- Custodial Parent Application for Child Support Services - South Carolina
- Supplemental Petition to Modify Parental Responsibility - Florida
- Child Custody Form - California
- Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) Affidavit - Florida
- Petition/Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation Instructions For Completing DOM REL 7 - Colorado
- Non-Custodial Parent Application for Child Support Services - South Carolina
Fillable Printable Petition/Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation Instructions For Completing DOM REL 7 - Colorado
Fillable Printable Petition/Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation Instructions For Completing DOM REL 7 - Colorado

Petition/Motion to Modify Custody/Visitation Instructions For Completing DOM REL 7 - Colorado
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DRIN 7 - Revised 9 March 2001
If you already have a court order for custody or visitation, you can request the court to
change custody or visitation. To do this you may: (1) obtain the services of an attorney to handle
your case; or (2) file the case yourself by using the DOM REL forms.
Use this form only if there is already a court order for custody or visitation AND you were
named as a Plaintiff or Defendant in that court case. To complete this form, you will need a copy
of that order. If you do not have a copy, ask the Clerk of the Court how to get one.
There are 6 steps you must follow in order to proceed with the case yourself:
> STEP 1 — Completion of Form DOM REL 7.
Follow these instructions carefully.
Use this form only if there is already a court order for custody or visitation AND you were
named as a Plaintiff or Defendant in that court case. To complete this form, you will need a copy
of that order. If you do not have a copy, ask the Clerk of the Court how to get one.
After you have a copy of the original court order, fill in:
● the case number exactly as it appears on the order;
● the name(s) of the Plaintiff and the Defendant(s) exactly as they appear on the order;
● the current addresses and telephone numbers for the Plaintiff and each Defendant. If
you do not have an address for a defendant and you have done everything you can to
find the address, call the Legal Forms Helpline
(1-800-818-9888) to see if resources are available in your county to help you.
Line 1: After printing your name in the space provided, circle if you are the mother or
father of the child(ren) or fill in your relationship to the child(ren). List the child(ren)’s
full name(s) and date(s) of birth.
Line 2: Looking at the order, fill in the date, city or county where the order was
granted, the case number, the name of the person with custody, and the name of the
person(s) granted visitation.
Line 3: For the court to grant your petition to modify custody/visitation, there must
have been a change in circumstances that makes it in the best interests of the child(ren) to

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DRIN 7 - Revised 9 March 2001
change the custody/visitation. Explain what has happened to make this change in
custody/visitation necessary.
Line 4: Indicate any other cases that have involved the children.
● Explain how you would like the custody/visitation to be changed.
● If you are also seeking a change in the current child support order, check off the box
indicating you are seeking such a change.
The court will not necessarily give you what you asked for.
Date and sign this form.
> STEP 2 — Filing Fee.
Payment of a filing fee is generally required. See General Instructions.
> STEP 3 — Filing Your Forms.
Take the completed documents to the Clerk of the Court.
> STEP 4 — Service.
You will need to have the other party properly served with a copy of all the papers you are
filing AND with a Writ of Summons which is provided by the Civil Clerk of this Court. See
General Instructions.
> STEP 5 — Request for Hearing or Proceeding.
The Petition/Motion for Modification of Custody/Visitation alone will not get you into
court. You may need to file a Request for Hearing or Proceeding, DOM REL 59 so that a court
date will be set. See General Instructions.
> STEP 6 — Hearing.
See page 5 of the General Instructions - What Happens in Court?
Custody is one of the most difficult types of cases. IF A CHANGE IN CUSTODY IS

