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Fillable Printable Guardianship of Minor Form - Colorado
Fillable Printable Guardianship of Minor Form - Colorado

Guardianship of Minor Form - Colorado

Student Support Services
Revised: 8-11-11
COUNTY OF __________________________
Pursuant to Section 15 -10-104, C.R.S., I hereby delegate to
Name(s) of Guardian(s)
Address of Guardian(s)
Whom I designate my attorney in fact for this purpose, all of my power regarding custody, well being
(and property) of my minor child, ____________________________________, which are delegable
under the Colorado Probate Code, including the power to consent to surgical procedures and medical and
dental treatment (and to receive delivery or payment of money and property due the said minor child).
In accordance with the said Section, this delegation does not include power to consent to marriage or
adoption. This delegation is made for a period not exceeding twelve months and shall terminate on
_______________________. This power of attorney shall not be affected by disability of the principal
and shall remain in effect, to the extent permitted by Section 15-14-104 of the said Code,
notwithstanding later disab ility or incapacity of the pr incipal is dead or alive. It is agreed that both
parents have a right to visit with the children.
Date: ____________________________ ___________________________________
Signature of Mother
Signature of Father
Accepted by:
_________________________________ ___________________________________
Signature of Guardian Address of Guardian
Subscribed and sworn to before me on ___________________________________
My commission expires on: ___________________________________
____________________________________ ___________________________________
Notary Public Signature Address
Guardianship of Minor Form
Guardianship of Minor Form