. In the event Resident fails to sign the Bedroom SpaceAddendum,
Residentagreesthat Ownershall havethe
rightto identify such BedSpaceandUnit in a new ormodified
contract and thatsuch designation shall beincorporated in this Housing Contract asif Residenthassigned this
Housing Contract identifying such Bedroom Space and Unit.
o Guarantor Agreement:“Guaranty” shallbe thisdocument
o Guarantor: “Guarantor”shallbe:________________________(the Resident’s parent(s), legal guardian,
person in process of obtainingcustody, or othersponsor).
o Execution Date: “Execution Date” shall be the date in whichthis Contract was executed by the Resident.
o Owner: “Owner” shall be the Owner, Owner’s Agent, and Mulberry Partners, LLC.
o Resident: “Resident” shall be: ________________________
o Resident Handbook:As provided by Owner’s Agent at time of occupancy.
o Roommates: “Roommates” shall be the personsoccupying the other bedspaceswithin the
unit and sharing
the Common Areas.
o Premises: The area within the property boundar ies of Trailblaz er Commons.
The Residentnamed above desirestoenterinto a Housing Contract with OwnersAgentfor certain premises locatedat
Trailblazer Commons
Owner requires securityinexchange for enteringinto a Housing Contract. The Guarantor named above iswilling to
give suchsecurity.
The Guarantor and the Resident willbe jointly and severallyresponsibleforfullpayment and performance of allof the
Resident’sobligationsunder the Housing Contract.
The Guarantor and the Resident willbe obligatedto:
•Complete a rentalapplicationand qualifyaccordingtothe standards of the Ownerand OwnersAgent
•Ensure promptpayment of Rentand otherchargesassociatedwiththe Housing Contract.
•Adhere toall conditionsof theHousingContractand theResident Handbook.
•Payfor anyand alldamagestothe Apartment whileResident isinpossessionof theApartment and/or
obligated under theHousingContract.
If the ResidentortheGuarantor isinviolation of the Housing Contract or ifthe Contractis notfulfilledin its entirety,
•BoththeGuarantorand theResident maybe namedinany and allcourt proceedings, and both will be subject
to any judgmentsresulting fromcourtproceedings.
•Boththe Guarantor and the Resident will be namedon any accounts turned overto collectionagencies.
•The Guarantor andthe Resident willagreeto pay reasonablelegalfeesand costsassociated with the
enforcement of the HousingContractorthisGuarantyAgreementand/or the collectionof any and all monies
•Allremedies againstthe Residentwill apply to the Guarantor as well.
Itis not necessary forthe Guarantor to signor to be namedinthe Housing Contract.
ThisGuarantyAgreement applies totheHousing Contract withthe aboveExecutionDateandwillbe validand
through theTermand anyrenewalsoftheHousingContract andany transferstoanother ExclusiveBedSpace
withinth e Pre mises.TheHousing Contractmaybe e xtended, renewedormodified and will becovered bythisGuaranty
Agreement withoutfurthernotice. The liability of Guarantor under theGuaranty Agreementisunconditional and
primary. Guarantor waivesthe benefitsof any rightofdischarge, ifany, andany rights ofsuretiesand gu ar antors under
law. ThisGuaranty Agreementand itsunderlying obligations arenotreleased,impaired,reduced or affectedby the
occurrenceof anyone or moreofthe following: (i)the insolvency, bankruptcy, disability,or deathoftheResident;
(ii)renewal,extension or modification oftheHousingContract, eitherwithorwithout noticetoGuarantor;or(iii)any
delay, failureor refusalof Owneror OwnersAgenttotakeor prosecute any actionfor collectionorenforcementofthe
Guarantor herebyirrevocablyauthorizes andempowersany attorney-at-law toappear inanycourt of recordand
confess judgmentagainstGuarantor fortheunpaid balancedueunder thisGuaranty asevidenced by anaffidavitsigned
by the OwnerorOwnersAgentsettingforththeamount then due,attorneys’ feesand costsofsuit,andtoreleaseall
errors,and waiveallrightsofappeal. Ifa copy ofthisGuaranty,verifiedby anaffidavit,shallhavebeenfiledinthe
proceeding, it shallnot benecessarytofile the originalasawarrantof attorney. Guarantor waivesthe righttoanystay
of execution and thebenefit ofanyexemption lawsnow or hereafterineffect. Nosingleexerciseof theforegoing
warrantand power to confessjudgment willbedeemedtoexhaust thepower, whether ornotany suchexerciseshallbe
held by any court to be invalid,voidableorvoid,butthe powerwillcontinueundiminishedand maybe exercisedby
Owner fromtimetotimeas Ownermayelectuntilallamounts dueunder thisGuarantyarepaidinfull. Guarantor
waivesand releasesany
andall claimsor causesof action Guarantor mighthaveagainstanyattorney actingunder the
terms of the authority which Guarantorhasgrantedhereinarisingout ofor connectedwiththeconfessionofjudgment
//DateSigned: //DateofBirth: //
Type ofIdentification (If signed in yourpresence):Address:City:
_________________________________________________State: ZipCode: PhoneNumber: (_)
IdentificationNumber(If signedin yourpresence):Social Security Number: ‐
_________________________________________________Driver’s License Number:
State Issued: MonthlyIncome:
If Guarantor does not signthe Guaranty AgreementinthepresenceofOwner,Guarantor’s signaturemustbenotarized.A
notarized, facsimile signatureis justasbindingasan original.
This instrumentwas acknowledged,swornto andsubscribedbeforemeon//(date).
Notary PublicSignature