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Effective January 1, 2003
Circuit Court for _________________________________________________________________
City or County
Plaintiff: This Information Report must be completed and attached to the complaint filed with the Clerk of
Court unless your case is exempted from the requirement by the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals pursuant to
Rule 2-1 11. A copy must be included for each defendant to be served.
Defendant: You m ust file an Info rmation Report a s required by Rule 2 -323(h).
(Clerk to insert)
CASE NAME: _____________________________________ v _________________________________________
Plaintiff Defendant
PART Y’S NA ME:_ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ P HON E: ( )
(Daytime phone)
ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________________
PART Y’S AT TOR NEY ’S NAM E: ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ___ P HON E: ( )
ATTORNEY ’S ADDRESS:________________________________________________________________________
I am not represented by an attorney
RELATED CASE PENDING? Yes No If yes, Court and Case #(s), if known:______________________
Special Req uirements? Interpreter/communication impairment Which language______________
(Attach Form 1-332 if Accommodation or Interpreter Needed) Which dialect________________
ADA accommodation:___________________________________________
Is this case app ropriate for referral to an A DR pro cess under Md. Rule 17-10 1? (Che ck all that app ly)
A. Mediation Yes No C. Settlement Conference Yes No
B. Arbitration Yes No D. Neutral Evaluation Yes No
IS THIS CASE CONTESTED? Yes No If yes, which issues appear to be contested?
Ground for divorce
Child Custody Visitation
Child Support
Alimony Permanent Rehabilitative
Use and possession of family home and prop erty
Marital property issues involving:
Valuation of business Pensions Bank accounts/IRA ’s Real Pro perty
Other: _________________________________________________________________________
Adoptio n/termination o f parental rights
Other: ________________________________________________________________________________
Request is m ade for: Initial order Modification Contemp t Absolute Divorce Limited Divorce
For non-c ustody/visitation issues, do you intend to req uest:
Court-appointed expert (name field)___________ Mediation by a Court-sponsored settlement program
Initial conference with the Court Other: _____________________________________
For custod y/visitation issues, do you intend to request:
Mediation by a private mediator Appointment of cou nsel to repre sent child (no t just to
Evaluation by mental health professional waive psychiatric privilege)
Other Evaluation ____________________ A conference with the Court
Is there an allegation of physical or sexual abuse of party or child? Yes No

Page 2 o f 2 Effective January 1, 2003
CASE NAME: ______________________ V _____________________ CASE NUM BER: _____________________
Plaintiff Defendant (Clerk to insert)
TIME E STIMA TE FOR A ME RITS HEARING: _____ ___ ho urs ____ ____ d ays
TIME E STIMA TE FOR HEAR ING OTH ER THA N A M ERITS HE ARING : _____ ___ ho urs ____ ____ d ays
___________________________________________ ______________________________________
Signature of Counsel/Party Date
Print Na me
Street Address

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DR 7 - Revised 9 March 2001
Circuit Court for Case No.
City or County
Name Name
Street Address Apt. # Street Address Apt. #
( ) ( )
City State Zip Code Area Telephone City State Zip Code Area Telephone
Plaintiff Defendant No. 1
Street Address Apt. #
( )
City State Zip Code Area Telephone
Defendant No. 2
I, , representing myself, state that:
My name
1. I am the mother/ father or of :
Relationship (for example, aunt, grandfather, guardian, etc)
name of child date of birth name of child date of birth
name of child date of birth name of child date of birth
name of child date of birth name of child date of birth
name of child date of birth name of child date of birth
2. On the Circuit Court for issued
City or County
an order in case number , granting custody of the child(ren) to
and visitation to .
3. Since the order, circumstances have changed and the Order is no longer in the best interest of
the child(ren) because:

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DR 7 - Revised 9 March 2001
4. I know of the following additional cases concerning the child(ren) (such as domestic violence
(protective order), paternity, divorce of the child(ren)’s parents, custody, visitation, or
juvenile court cases):
Case No. Kind of Case Year Filed Results or Status (if you know)
FOR THESE REASONS, I request the Court change custody and/or visitation as follows:
State the changes that you are requesting
and order any other appropriate relief.
[ ] I am also requesting a change in the current child support order.
I solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury that the contents of the foregoing paper are
true to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.
Date Signature